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Bad Company 2


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Game isnt visually pleasing? Some of the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. I see you said you havent bought it, so are you basing this observation on the demo?

Believe, me...this game is purty.

Yeah the demo looked like this game belonged to the first playstation. But I actually like what I see from the game play videos onYT. Seems like a detailed game where objective games are actually played the way they are supposed to be. I need a change from all the dumb asses on MW2 who do nothing but camp in corners so their pretty kdr doesn't mess up.

I'm gonna go get this for Xbox soon. Look forward to playing with some of you.

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God damn I was beastin this morning. Playing a rush match.

I was a defender, and the attackers kept going up in the black hawk and trying to circle our island. I manned the heavy machine gun turret and must have shot down about 6 or 7 choppers. If they tried to eject I either shot them out of the sky, or let them land in the water, then pluck them as they tried to swim ashore. They tried to zig zag, but it was literally shooting fish in a barrel.

Hysterical. This game is awesome.

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welp...i just tore off the plastic last night and ran with some friends. OH MY FRIGGIN' GOD! FUN!!

definitely a change of pace from mw2 like many have said. i actually like the fact that other than the tanks and helis, there aren't any true killstreaks that encourage camping. you can camp in this game, and you might not see another soul the entire match, the maps are that big.

my first game in, i was taking cover in a building. my friends were on the mic like "Matt, get outta there! the've got a tank coming!"

The whole time i'm thinking to myself "wtf are they talking about, i'm taking cover in the building, i'm fine." then i hear the BOOM! my ears ring, and i turn around to see half the roof is blown off of the building i'm in and i can see the tank they're talking about. needless to say the next shot took me out LMAO

the sound effects in this game are WAAAAAY better than mw2. the sound of that diesel engine on those tanks...the helicopters...the sounds of the guns...

MY GOD. i haven't played anything else really since nov when MW2 dropped, but this might take it's place!!!


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dude...that's one thing i have to learn....not to spawn on somebody who is getting shot at. i don't know how many times i spawned on somebody and we were both killed immediately afterwards LOL

one thing i noticed as well...i played for a solid 2 hours last night, didn't experience any lag. none. zilch. :)

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dude...that's one thing i have to learn....not to spawn on somebody who is getting shot at. i don't know how many times i spawned on somebody and we were both killed immediately afterwards LOL

one thing i noticed as well...i played for a solid 2 hours last night, didn't experience any lag. none. zilch. :)

Spawning you can control... what bugs me is the medic that brings you back to life in the middle of a hail storm of bullets just to get his 50 points. I got murdered 4 times last night in a row because I died near a clearly sadistic medic.

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