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HuffPost: Fox News Pulls Sean Hannity From Tea Party Rally


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as someone who typically votes republican more than democratic, i can't believe anyone would think Fox News has any journalistic integrity, or that what they produce is 'News' in any form. Unless you're a sheeple.

The same can be said about MSNBC, or CNN. Hell, CNN has become TNN (Twiter News Network).

Fox News kills in the ratings. That doesn't make its product News, or say anything about its (lack of) journalitic integrity.

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I think you guys are misunderstanding what is happening.

The GOP driven Fox news is afraid that the tea party will undermine their establishment picks for office. Their attempts at co-opting were not as successful as they wished so they now must distance themselves.

That said, there is a huge neo-con influence still driving many Tea Party base and that ultimately will be their downfall. Sad because it started off with great goals in mind (2007 tea party btw)

Funny, my opinion is that it's the other way around.

That the Tea Parties were always a creation of the Republican machine, that Fox News has been an active co-conspirator with the plan for years.

That they were created for the purpose of inspiring and encouraging the whackjobs which make up an absolutely essential part of Republican power. A segment which they cannot possibly do without.

But a segment which they'd rather not have the non-delusional audience see.

Solution: Create a sock puppet. "Oh, I'm not encouraging them. It's that puppet over there who's doing that." (see: swiftboaters.)

Well, now that the sock puppet has been inflated enough to stand on it's own, it's time for the people who've been pumping it for years to pretend that it's independent.

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That they were created for the purpose of inspiring and encouraging the whackjobs which make up an absolutely essential part of Republican power. A segment which they cannot possibly do without.

This statement alone tells me you have little knowledge about the Tea Party movement outside of what CNN and MSNBC tell you. Have you ever been to a Tea Party before to see what it's all about? You're obviously not conservative so I can't blame you for not going, but you really have the wrong picture. The majority of people are war vets, people over 40 years of age, and just a lot of random people make up the rest. They are not "whackjobs." They are normal people who are tired of their government spending their money and money they don't have which is threatening the economic security of our nation. America is bankrupt. China literally owns us. You don't have to be a whackjob to be angry about that and want to protest it. I am a Tea Party supporter as are most of my normal conservative friends and family members. We are not anarchists. We are not violent. We are not racist. We are not "whackjobs." Janet Napolitano and her clan have given everyone the impression that conservative activists are whackjobs who are either angry, violent war vets or crazy people wanting to take over the government. People have been arrested for sporting a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker because the government thinks it's subversive. IT ORIGINATED IN TEH REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND HAS BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE US MARINE CORPS! Since when is it unAmerican for conservatives to protest a radically left government?

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Funny, my opinion is that it's the other way around.

That the Tea Parties were always a creation of the Republican machine, that Fox News has been an active co-conspirator with the plan for years.

That they were created for the purpose of inspiring and encouraging the whackjobs which make up an absolutely essential part of Republican power. A segment which they cannot possibly do without.

But a segment which they'd rather not have the non-delusional audience see.

Solution: Create a sock puppet. "Oh, I'm not encouraging them. It's that puppet over there who's doing that." (see: swiftboaters.)

Well, now that the sock puppet has been inflated enough to stand on it's own, it's time for the people who've been pumping it for years to pretend that it's independent.

Your opinion is all well and good but it doesn't change the simple fact that the first modern tea party had nothing to do with the gop or fox news.

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I think you guys are misunderstanding what is happening.

The GOP driven Fox news is afraid that the tea party will undermine their establishment picks for office. Their attempts at co-opting were not as successful as they wished so they now must distance themselves.

That said, there is a huge neo-con influence still driving many Tea Party base and that ultimately will be their downfall. Sad because it started off with great goals in mind (2007 tea party btw)

Interesting take.

I'm just glad that FoxNews has decided, finally, that they shouldn't be supporting any party.

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Please give some sort of citation on this




From the person everybody seems to hate, my man Glenn Beck http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,509929,00.html

The government has done a study now to help authorities identify domestic terrorists. See if any of these potential warning signs seem familiar.

The report was put together by the Missouri Information Analysis Center. It warns that militia members, most commonly associate with third-party political groups. They may display constitutional party, campaign for liberty or libertarian material.

Militia members are quote, "usually supporters of Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr." A motivation for militia activity, according to the government now, is the anticipation of the economic collapse of the U.S. Government.

Oh. And the report continues that militia members may have cartoons and bumper stickers. Yes, with anti-government rhetoric. Or sometimes, they'll have a Ron Paul bumper sticker, or they'll have this flag, "Don't tread on me." Oh, it's a snake!

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Cool. It's been at least a week since we've had a "FoxNews isnt real, oh yeah, well MSNBC is just as bad" fight.





But we're all hoping that FOX Vader can be turned. We sense some good still in him even though Obi Wan tells us that nowadays he is mostly a machine for the Republican Empire.

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so an account by a "detainee" with no name or name of the agency who detained him, reported on a website I have never heard of, and also two other articles citing a study that claims that anti govt miltia members may identify with the slogan "Don't tread on me." which sounds like such a crazy assumption...

maybe i should take the flag with the exact slogan that has been hanging on my porch for the past 4 years.

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This statement alone tells me you have little knowledge about the Tea Party movement outside of what CNN and MSNBC tell you. Have you ever been to a Tea Party before to see what it's all about? You're obviously not conservative so I can't blame you for not going, but you really have the wrong picture. The majority of people are war vets, people over 40 years of age, and just a lot of random people make up the rest. They are not "whackjobs." They are normal people who are tired of their government spending their money and money they don't have which is threatening the economic security of our nation. America is bankrupt. China literally owns us. You don't have to be a whackjob to be angry about that and want to protest it. I am a Tea Party supporter as are most of my normal conservative friends and family members. We are not anarchists. We are not violent. We are not racist. We are not "whackjobs." Janet Napolitano and her clan have given everyone the impression that conservative activists are whackjobs who are either angry, violent war vets or crazy people wanting to take over the government. People have been arrested for sporting a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker because the government thinks it's subversive. IT ORIGINATED IN TEH REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND HAS BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE US MARINE CORPS! Since when is it unAmerican for conservatives to protest a radically left government?

I have been to a tea party and watched many others on television.

I do not think that the tea parties are made up of haters and whackjobs (but they certainly attract the haters and whackjobs and clearly enjoy their antics).

I have no doubt that most are sincere, seriously concerned people.

My problem is that they are operating on fear, have no idea what they are talking about half the time, have no specific solutions, and are looking for scapegoats. Their goals contradict each other, and can be summed up as "Keep your Government Hands off My Medicare!" They want taxes lowered on the rich, even though they are not rich and we are running huge deficits. They want cuts in government, but no cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or Defense (which together make up 80 percent of the federal budget). They feel horribly persecuted, but misidentify who is doing the persecution.

In short, they are a populist mob, easily led by anyone who gives them one simple message: "Things are messed up and it's not YOUR fault, it's someone else's fault!"

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Cool. It's been at least a week since we've had a "FoxNews isnt real, oh yeah, well MSNBC is just as bad" fight.

Just think of all the hard work it takes by both of those outfits to allow CNN to barely eek out a slightly preferred status among non-loonies. :pfft:

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My problem is that they are operating on fear,

Yes. They fear an overstepping government. They shouldn't protest just because they have come together out of fear? That seems like the best reason to protest.

I don't agree with this. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's happening under the Obama administration.have no idea what they are talking about half the time,

I don't agree with this. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what's happening under the Obama administration

have no specific solutions,

That's not true either. See the following quotation. It's the new Tea Party "Contract for America."

(1) Require each bill to identify its constitutional authorization


Oregon Teacher Panel Probes Educator Determined to 'Demolish' Tea Party

(2) Defund, repeal, and replace government-run health care

(3) Demand a balanced budget

(4) End runaway government spending by imposing a statutory cap limiting growth in federal spending

(5) Enact fundamental reform to simplify and lower taxes

(6)Create a Blue Ribbon task force that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs

(7) Reject cap-and-trade

(8) Pass an “all of the above” energy policy

(9) Stop the 2011 tax hikes

(10) Stop the pork.


and are looking for scapegoats.

Yes, the government . . . and it actually is there fault. They spend our money like it's going out of style.

Their goals contradict each other, and can be summed up as "Keep your Government Hands off My Medicare!" They want taxes lowered on the rich, even though they are not rich and we are running huge deficits. They want cuts in government, but no cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid or Defense (which together make up 80 percent of the federal budget). They feel horribly persecuted, but misidentify who is doing the persecution.

You're exaggerating. There are ways to keep some benefits without breaking the bank. See the above quotation.

In short, they are a populist mob, easily led by anyone who gives them one simple message: "Things are messed up and it's not YOUR fault, it's someone else's fault!"

Once again, you are incorrect. The Tea Party movement prides itself on not having a leader. There is no Republican making huge strides by taking advantage of the movement. There is no consensus name. The Tea Party is not being led by anyone.

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Once again, you are incorrect. The Tea Party movement prides itself on not having a leader. There is no Republican making huge strides by taking advantage of the movement. There is no consensus name. The Tea Party is not being led by anyone.

Dick Armey loves guys like you.

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