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Is Shanahan the perfect coach for Colt Brennan?


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first off, zorn was the only coach in the NFL to give colt a chance so you should be praising him not trying to rip on him.

second this thread should be called "is colt brennan the perfect ir/bench guy?"

that is all he's ever been. never healthy and never a threat to anyone on the depth chart, except the ball boy maybe.

for all the guys who hate campbell let me give you a little information, this will be colt's third year:

what has he done?

no excuses, let's look at on the field nfl production. that's how this town works for every starting qb, so lets start applying that senseless hate towards the backups as well.

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To the poster who said Colt's mechanics needed to be "fixed," I think Zorn's micromanagement was probably the last thing Colt needed, and was likely the worst possible fit. Zorn probably prided himself more than anything on his ideas on mechanics, while Colt was already successful with unconventional mechanics (which explains why Colt was much better his original preseason).

The sad part is, in his zeal for wanting to be the Great QB Developer, Zorn might have missed all the best intangible qualities Colt already had to offer. One thing for example, in Colt's first preseason games his first year he already seemed to be ahead of the speed of the NFL game.

preseason is not NFL speed. that is a joke of a comment.

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Colt was put on IR so he couldn't leave this team, If the coachs thought Colt was

not good enough they could have cut him and let him go instead of putting him on

IR the whole year. There was a hidden reason for this. Redskins could have kept

Chase Daniels when he was playing better than JC, TC and CB in preseason.

I agree with this post. As poorly as Colt played the last couple of preseason games, the Skins still didn't want to release him so they IR'd him, which also meant they still had to pay him.

I guess I'm hoping that Shanahan see's something in Brennan in the May mini-camp and gives him a serious look.

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Collins wiped the floor with Colt.

It's a longshot, but I wouldn't count the old man out. If Shanahan takes a QB in the later rounds as more of a project, he might want to keep Collins around instead of having two untested QBS behind JC.

Did you watch Colt in preseason?

For the most part, he showed no field presence at all.

He would drop back too far or too slowly, scan the field casually like it was practice, then get crushed.

It was a bummer. I had high hopes for him too.

Collins is clearly the best QB on our roster and should have been our starter last year. He's just not young enough to build a future with. JC was made the starter from day 1 with no competition. Also, Colt, while looking shaky last preseason, he looked brilliant the preseason before. Why is that? Personally, like someone said earlier, I don't trust any evaluation from Zorn. I trust Shanahan. If he doesn't think he can develop Colt, then I respect that. If he does think he can win with Colt, that's great news IMO.

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Yet another who somehow feels every post about Colt that's not gushing in praise is really a post about Campbell lol...I'm back to hoping Colt gets cut from the team now, thanks a lot. ;)

Do you REALLY want people to trot out all the comments from media members and football analysts who say that Colt will never be anything other than maybe a back up at best, and pretend that somehow proves the opposite point of view? Really? lol...

No we just want a REAL open competition and are finally going to get it this season. No more coddling Jason so he won't go postal. As a matter of fact what %'s do you give the three QB's of being here at the start of training camp?

I say:

Colt 100%

Todd 75%

Jason 50%

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If Jasons career is ended because of open competition, it wont be due to bum azz Colt Brennan. I swear Im still trying to see why everyone continues to think this guy can fight for the #1 spot. Anythings possible, but he got his azz handed to him last year by Chase Daniel. If anything, CB fans need to pull for this scrub to get better. Stop acting like he is some hot shot who's proven himself time in and time out. Cause he hasnt. Right now he is garbage bag juice.

No they wont, he has a cool name, everything else will work itself out :doh:

Jason "doesn't" want open competition. He has said so repeatedly in interviews and as I have posted before the last time was on Lavar's show. He doesn't welcome us drafting or trading for another QG either because "he is a starting quarterback in the NFL."

Trade the bum ASAP.

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Please remember that in the last preseason the situation was that the Skins kad invested a lot in Campbell -- and 2009 was the year Jason would show whether he was worth the investment. It was never going to be an open competition for starter.

IMO, Collins was a better fit for Zorn's offense, and had there really been an open competiton I believe he would have leapfrogged Campbell to be the starter. But since Zorn & Co. has already annointed Jason as the starter -- and Jason got all the reps and the lion's share of the time with the first string.

So Collins, Brennan, and Daniel got the scraps -- they played with second string, third string, and the 'camp-bodies.' It's harder to show how how you compare under those circumstances. And what made it even harder was that Zorn oftentimes brought in the second string to play against the opponents' first string, or tried to test the third-string/camp-bodies versus the opponents second string. Those were the circumstances Brennan and Daniel had to work under.

It's my own perception, but from what I was saw in pre-season, Collins probably could have beaten Campbell, had there been an open competition. But it wasn't to be.

As for Brennan, at first he struggled. He did seem bogged down in trying to take on all of Zorn's instructions about mechanics, etc. His timing was a tiny bit slow, and because he was pressing the envelope -- he wound up getting picked. But towards the end of the pre-season, Colt was setting his feet better and the strength of his passing looked better. I think he could have shown better, but he was still playing with the 3rd and 4th string a lot -- and the thin O-line and receivers didn't help.

So Collins easily won the competion over Brennan and Daniel -- even if it was only for backup QB. (As I mentioned before Zorn's fate could not even support having Campbell in anything but the starter role.) In my opinion Brennan and Daniel were good backups; I can see why we put Brennan on IR to keep him, but I was surprised when Daniel was let go.

I think Brennan, if given a decent number of reps and a real shot with the starters, would could have put in a performance that compared very favorably to Campbell's performances. Brennan's biggest drawback would be his lack of front-line experience -- since that has been Jason's "monopoly" for a very long time now. That gap would disappear quickly, as Brennan logged in more hours.

...Here's hoping for 'de-regulation' !!

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So Collins, Brennan, and Daniel got the scraps -- they played with second string, third string, and the 'camp-bodies.' It's harder to show how how you compare under those circumstances.

I think you're misremembering this preseason.

Jason only saw extended action in the 3rd preseason game.

Go back and check the stats.

Colt Brennan threw a few more passes then Jason during the preseason games and Colt also had nearly double the attempts as Collins.

Zorn said and gave Colt every chance to prove himself.

That doesn't mean that Colt won't be better this year.

I personally think he will, but Colt had a chance last year to challenge for the No.2 spot and the combination of lackluster play and injury he didn't impress.

Further, not many teams in the league have a true 'open competition' during training camp because 1st string reps are vital to building chemistry for the starting unit.

For there to be a true 'open competition' the challenging QBs have to earn the right to be considered as credible threats to the incumbent QB.

And what made it even harder was that Zorn oftentimes brought in the second string to play against the opponents' first string, or tried to test the third-string/camp-bodies versus the opponents second string. Those were the circumstances Brennan and Daniel had to work under.

I remember Chase going against the Jags 1s with our 2s and Chase didn't have a chance.

I think the whole 2s vs 3s happens all the time in preseason i don't think its as big a deal as 1s vs 2s which also happens often during preseason.

And overall i left TC/preseason more impressed with Chase then i was with Colt.

So Collins easily won the competion over Brennan and Daniel -- even if it was only for backup QB. (As I mentioned before Zorn's fate could not even support having Campbell in anything but the starter role.) In my opinion Brennan and Daniel were good backups; I can see why we put Brennan on IR to keep him, but I was surprised when Daniel was let go.

I agree with you; all except for the Zorn's fate being tied to Campbell.

I always viewed Zorn as nothing more then an interim coach whose would only stick around if he had exceptional success.

Zorn fate was tied to winning games.

And if Zorn felt Collins would give him the best chance to win, why on earth wouldn't he play him?

The FO already showed the had no faith in Campbell, who would stop him from starting Collins?

I think Brennan, if given a decent number of reps and a real shot with the starters, would could have put in a performance that compared very favorably to Campbell's performances. Brennan's biggest drawback would be his lack of front-line experience -- since that has been Jason's "monopoly" for a very long time now. That gap would disappear quickly, as Brennan logged in more hours.

You said earlier that Collins easily won the competition for the No.2 spot if that is true what has Colt done to earn 1st team reps and to challenge for the No.1 spot?

I like Colt but i just do see how anyone who watched all three QBs play during both training camps and preseason games could think this way.

Colt's best and likely only chance to challenge for the No.1 spot would only happen if Jason is traded or released and the Redskins don't draft a QB in the first round.

Short of those 2 events Colt will most likely have to play his way on the team as 3rd string QB.

The Shanahans will likely bring in at least 1 QB that already has some experience in their system.


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Thanks God that all JC vs TC vs CB crap will be done with next year!

I don't care who our QB is as long as he can see the entire field and hit the open man.

This. I want a franchise QB more for this reason, so we don't have to hear the same crap repeatedly, than almost any other reason, except winning.

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Just a few of my thoughts on the subjects in this thread.

1- The failures of the past two seasons fall directly on the shoulders of DING (Vinny) and DONG (Snyder). They initially hired JZ to be the OC and QB coach only to turn around and make JZ head coach. Then to add insult to injury they forced him to devote himself to Jason Campbell.

2- As a token of their appreciation DONG allowed DING to draft Colt Brennan for JZ to mentor if he was successful enough with JC which would afford him the time necessary. Unfortunately Jason is 24/7 dependant.

3- Then the unexpected happened in Colt`s first preseason as even without the attention and support level given to JC he went and out preformed him. This made him a fly in the ointment which made JZ and many others attempt to crush the spirit of Colt and his supporters. As we now know this attempt failed (See COC) as testament.

4- But alas, JZ in an odd sort of way got lucky. Colt Brennan had a genetic defect in his hips, the previous year he had one hip surgery to repair the problem and this past season it was learned that he would also need the other hip repaired. This was good for Zorn as he no longer needed to keep Colt down and in an equally odd sort of way it was good for Colt. Why you ask?

5- Because of something a lot of so called followers of the Skins have failed to be aware of. Colt was placed in a unfavorable position, being down by 17 against the Ravens (First preseason game) with the infamous Devin Clark at LT he was sacked and his genetic issue with his hip was aggravated. He was able to continue but from that point on his accuracy, mechanics and escape ability were effected. Now he could have used this as an excuse for the poor performance but, instead he continued to give his best until the final game against the Jags when another sack resulted in him not being able to continue. So IMO yes his performance was poor but unlike us who do not know everything, the coaches and others inside knew and because of Colts desire, effort and commitment he was kept by the team and placed on IR. Or in others words he worked himself out of the dog house.

6- Another mistake being tossed around here is Chase Daniel, give me a break he was nothing more than a camp arm. By the end of the preseason he had only grasped 50% of the offense, had it not been for Colt`s injury he would only seen the field in 2 games and when he did see the field he was always put in favorable situations by only being required to read half the field. Nuff said.

7- So now let us get to the heart of the matter, "Is Shanahan the perfect coach for Colt Brennan?" Well considering that he has coached Jake the snake Plummer and Jay the pouter Cutler who both prosiest a similar Gunslinger mentality he may very well be. Throw in Colt`s reported ****y attitude which I do not subscribe to because IMO you are not ****y if you can back up what you say. Example: Colt told Cooley in the Hall of Fame game, "If we get the ball back, we are going to score" and he backed up by doing just that. Any coach should relish a QB with some ****iness, hell we all should.

8- To end these somewhat ramblings of a madman, I like most other Colt Brennan supporters only hope that Colt receives a TRUE opportunity to see if he is indeed worthy to be considered a possibility at the starting QB position. I am aware that at times over the top statements are made by myself and my fellow Colt brethren and most JC supporters love to label us as being delusional. To that I say we no more delusional than they, after all they have seen from JC they still believe, strangely enough.


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Countless QBs have looked great in preseason against scrubs.

Most of them -- hell, close to all of them -- don't turn into anything special.

Seriously, it's amazing how many folks are still talking about Colt's great preseason two years ago.

Again, the guy is almost 27 and has yet to take one real NFL snap. He'll be beating the odds if he makes the team.

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3- Then the unexpected happened in Colt`s first preseason as even without the attention and support level given to JC he went and out preformed him. This made him a fly in the ointment which made JZ and many others attempt to crush the spirit of Colt and his supporters. As we now know this attempt failed (See COC) as testament.

4- But alas, JZ in an odd sort of way got lucky. Colt Brennan had a genetic defect in his hips, the previous year he had one hip surgery to repair the problem and this past season it was learned that he would also need the other hip repaired. This was good for Zorn as he no longer needed to keep Colt down and in an equally odd sort of way it was good for Colt. Why you ask?

I think I have officially heard it all now. So there was a conspiracy among coaches and the FO to "keep Colt down" and "crush his spirit"?


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I think I have officially heard it all now. So there was a conspiracy among coaches and the FO to "keep Colt down" and "crush his spirit"?


I know, I read that earlier, and I couldn't even think up an adequate response, I couldn't even put my laughter into words that would properly express the ridiculousness. :doh:

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He's a better coach than Zorn for sure, given what Colt did in college it will be nice to see what Shanahan can do for him. We gotta take into consideration that Colt did play in WAC and the comp is not like playing in the Big East or the SEC, he young and throw but without a good O-Line he could end up being just an average QB.

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We gotta take into consideration that Colt did play in WAC and the comp is not like playing in the Big East or the SEC, he young and throw but without a good O-Line he could end up being just an average QB.

Yeah Colt played in the WAC and his competition wasn't nearly as good as say an SEC but it's relative. His surrounding talent was also WAC caliber as evidenced in the Sugar Bowl (Right Tackle - I'm looking at you).

Throw out the sugar bowl debacle and Colt has actually lit up BCS schools they've faced like Arizona St. and Washington (yeah I know but it's still a BCS school)

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3- Then the unexpected happened in Colt`s first preseason as even without the attention and support level given to JC he went and out preformed him. This made him a fly in the ointment which made JZ and many others attempt to crush the spirit of Colt and his supporters. As we now know this attempt failed (See COC) as testament.

I actually laughed out loud at this part.

It's all so ridiculous I don't even know where to begin.

The Cult of Colt is going to be really disappointed when Shanahan drafts a 1st or 2nd round QB this year.

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