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Robertson: Haiti 'cursed' since Satanic pact


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Dominican Republic is "prosperous" says Pat Robertson. Having been there outside of the resort areas I can tell you this is false.

Its all relative. I've worked in some serious slums in the Dominican. If I ever commented on the poverty, they had an automatic reaction: "Could be worse...we could be in Haiti."

If Haiti is worse than the slums in the DR, it must be cursed. :paranoid:

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I don't get this guy. He is saying a country that is 96% Christian made a pact with the Devil to be free?

He has been cursed with the ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.

I dont know the exact numbers but its a supposedly catholic country that has recognizes voodoo religion now, 95 percent of the country does practice voodoo

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I wish Pat Robertson would learn to shut up.

BTW, Pat answer me this.

If the people of Haiti where all in a pact with the devil then why would the devil want to drop buildings on their head and cause them to seek God for salvation. And why would he want to cause a calamity that would bring in Christian aide agencies to help those who survived? Wouldn't it have served the devil better to let the Haitian people live in absolute abundance and luxury?

Stupid, stupid Pat.

Pretty sure the theory would be that God caused the earthquake. He's certainly committed and called for genocide multiple times in the Bible.

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I posted a link to the article on facebook without much comment of my own (other than wow...) and got this as a reply from someone a few minutes ago.

Hes right...When you dedicate your country to Satan dont expect good things to happen..In a country where the supernatural is everywhere..yeah...The church needs to shine in that very very dark place...Satan is very very real in Haiti...

It kind of stunned me for a bit, lol.

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Which "you" are you referring to?

The ones who've been stereotyping Muslims for years? Or the ones who've been ridiculing them for hours?

I guess I'm confused as to what you are getting at with your question?

Better just answer it honestly, then, and see what happens. :)

We need a :megapopcorn: emoticon for moments like this one.

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Better just answer it honestly, then, and see what happens. :)

We need a :megapopcorn: emoticon for moments like this one.

Obviously it's both. Don't really see what that has to do with me though....although I suspect you boys will pull up some random quote from my history and twist it into something like I denounce the Islamic faith or something :rolleyes:

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I posted a link to the article on facebook without much comment of my own (other than wow...) and got this as a reply from someone a few minutes ago.

It kind of stunned me for a bit, lol.

If you click their profile, in the bottom left corner there's an option to "remove friend"

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Pretty sure the theory would be that God caused the earthquake. He's certainly committed and called for genocide multiple times in the Bible.

Stop talking you're just making yourself look silly.

Still waiting for commentary from a few of the uber religious folks who post in the tailgate.

I guess I'm one of those uber religious folks, but then you wouldn't have noticed because I condemned what that idiot Pat Robertson said, and obviously no uber religious person would do that if they were really uber religious because uber religious people all listen to that moron on TBN, sumthin' like that.

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I watched 700 Club last night after reading this thread to see what they had to say about all of this stuff going on in Haiti.

What I saw was an update from Robertson's organization Operation Blessing about ongoing aid efforts, such as 2 million pounds of food they brought in to the country yesterday.

Why would they do that? I mean if God has pronounced His divine judgment upon the people of Haiti then who are we to intervene or circumvent His justice? BTW, Pat Robertson needs to go away and stop making Christians look the fool.

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You religious zealots want the rest of us to stop ridiculing TV evangelist types but they are making it awfully difficult to do.

TV Evangelists are the worst....I despise them.

This guy is an idiot.

I forgot who it's from, but this quote sums it up for me: "The greatest evidence against Christianity is Christians themselves."

It's appalling....

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It's interesting to see the people in this thread who heatedly denounce some posters on here for stereotyping the Muslim faith over comments and acts made by radical Islamists...yet have no problem turning right around and denouncing and/or making fun of Christianity for comments made by a radical "Christian"...

Stereotyping on both of these fronts is ridiculous and speaks to your true agenda.

I believe most in this thread are practicing what is known as 'cruel irony.' :)

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