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I was only playing deathmatch at first as well, but I've started playing Rush or Conquest. There are different maps other than the small ones for deathmatch, and more vehicles to use. In squad deathmatch there is only one vehicle to use.

Oh, and I'm playing on 360.

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Anyone playing rush and conquest? I dont know if its the MW in me but so far i have only ventured into the squad deathmatch grounds. How are those modes if anyone is playing.

yeah, i was doing the same until last night. i played some rush, and it was pretty cool. the maps are much more diverse. you can pilot boats, jet skis, helicopters, etc. the goal is to attack/defend a base.

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Anyone playing rush and conquest? I dont know if its the MW in me but so far i have only ventured into the squad deathmatch grounds. How are those modes if anyone is playing.

I think Rush is the most fun... in competitive play it's going to be interesting to see how they stop tanks from destroying all the objectives from long range. (gamers practice trick shots).

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I got it from Xbox360 if anyone wants to play sometime. My GT is Uh Fudeu.

I enjoy the game a lot more than CoD. The worst part of the game IMO is when you get stuck on a ****ty team and the other team is camp spawning you. In conquest, for example, the other team will have all 3 points and go to your deployment where you spawn with tanks and helicopters and take you out. What you have to do is escape your deployment and get your squad members to spawn on you and cap a point.

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Glad people are starting to see the light. This game is way better and way more fun then repetitive MW2.

I'm on ps3 and my sign is obibyn if anyone wants to add me up.

Perks aren't as bad as they are in MW2...I mean you got "Juggernaut". WTF? Come on.

No Juggernaut here. Plus implementation of vehicles is a huge advantage. Tired of going everywhere by foot.

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Perks aren't as bad as they are in MW2...I mean you got "Juggernaut". WTF? Come on.

No Juggernaut here. Plus implementation of vehicles is a huge advantage. Tired of going everywhere by foot.

Exactly, more believable, more fun, more to do...the list goes on.

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Or in MW2



This "Last Stand" and all this nonsense...wtf...the thing about the Battlefield series is that it never depended on perks. And the original CoD's such as CoD 2 didn't depend on wacky perks either.

It's just my opinion, but I've been a long-time player of the Battlefield series and it is better than CoD in my opinion mainly because of the vehicles, helicopters and tanks and jeeps and other fun toys.

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Okay so as much as it hurts to say this, there is so much MW2 hate going around the interwebz that I've lost a lot of my will to play it. Almost like I'm wasting my time (even if that's what video games are for!).

I have a few questions for you all. What keeps you motivated to keep playing BC2? Are there a ton of challenges to break like there are in MW2, or is it just that "driving vehicles doesn't get old"? How extensive is the leveling process? Am I going to play this game for one month and be maxed out?

Are there ANY type of killstreak rewards? Is there a system that rewards you with "perks" so to speak? Like the more experienced you get the faster you reload your weapon?

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I'm a big CODer (I started the MW2 thread, and post in it a lot).

I bought this game a few days ago, and I cannot get off of it. COD is collecting dust.

Never in my life would I have thought that EA could outdo a COD game, but they have done it. This is a masterpiece. Incredible online experience.

100% more realistic than MW2.

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