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Shanahan on NFL network-"Haynesworth will not be traded"


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This is disingenuous at best. If something isn't up for trade the way you answer that phone is "sorry but we aren't interested in trading him at all" not "well... what are you offering?!" because anyone can tell you that response gets around and as far as other teams are concerned it puts your guy in play.

We don't have ANY players on our team that wouldn't be available for right price. So, of course they'd listen to offers, particularly because we're changing defensive schemes eliminating the position at which AH has dominated. Maybe he can be dominant in the 3-4, but everyone knows he can dominate at the 3 technique.

But I think (well hope) we're not going to trade him just to trade him. He's clearly one of the best DTs in the game and trading him for a 3rd would be terrible in my opinion. Only comparison I can make would be the Randy Moss trade from Oakland to NE for a 4th. You had a player who was possibly the best at his position traded because of supposed attitude problems who went on to set all kinds of records. I'd rather not be the Raiders in that trade analogy...

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If Shanahan is denying that AH will be traded but JLC and others are convinced that he will be, it seems logical that team(s) are making offers to the Skins for him, but that those offers aren't good enough for Shanahan. So, to try and drive the price higher, he says "no, we're not trading him." Every player has a price, and AH's just hasn't been met, I guess?

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Don't ASS U ME.
I disagree

I believe Shanhan and Allen when they say they are not shopping AH (or sending out feelers for him).

However, that doesn't mean they aren't taking phone calls if someone comes along and inquires about him.

Both Schefter and JLC have league sources.

Schefter is playing the part of Shanny's mouthpiece and JLC is just reporting what his sources are telling him. To think that one is usually right and the other is usually wrong is a poor way to analyze the situation.

It's possible that Shanny has only been taking calls but that's pretty much the same thing as sending out feelers since Big Al was offered in a trade before. If the price was right he would've pulled the trigger, no doubt about it.

Whatever Shanny says in public now is pure damage control. Either that or it's to announce the trade.

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I agree, I doubt very seriously that it's as bad as the media has stirred it to be.

They love to create controversy, and with the Redskins it's always been easy to do.

I am of the thinking that his ability means you have to keep him, even if it means putting up with a little BS. The guy is the best at his job. when you've got the best player in the league ata given position, you can't just be looking to dump him for a 3rd round pick. (That said, Shanahan has never been shy about doing just that. Portis had 5,000 yards in his first two years in Denver and was dealt.)


I am so glad to see you on the same side of things as me.

that said, i don't trust a word out of shanahallen. not that they say much to trust anwyays.

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I agree, I doubt very seriously that it's as bad as the media has stirred it to be.

They love to create controversy, and with the Redskins it's always been easy to do.

I am of the thinking that his ability means you have to keep him, even if it means putting up with a little BS. The guy is the best at his job. when you've got the best player in the league ata given position, you can't just be looking to dump him for a 3rd round pick. (That said, Shanahan has never been shy about doing just that. Portis had 5,000 yards in his first two years in Denver and was dealt.)


I think you mean Portis had 3,000 in his first two years in Denver, not 5,000 lol (that would be something...damn!). Also, it's usually said that Shanahan felt his blocking schemes made the running backs more so than the running backs made it themselves, and that he could replace his running backs and still get good production. He didn't have a similar type scheme on defense that made nobodies look like Haynesworth...so it's a little different, to say the least.

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I am so glad to see you on the same side of things as me.

that said, i don't trust a word out of shanahallen. not that they say much to trust anwyays.

I agree that you cant listen to them or trust them but I think this is different. There is no quicker way to lose your players trust than to say on national television that a player wont be traded, and then go and trade him an hour later. So i think hes telling the truth here.

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Whatever Shanny says in public now is pure damage control. Either that or it's to announce the trade.

What about the Saints coming out and saying "we have ZERO interest in Haynesworth. ZERO."?...Is that damage control on their end? Or are they helping Shanahan out with his damage control? lol...Or, would that, coupled with the Shanahan comments, indicate that maybe, just maybe, the media is running a little too fast and a little too far with what's basically a non-story?

I vote for the 3rd option.

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This is disingenuous at best. If something isn't up for trade the way you answer that phone is "sorry but we aren't interested in trading him at all" not "well... what are you offering?!" because anyone can tell you that response gets around and as far as other teams are concerned it puts your guy in play.

If someone comes a calling offering to give you a high draft pick for player you aren't sure is totally commited to your club and what you are instilling, you listen.

However, that is different from picking up the phone and making the deal yourself.

It says 'we may take the right offer if it comes along, but we aren't trying to push him out the door.'

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I agree that you cant listen to them or trust them but I think this is different. There is no quicker way to lose your players trust than to say on national television that a player wont be traded, and then go and trade him an hour later. So i think hes telling the truth here.
One great way to start to lose your players' confidence? Go on national TV and swear that a player is not going to be traded...and then trade him anyways soon afterwards. I wanna believe Shanahan isn't that dense.

People need to LISTEN to us lol :yes: :cool:...

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This is disingenuous at best. If something isn't up for trade the way you answer that phone is "sorry but we aren't interested in trading him at all" not "well... what are you offering?!" because anyone can tell you that response gets around and as far as other teams are concerned it puts your guy in play.


As far as I'm concerned, the correct answer is "Every player is available for trade. If somebody's willing to offer enough."

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You people are out of your minds if you think this team is not trying to get rid of AH.

The lazy, tub of lard wants out and is willing to be a problem to force the issue.

And when he is gone, it won't be soon enough. If only Danny listened to us last year when we were opposed to the signing.

Glad we're not giving him away. I'd rather inactivate him each week than take anything less than a 1st rounder for him.

When he shows up for the mandatory camps I would run his ass until they break him.

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Mike Shanahan shot this down three times (or more).

I mean, what the heck is wrong with this guy, JLC and his Post friends?

In micro, you see what happens with so-called objective reporting in the political media. It's about framing and priming the audience, find "sources" who completely fabricate things in order to malign a particular target. To a degree, it wouldn't surprise me if they repeatedly report things in order to fan the flames of dissent and then make the fiction a reality (JLC and JR here.)

You may not want to hear this but they did this with a certain beloved QB a LOT as well, though not from the negative standpoint. It's what they do over at the Post, it seems, particularly the beat writers (and yes, JLC is with NFL Network but I doubt he's put it behind him.)

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You guys are idiots to think that Shanny wants to change to a 3-4 this year and not have haynesworth there this year. Have we heard anything from Haynesworth himself? Nope.

I wouldn't have put it the way that you did, but I agree with your first sentence. And the answer to your second sentence is yes.

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I wish they'd trade Andre Carter. They're converting enough DE's to LB

I was skeptical at first too but I'm convinced that we arnt running a conventional 3-4. Carter and Haynesworth will be fine with our defense and play well. If we were running arizona or san frans 3-4 then we might've had to make moves but we are running the same defense that we've employed with Gregg Williams in exotic blitz situations. He frequently lined up in a 3-4 front to send blitzes and we executed very well. We'll be good we have smart defensive players.

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