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Going Rogue- Sarah Palin's book tour


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Newsweek did it to once again portray her as only a pretty face. Its obvious.

I thought they posted it to portray the issue of her poor judgement. She mixed a very light piece on her interest in running with her attempt to portray herself as a serious politician by being photographed in an office with the flag.

EDIT: I really don't care about it, but given the fuss about flag pins, I was curious if anyone on the right felt using the flag as a prop to lean on in a photo shoot dressed in short shorts was OK.

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The photo of Palin (or any woman) is that it attempts to show her as just another pretty face. I say that as a woman, its not political, its sexism. I don't expect the guys on here to understand.

I think this is true. I do think that it is a cover that is not appropriate for a very serious politician who cares about very serious things, but whether it's Dukakis in his tank or other Bush looking under White House couch cushions for the missing WMD the common denominater is that these are self-inflicted wounds.

She put on the outfit, she agreed to the composition of the shot, she posed for the pictures. If she's upset by this photo she has no one to blame but herself. Every politician knows that every word you say or gesture you make may come back to bite you. Last year, we spent six grueling weeks on Obama's lapels and the flag pin wasn't there.

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Yeah I would reject any argument which relies on significant amounts of the American public being idiots.

I would also say it was average people who put some of our best Presidents in office from both parties. ( Teddy, FDR, Truman.)

Significant amounts of American's are simple in their use of language and understanding of politics. And please note... she doesn't have a enough average people to end up in office. She has a lot of simple people however, enough to be relevant but that's about it.

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Okay, lets assume that everything the Palin Bashers say about her is true (which it is not)

She would still be a better President than the disaster occupying the office right now. (I know, Obama has set the bar so low that, it would be nearly impossible for anyone to be worse)

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Okay, lets assume that everything the Palin Bashers say about her is true (which it is not)

She would still be a better President than the disaster occupying the office right now. (I know, Obama has set the bar so low that, it would be nearly impossible for anyone to be worse)


I'm no Obama fan, but at least he's not an empty airhead.

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I think this is true. I do think that it is a cover that is not appropriate for a very serious politician who cares about very serious things, but whether it's Dukakis in his tank or other Bush looking under White House couch cushions for the missing WMD the common denominater is that these are self-inflicted wounds.

She put on the outfit, she agreed to the composition of the shot, she posed for the pictures. If she's upset by this photo she has no one to blame but herself. Every politician knows that every word you say or gesture you make may come back to bite you. Last year, we spent six grueling weeks on Obama's lapels and the flag pin wasn't there.

Interesting that the photo appears to be used in violation of contract


It is certainly appropriate for the context of the shoot and certainly shows bias by Newsweek to use it.

When Media Matters and Huffington Post label a Palin photo's use as such even the libs should take notice..BWTF do they know?

probably just women venting:silly:

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What an interesting discussion.

Curious to see how other GOP contenders will handle Palin if she decides to go. This is going to be very entertaining.

I am not scared of Palin because there is no way she wins the general election. Then again, I felt the same way about Bush. Couldn't believe people would vote for somebody who talks to them like they are idiots. I was very naive back then... but really don't think I'm making the same mistake this time.

Not scared that so many of our fellow countrymen feel this way about her. I am much more scared that so many people reject evolution. People may pick their politicians for many different reasons. In case of evolution it's straight-up confusion/ignorance. Much scarier.

Surprised, or maybe not really, to see a claim that righties appreciate substance. Well then, how come you buy into so much of this utterly untrue rediculous poo that GOP is pushing? That's like saying that you enjoy receiving correspondence when you're really talking about reading spam from the trash bin.

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Which further supports the supposition that no one has cornered the market better on the "people are out to get us" role than the conservative movement. No one plays a victim like the GOP.

While I think Palin plays this part very very well and there is always an element of "the liberal media is out to get me" attitude with some of the GOP right now, it's really not unique to or a main part of conservatives. Think of the dreadfully illconsidered White House tussle with Fox News.

However the victim angle is likely one reason why Palin is so popular. She is always the victim of some liberal media, inside the beltway, elitist, 5th column plot. That draws attention and applause from the far right and keeps her in the spotlight.

If it were a tougher more accomplished pol they would just shrug it off and move on. But by being a victim of the left Palin becomes a hero almost regardless of her message or content.

The more she claims the left hates her the more the right will embrace her, to the point where failing on national T.V. is almost a restablishment of her bona fides. Almost as if the more negative the reaction she can draw the more qualified she must be.

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Apparently Fox News is up to their old tricks as they used footage from a 2008 Palin rally to show that she is still receiving support.

The admittance by Fox:

"It's a production error!"


Original article:


I had recently decide that Gregg Jarrett was a bit of a douche, but apparently he is Sean Hannity "honest" as well.

Finally, someone, John Amato from Crooks and Liars', is actually filing a complaint against the FCC for Fox's continually deceitful behavior.


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Palin has been known for being less than honest in the past, even during the VP debates when she misrepresented her position on a couple of issues. This trend has continued with her book:


And going on Oprah apparently didn't change her habits, either, when she outright lied about events during last year's Presidential campaign:


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Okay, lets assume that everything the Palin Bashers say about her is true (which it is not)

She would still be a better President than the disaster occupying the office right now. (I know, Obama has set the bar so low that, it would be nearly impossible for anyone to be worse)

Fo' realz?

O.K., I will bite: How would Palin (who we cannot even call "Gov. Palin since she quit her last political job) have made a better President?

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I can think of a couple of trillion of reasons;)

(though, I wouldnt vote for her anyway. She isnt adept at handling the heat from the press)

As mayor of Wasilla and governor of AK, spending grew under her leadership. She was not exactly spend-thrifty.


Seeing how the GOP was in charge when five trillion was added to the debt, I fail to see how this would have changed under her Presidency.

She probably would have quit by now due to the press. :-)

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so no one wants to discuss the interviews? They just want to make stupid jokes about her intelligence.

So b/c someone goes to more than one college to get their degree and/or gets a communications degree they are dumb? Ok, just checking. I'll make sure to mark down that only those who go to one college and those who get law degrees are the only smart people in the world.

As far as the Hannity interview, I was hoping for more policy/belif questions, but I'm sure those are on OReilly's. Hannity went over things in her book, let Palin explain in more detail. There was a vast difference in how Hannity treated her as opposed to Oprah and Barbara Walters. They looked stern and almost mad when talking to her, while Hannity smiled and laughed. Obvious reasons why, but also obvious behavior differences.

For the record, I really don't care if Palin runs or not. My admiration for her is more as who she is as a person, not if she is a politician.

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As mayor of Wasilla and governor of AK, spending grew under her leadership. She was not exactly spend-thrifty.


Seeing how the GOP was in charge when five trillion was added to the debt, I fail to see how this would have changed under her Presidency.

She probably would have quit by now due to the press. :-)

I bet she wouldnt be proposing massive spending on pet projects like health reform and cap & trade now though. maybe I'm wrong and I could be since I dont know a ton about her beyond the last year's press. But I still feel comfortable that she would simply spend much less that the current regime.

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I bet she wouldn't be proposing massive spending on pet projects like health reform and cap & trade now though. maybe I'm wrong and I could be since I dont know a ton about her beyond the last year's press. But I still feel comfortable that she would simply spend much less that the current regime.

Less on health care more on warfare. Yay us. Given the fact that everywhere she has served she has been a free spender, from Wasilla to Juneau and the fact that she procured hundreds of millions in pork from the Fed for spending in Alaska (bridge to no-where anyone) I would simply ask though, based on what part of her track record makes you think she would be spending less as President?

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How do you know her as a person apart from her as a politician?

I don't know her as a friend if that is what you mean, but I know what she stands for, what she has done. My gf knows her a bit- I've said it before- my gf's bro went to U of Idaho with Palins bro, they are still good friends 20 yrs later. They know the family, and Sarah. (yes, secretly hoping that one day I'll meet her, and more than just being another person in line to get her signature).

Unlike many who don't like her, that just continue to make stupid jokes and not do dilligent research, I feel confident that I know enough to admire her as a woman and what she has accomplished. She's not perfect, has made mistakes. Everyone has- no one is perfect.

Its not easy to be a mom of 5 kids, run a state and have a husband who works most of the year out of town- keep yourself in shape/looking good. Has anyone bothered to look up all of her interviews from the summer before she was announced as VP candidate? Prob not. Just want to keep replaying the Couric interview over and over, repeat repeat the same thing. But those who are liberal leaning politically won't do that, they don't care.

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Less on health care more on warfare. Yay us. Given the fact that everywhere she has served she has been a free spender, from Wasilla to Jeuno and the fact that she procured hundreds of millions in pork from the Fed for spending in Alaska (bridge to no-where anyone) I would simply ask though, based on what part of her track record makes you think she would be spending less as President?

fair point, her courting of neo-con principles in the campaign is another reason she turned me off. before she was a candidate, i had heard bits and pieces of positivity about her, but really not much.

all that aside, I still feel pretty certain that in a hypothetical 2012 win, there is no way she would be spending like a drunken Dem congressman like we see proposed and done right now.

like I said, I could be wrong

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