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Okay so as much as it hurts to say this, there is so much MW2 hate going around the interwebz that I've lost a lot of my will to play it. Almost like I'm wasting my time (even if that's what video games are for!).

I have a few questions for you all. What keeps you motivated to keep playing BC2? Are there a ton of challenges to break like there are in MW2, or is it just that "driving vehicles doesn't get old"? How extensive is the leveling process? Am I going to play this game for one month and be maxed out?

Are there ANY type of killstreak rewards? Is there a system that rewards you with "perks" so to speak? Like the more experienced you get the faster you reload your weapon?

I got ya...

Ok so no killstreaks, none. Now there are 4 classes (Assault, Engineer, Medic, and Recon) Each class has it's own unlockable weapons, and specializations. For instance Assault can drop ammo packs for others to get ammo from, Engineer fixes damaged vehicles (any vehicle, even turrets), And a medic can revive people who died, and drop health packs. You get points for doing all of this btw...so do it often...Now actually a sniper doesnt really have a spec, but you unlock a spot sensor and when you are laying back in the cut you can spot enemies, and it shows up on the radar for everyone, if someone kills someone you spotted...you get points for it.

There are a decent amount of weapons to unlock for each class, and it takes a good amount of playing time to unlock everything for each class...right now I am at a 28 rank and I have only unlocked all the sniper and assault stuff.

Also there are universal specs unlocked for advancing in the game, like an armor pack, lightweight pack, explosives pack, etc...and you also unlock specs for your vehicles, like a smokescreen, or extra power, and quick reload time etc.

I think that had your questions covered, also the best part is extra specs, and weapons will become available through downloadable content.

And for the record, I dont hate MW2...I just hate that many think it is GREAT, when I just think its ok.

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I'm a big CODer (I started the MW2 thread, and post in it a lot).

I bought this game a few days ago, and I cannot get off of it. COD is collecting dust.

Never in my life would I have thought that EA could outdo a COD game, but they have done it. This is a masterpiece. Incredible online experience.

100% more realistic than MW2.

Welcome aboard the BC2 train. You should post this in the COD thread as well..maybe you can help a few others see the light a bit, and they can all experience a really good game, and stop playing the MW2 like drones.

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I'm on 360. I've been playing with a few friends and we have been waxing heads.

We won like 10 squad death-matches in a row last night. Really helps when you have a full squad that you can communicate well with.

Yea Jo, I think I've had you on my friends list since MW2 came out, but I don't think I ever played with ya. You think I can get in on that squad come monday?

All my friends only play MW2, I don't wanna be a lone gun.

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Can we keep this thread to BC2 and not about MW2? The bashing from both sides gets old. I want to talk about this game and all the things that I have no idea how to do... Like... Say...

Spot an enemy as a sniper, drop ammo packs, revive teammates, etc.

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Can we keep this thread to BC2 and not about MW2? The bashing from both sides gets old. I want to talk about this game and all the things that I have no idea how to do... Like... Say...

Spot an enemy as a sniper, drop ammo packs, revive teammates, etc.

Yo man we gotta run this on ps3 soon

You can spot ppl buy pushing select when they are in your sight this will put that red arrow overthem also it allows everyone on your team to see them so if someone else kills someone that you have spotted you get 20pts for an assist.

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Yo man we gotta run this on ps3 soon

You can spot ppl buy pushing select when they are in your sight this will put that red arrow overthem also it allows everyone on your team to see them so if someone else kills someone that you have spotted you get 20pts for an assist.

Yeah, we'll run soon bro. Definitely. Not nearly as good at this as I was the other game... So you'll have to show me the ropes a bit!

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Yeah, we'll run soon bro. Definitely. Not nearly as good at this as I was the other game... So you'll have to show me the ropes a bit!

Well the thing really is that Kills are not as important as overall team play /points. In mw2 you could get like 20 kills and really only 10-15 were yours bc the padded stats from the perk kills....This game I usually have 10-12 kills but because of spotting enemies or critically wounding enemies or blowing up nemy vehicles/ capturing enemy bases I always rank in the top tier. Now that said it could be because I enjoy sniping but I dont camp I mover the whole board and snipe, and set vehicle traps...I loaded a atv with c4 and drove it right at 2 enemy tanks as fast as i could about 20 yards from them i bailed and the atv kept rolling when it got to them i blew the c4 taking out 2 tanks and 6 enemies in one shot I got crazy bonus points for using the explosives and taking out that many ppl. Stuff like this makes me LOVE this game.

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See, I have NO idea how to do any of that.

How do you blow stuff up? I can't even figure out how to use anything other than my primary gun and a pistol.

How do you capture an enemy base? I stood next to one and I didn't see any prompts and after button pressing for a minute I got shot. (I was probably standing in the wrong spot)

How do you utilize c4?

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See, I have NO idea how to do any of that.

How do you blow stuff up? I can't even figure out how to use anything other than my primary gun and a pistol.

How do you capture an enemy base? I stood next to one and I didn't see any prompts and after button pressing for a minute I got shot. (I was probably standing in the wrong spot)

How do you utilize c4?

All your c4 and stuff like dropping ammo or healing other players u push left or right on the dpad not the stick the actual button d pad. so if you have c4 push left to bring it up then you plant with l1 and detonate with r1 you get 3 sticks its great for setting traps in tanks and stuff like that I recomend finding a chopper no one is using and putting c4 on it then as you see the enemy take off.....BOOM!

As far as capturing the base stand in the vacinity of the flag and a little meter comes up over your map as the flag lowere you will see the meter decrese and as your flag raises you will see the meter increase

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Yea Jo, I think I've had you on my friends list since MW2 came out, but I don't think I ever played with ya. You think I can get in on that squad come monday?

All my friends only play MW2, I don't wanna be a lone gun.

Yeah man, just let me know when you wanna play, I'm on most evenings.

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Anyone who wants to play and get shown the ropes add me up. Am currently ranked at level 28 and am ranked in the 3,000's on the leaderboard. I know what time it is.

PSN obibyn

KDR? mine is just under 2 at the moment and I'm fairly annoyed by it. I unlocked all the weapons though so I can work on getting that number to 3+ where it belongs!

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Even though the game isn't visually pleasing, I'm seriously considering buying it. I enjoy objective games a lot more than straight up death match and MW2 is just becoming a giant camp fest with everyone just looking to pad their kill death ratio. How big is the learning curve?

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KDR? mine is just under 2 at the moment and I'm fairly annoyed by it. I unlocked all the weapons though so I can work on getting that number to 3+ where it belongs!

You playing PC? Getting the urge to sign back on to TWL now but I think my wife will kill me :ols: Really miss the days of '42 competition. Even though we sucked as a team it was soooo much fun.

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You playing PC? Getting the urge to sign back on to TWL now but I think my wife will kill me :ols: Really miss the days of '42 competition. Even though we sucked as a team it was soooo much fun.

Of course I'm on PC! BF demands a mouse! lol I've been thinking about competing a little bit too. My teams in 42 were good but below the top tier which was paradigm, demise, and 20ID. I joined 20ID for BFV and BF2 which was fun (winning all the time), the strats on that team are INSANE.

My wife wouldn't go for it though lol.

listen to this

oooohhhh yeah baby. lol such a nerd.

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Even though the game isn't visually pleasing, I'm seriously considering buying it. I enjoy objective games a lot more than straight up death match and MW2 is just becoming a giant camp fest with everyone just looking to pad their kill death ratio. How big is the learning curve?

Game isnt visually pleasing? Some of the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. I see you said you havent bought it, so are you basing this observation on the demo?

Believe, me...this game is purty.

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I just got mine over 2 last night. Started off slow with the initial learning curve, but the past week been steadily putting in 25-30+ kill games with 5-15 deaths a match. KDR been rising ever since.

There is just so many ways to kill people on here been experimenting with them all. Not to mention doing all the additional point stuff like squad points and ammo, medic, engineer stuff...

So much fun

edit: ok so i just checked my stats, and my KDR is way under what I thought. Could have sworn I saw a 2.00+, but as it stands now its at 1.75, but like I said I started off slow. Just wanted to edit so I didnt look like a liar.

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