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Hypothetical: Cooley to Pats for 2nd and 4th?


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Thoughts? I love Cooley, but if this were real and the Pats really did offer a 2nd and 4th, I think you'd have to take it.


Chris Cooley: Would Washington Redskins Trade Him To New England?

Fred Davis emerged in 2009 as a legitimate threat as a pass-catching tight end. While he is not yet the polished route runner that Chris Cooley is, his upside potential may be greater than Cooley's.

Having both Davis and Cooley is a luxury for the Redskins, and they could become an excellent duo at the position. But with so many needs to fill, Washington can afford to sacrifice one of them.

Which one? The no-brainer would be Cooley. He's older at 27, and he is coming off of an ankle injury, but he still has a high trade value. Cooley is still capable of playing at a very high level.

Who would the Redskins trade Cooley to, and for what compensation? A good fit for a trade would be the New England Patriots. After recently losing Ben Watson, the Patriots have a glaring need at the tight end position.

The Patriots also have three second-round picks in the upcoming draft, giving them good currency for a trade. One second- and one fourth-round pick would be a good deal for Cooley, and since the Redskins currently only have five picks, they could put them to good use.

The Redskins' signing of Sean Ryan to be a blocking tight end is a good indication that a deal may be imminent. An NFL team needs one good pass-catching tight end and one that can block, and in Ryan and Davis, they have both. Cooley may be the odd man out.

With some extra high picks in the draft, the Redskins would be well positioned to rebuild their offensive line with an infusion of youthful talent. While it would sadden many Redskins fans to see one of their favorites traded away, Mike Shanahan needs to make some hard decisions to ensure a brighter future for Washington.

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I would take that deal in a heartbeat but it just seems like the person writing this is just guessing. I mean just because the PATS lost Watson hes assuming they like Cooley and they want to trade for him. I mean shouldnt this article only be written if its known the 2 teams have atleast talked about the deal I'm telling you theres so many so called reporters just guessing these days trying to hit a big story by guessing so they can say look I found this out first.

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This is what I first thought of when I saw the Pats did not retain Ben Watson and we picked up Ryan...I'd hate to see Cooley go, he's my favorite Redskins.

But at the same time those draft picks would be nice...tough choices for shanallen to make.

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We need more picks badly, but I'm a big Cooley fan (isn't everybody?).

I'd be torn on this trade should something like this developed. Like the post says though, Davis isn't to Cooley's level yet, but he does have a higher ceiling than Cooley does.

If the Pats were willing it would be a good deal I guess.

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Yea as much of a sweet deal that would be. Of all players, Cooley is the one i want to end his career as a Redskins. He's an average joe, like the rest of us. There should be more players like him who are not always caught up in the PROFESSIONALISM, and realize they are human too. And he appreciates the fans alot. Which is a GREAT thing.

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Look, Cooley is one of my favorite players, never had any problems with him as a person, unlike some other players. But if the pats really do offer a 2nd rounder and 4th rounder for Cooley, we have to take that trade. We have several holes and depth issues, and there's only so much we'll be able to do with this FA market. We don't have a real FS or a true 3-4 outside linebacker. We only have one NT who's 31 fresh off IR. Not to mention we've only been able to sign one player to improve our dismal offensive line.

I love Cooley, just like the rest of ya'll. But for the better of the overall team, we would have to take this trade if it is indeed real. Two TEs like that is a luxury, and now we have a legit runblocker as a backup. I know it's getting cliche' around here, but there are no sacred cows on a 4-12 football team.

edit- they have the 44th, 47th, and 53rd overall picks. I want the 44, but I'll settle for the 47. Patriots are normally the team bending people over, not the other way around, so I don't know if this is every going to happen.

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I would trade him but that offer would have to be sweet. I'm talkn their 2nd and a 3rd (if they have one) or maybe even that 1st. They have 3 2nd rounders. If they really want him we have the leverage not them. I'm just sayn

How bout Cooley and our 4th for 2 of their 2nd rounders. That would be nice also.

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Davis while more athletic is nowhere near the player Cooley is and honestly i don't think he ever reaches Cooleys level.. Chris might not be the most athletic but he is smart a great route runner and sure handed.. Not only that but he is a true Redskin in my eyes and should retire that way..

Thats all we need is to trade a proven probowler for 2 draft picks who might be bust unless you get lucky and a unproven inconsistent Sleepy Davis..

I would trade Davis but you won't get value.. I think having both these guys will help us tremendously in the run and pass game while in 2 TE sets its like having 4 wr's in the game..

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If you want to go QB in the first round there is no way you would want to move Cooley or Davis for anything that does not include multiple picks and a dump-off receiver of some sort. Heck, you probably wouldn't want to move Cooley or Davis no matter what our draft plans are unless you get multiple picks and a dump-off guy.

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