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If anybody is interested I have some friends that host a public server.

During the day it is normally set for 16 man squad deathmatch. In the evening we bump it up to 32 man rush.

You can do a server search for [LGN] and it will find it.

More about it here. . .


We now have a second server up running 16 man squad death match.

Like above you can do a search for [LGN]

The 32 man Rush server is the Virginia server

The 16 man squad death match is the New York Server

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I cant believe more people aren't playing this game. Personally i think the MP is more fun than Call of Duty but i have been playing Call of Duty online for 3 years now (MW1, WaW, and MW2). Its just a nice change of pace for me and i love that the maps are different each round seeing how when you hit a wall with a grenade it actually blows up. Sure i like some things on MW2 better than Bad Company 2, but overall i think Bad Company 2 is rather refreshing and it got me to trade in my MW2 without even looking back. My PSN handle is Zazzaro703 and would love to play online with some of you fine people. Getting ready to get on now. My only downfall is i dont have a mic, but plan on getting one soon.

One thing i freaking hate though is that the Melee knife button on BC2 is the R2 shoulder button. I cant tell you how many times i have gone to knife someone giggling with anticipation just to hit the right stick button and crouch instead of knifing and I'm the one looking like an idiot getting shot instead of the easy kill. Not sure about the public server but like i said wouldn't mind getting in a squad with a few of you guys and playing online.

*edit* Was going to start a thread on BC2 last night after i got chased out of the MW2 thread because my search wasn't working and i didnt want to start a duplicate thread. They seemed pretty angry when i said BC2 was more fun too as well heh heh. Oh well everyone likes different things, for me its BC2 for now. Nothing better than thinking "hey i would have a good vantage point from here if that wall wasn't there.... oh yeah... i can just blow a hole thru it.

Also, anyway you can alter your thread title to just Bad Company 2 so maybe more people will come in and read the thread? Or is there another general BC2 thread out there since my search doesn't work?

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I'm currently deciding between this and GOW3. I know they're entirely different, but whatever.

Only catch is, I had MAG... And while I liked it somewhat, it was too much for me. Just didn't feel smooth. If BC2 is anything like MAG is a def. no go.

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Oh man this is nothing like mag man...honestly I think this is the best shooter I have played. The audio is unlike any game I have ever played. If you are in the middle of a fire fight you know it. Plus you can collapse buildings to take whole squads out. The thing I really like is the cpu does not get kills for you. If you want to use a hellicopter to take out the enemy you had better know how to fly it or you will die... Its a blast man

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okay, whats the deal????

is this baby better MW2 or what?

i heard its much less run and gun? is that true?

any similarities to battlefield 1942? i loved that game.

have there been any brutal glitches yet??

can you make your own classes or are they default.

again, i loved BF 1942, but MW2 has me in a death grip.

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okay, whats the deal????

is this baby better MW2 or what?

i heard its much less run and gun? is that true?

any similarities to battlefield 1942? i loved that game.

have there been any brutal glitches yet??

can you make your own classes or are they default.

again, i loved BF 1942, but MW2 has me in a death grip.

Less run and gun than MW2... you really have to pick your spots if you're going to go Rambo (and make sure you have enough ammo). It does have more infantry fighting than BF42 which was significantly more vehicle heavy. In this game tanks are better off keeping their distance and also picking their spots to charge in... you roll into an enemy camp and your tank and you will be dead in 2 seconds flat. Having said that tanks can collapse buildings from a distance, you can sit outside a enemy camp and literally destroy their cover and bring their building down on their heads.

Snipers are absolutely lethal in this game. Hide from them at all times.

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I guess I need to give this game more time.

I suck at it right now so maybe that's why I haven't really gotten into it.

I was really disappointed with MW2 after the first week or two - I think it's very unbalanced and too arcadey.

I'll give this game more time and try to develop a better strategy I guess.

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I bought this for PS3 I really like the vehicles in this game. I like to run over people with the atv and blow up buildings with the tank. There is a chopper you can fly and have 2 people on the gunner also. I still play MW2 but BC2 is a great alternative.

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I guess I need to give this game more time.

I suck at it right now so maybe that's why I haven't really gotten into it.

I was really disappointed with MW2 after the first week or two - I think it's very unbalanced and too arcadey.

I'll give this game more time and try to develop a better strategy I guess.

The way to learn to play battlefield is this: Instead of trying to get the most kills try to have the least deaths. I don't mean hide in the back (which will get you knifed, oddly enough) I mean play cautious. Use cover and be patient don't charge in first, provide fire support and wait for the enemy to reveal himself.

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The game play is similar to 1942 as far as the fun factor

but it is way more strategic and tactical than mw2 in mw2 you can just run and gun or camp..like others have said in bc2 you really have to have a plan not just tun around. this game is more about overall team contribution not who can get the most kills in fact you can be ranked higher with captures and assists than just straight kills....i will tell you this there is nothing more rewarding than setting a trap and watching it work for example. last week i loaded a tank with c4 and drove it into the middle of the map then i got out and ran into a building with a good vantage point about 30 seconds later two guys from the other team took my tank as soon as they started driving it away i detonated the c4 and got points for 2 kills plus destroying the vehicle and there was a 3rd medal i earned im not sure if it was for setting the trap or for just having a massive kill but man it was the most fun kill i have ever had in any video game

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Hey RD421 whats your handle? I have for PS3 and mine is Zazzaro703. Def wouldn't mind teaming up with you on a squad. Ive logged about 6 hours and am about 1:1 ratio at the moment. Will be over 1.00 by the end of the night. My first few rounds were bad getting used to everything and i have about undone those first few bad rounds currently sitting at 212 Kills, 220 Deaths. Like others have said a lot more planning goes into this game. I really have only played the squad death match at the moment because i dont have a mic. Planning on getting one in 3 weeks because my next check is the rent and bills check *sigh*. I will not be going back to MW2 having played this game now for sure. I just like it so much more. I'm off tomorrow so will be playing if you will be around.

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One of the negatives of this game though is the freaking people that choose recon (snipers) just to be a kill/death ratio whore. I've seen guys on my squad stay in the same freaking spot most of the game and you can tell because when you die you can choose to spawn at random or spawn where your squadmates are. So you cycle through and just see your guy sitting on the very edge of the map sniping. That desert level is just one big snipefest which is just lame but it happens with all FPS games.

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Glad to finally see a BFBC2 thread going! Love this game, especially the strategy envolved and how being a team makes you better at the game instead of "run and gun".

If you guys are interested in finding other gamers come visit http://badcompanytwo.com. They cater to all BFBC2 players from PC, PS3, and Xbox. They will be adding ladders and competitions soon and would like you guys to join our community. Click on forums and sign up and say hi!

I play on the PS3 and my PSN is Chuck127

I also have a clan going and are accepting members... our private forums are on the site I listed above.

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One of the negatives of this game though is the freaking people that choose recon (snipers) just to be a kill/death ratio whore. I've seen guys on my squad stay in the same freaking spot most of the game and you can tell because when you die you can choose to spawn at random or spawn where your squadmates are. So you cycle through and just see your guy sitting on the very edge of the map sniping. That desert level is just one big snipefest which is just lame but it happens with all FPS games.

If you want a better KDR engi is the way to go. Select the kit that increases the rockets you carry and play at medium range (between the snipers and the assault). It's not uncommon for me to average a KDR of 7 or more this way. The funny thing is snipers are your easiest prey as their shots leave trails back to them and they don't move.

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Hey RD421 whats your handle? I have for PS3 and mine is Zazzaro703. Def wouldn't mind teaming up with you on a squad. Ive logged about 6 hours and am about 1:1 ratio at the moment. Will be over 1.00 by the end of the night. My first few rounds were bad getting used to everything and i have about undone those first few bad rounds currently sitting at 212 Kills, 220 Deaths. Like others have said a lot more planning goes into this game. I really have only played the squad death match at the moment because i dont have a mic. Planning on getting one in 3 weeks because my next check is the rent and bills check *sigh*. I will not be going back to MW2 having played this game now for sure. I just like it so much more. I'm off tomorrow so will be playing if you will be around.

psn id is rd421 send me the invite and we can hook it up

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