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Robertson: Haiti 'cursed' since Satanic pact


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Well other than the fact that he was a major player in the rise of the Christian Right that lead to the downfall of social conservatism in the republican party. The party now pays lip service to economic conservatism and represents a religious social platform.
Yeah. Now, if they did the reverse it'd be good.
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I wish Pat Robertson would learn to shut up.

BTW, Pat answer me this.

If the people of Haiti where all in a pact with the devil then why would the devil want to drop buildings on their head and cause them to seek God for salvation. And why would he want to cause a calamity that would bring in Christian aide agencies to help those who survived? Wouldn't it have served the devil better to let the Haitian people live in absolute abundance and luxury?

Stupid, stupid Pat.

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It's interesting to see the people in this thread who heatedly denounce some posters on here for stereotyping the Muslim faith over comments and acts made by radical Islamists...yet have no problem turning right around and denouncing and/or making fun of Christianity for comments made by a radical "Christian"...

Stereotyping on both of these fronts is ridiculous and speaks to your true agenda.

Obviously, this guy is WHACK. Duh.

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It's interesting to see the people in this thread who heatedly denounce some posters on here for stereotyping the Muslim faith over comments and acts made by radical Islamists...yet have no problem turning right around and denouncing and/or making fun of Christianity for comments made by a radical "Christian"...

Stereotyping on both of these fronts is ridiculous and speaks to your true agenda.

Obviously, this guy is WHACK. Duh.

In my view, the most siginificant distinguishing factor between Pat Robertson and (Osama Bin Laden) is that OBL's followers have displayed a desire and an ability to commit the mass murder of innocent american citizens in the recent past, at his direction.

Incidents of violent christian extremeism, i.e. the murder of abortion doctors, etc., have been relatively isolated in the recent past, and have not been perpertrated on a "mass" scale.

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It's interesting to see the people in this thread who heatedly denounce some posters on here for stereotyping the Muslim faith over comments and acts made by radical Islamists...yet have no problem turning right around and denouncing and/or making fun of Christianity for comments made by a radical "Christian"...

Stereotyping on both of these fronts is ridiculous and speaks to your true agenda.

Obviously, this guy is WHACK. Duh.

I wasn't being completely serious, it was partly to be satirical about that very same subject :)

perhaps I should have originally attached a smiley to be more clear

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Except Robertson's Moral Majority was the core of the GOP in the 90's.

First of all, where in the post I quoted did I even refer to politics? You brought that up. You, however, would be exactly one of the posters I was referring to who is perfecting fine bringing a political agenda into any debate.

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It's interesting to see the people in this thread who heatedly denounce some posters on here for stereotyping the Muslim faith over comments and acts made by radical Islamists...yet have no problem turning right around and denouncing and/or making fun of Christianity for comments made by a radical "Christian"...

Stereotyping on both of these fronts is ridiculous and speaks to your true agenda.

Obviously, this guy is WHACK. Duh.

Which "you" are you referring to?

The ones who've been stereotyping Muslims for years? Or the ones who've been ridiculing them for hours?

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I don't know why Robertson keeps saying stuff like this, he's been wrong about so many things as to be considered false in much of what he says. (BTW I'm still waiting for that nuclear WMD event in the US he warned about three or four years ago). Now does that mean that there aren't forces at play here? WHat did Jesus say?

"Luke 13 1-5 (NKJ)

1. There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

2. And Jesus answered and said to them, "Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things?

3. I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.

4. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?

5. I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish."

So did something maybe happen in haiti, maybe, but does that make them worse sinners than others, perhaps those in the church here in the US? ... hrms, makes you ponder doesn't it? :D

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