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Going Rogue- Sarah Palin's book tour


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Why do I admire Palin? Again, its not about her being a politician, but who she is as a woman. She is a strong woman who has worked hard for what she has. I admire her for her pro life views, standing up for her religious beliefs (yes, even if some I don't agree with like her view on homosexuality). A working woman with 5 kids and a husband who works out of town. Having a kid at 43 when most would abort it (personal experience b/c my aunt did). That is dangerous to have a baby at 43. I also admire that through it all, she still takes care of her self physically-is in shape and still looks good. Sorry to take a cheap shot, but Hilary could use a few hours in the gym.

That's a nutshell.

Fess up...ya just think she's hot:silly:

DAVID FRUM: This is a woman who has got into a position of leadership by sending very powerful sexual signals. And we see that in the way that men like her much more than women do.:hysterical:


I fear for our country:evilg:

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Some media access OK'd for Palin event

RALEIGH — The Army now says it will allow media limited access to Sarah Palin's appearance at Fort Bragg.

Army officials had said they would prohibit coverage of Palin's on-post event, saying it would turn into political grandstanding against President Obama.

The Associated Press and The Fayetteville Observer objected, and the military changed its position slightly Thursday night. It will grant a pool of reporters restricted access to Monday's appearance.

Fort Bragg spokesman Col. Billy Buckner said members of the media will not be allowed to interview the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee and will be barred from talking to her supporters on post.

Buckner said the setup will allow reporters their right to access while preventing the event from turning political.

Now why would anyone think that our service men and women would view Obama with anything other than glowing admiration?


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Some media access OK'd for Palin event

RALEIGH — The Army now says it will allow media limited access to Sarah Palin's appearance at Fort Bragg.

Army officials had said they would prohibit coverage of Palin's on-post event, saying it would turn into political grandstanding against President Obama.

The Associated Press and The Fayetteville Observer objected, and the military changed its position slightly Thursday night. It will grant a pool of reporters restricted access to Monday's appearance.

Fort Bragg spokesman Col. Billy Buckner said members of the media will not be allowed to interview the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee and will be barred from talking to her supporters on post.

Buckner said the setup will allow reporters their right to access while preventing the event from turning political.

Now why would anyone think that our service men and women would view Obama with anything other than glowing admiration?

Uhhhh, where in that article does it say anything about Obama? I guess it was some Obama conspiracy that opened up the event instead of the 4th estate making a claim about a private citizen holding a book tour on government land while blocking the press from covering that event.

BTW, that pic is stupid we all looked like that when someone was giving a speech, I guess that guy who fainted in front of me in formation during the retirement service for a Lt. Col while I was at Ft. Sam Houston fainted because he was so excited about being in the presence of greatness rather than the fact that he locked his knees like an idiot. I don't care what the soldiers think about Obama, but they had better follow his orders.

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Now why would anyone think that our service men and women would view Obama with anything other than glowing admiration?

You act like this is something new or surprising. By and large the military is a very conservative group.

Not sure what kind of genius revelation you think you've come up with.

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Uhhhh, where in that article does it say anything about Obama? I guess it was some Obama conspiracy that opened up the event instead of the 4th estate making a claim about a private citizen holding a book tour on government land while blocking the press from covering that event.

BTW, that pic is stupid we all looked like that when someone was giving a speech, I guess that guy who fainted in front of me in formation during the retirement service for a Lt. Col while I was at Ft. Sam Houston fainted because he was so excited about being in the presence of greatness rather than the fact that he locked his knees like an idiot. I don't care what the soldiers think about Obama, but they had better follow his orders.

Well, if you bother to read the part I highlighted, you'll see where it says the Army is concerned that Palin's book tour stop at Fort Bragg will turn into an anti-Obama event.

Also, I have no doubt our soldiers will follow all orders given, whether they think their Commander in Chief is a pos or not.

Personally speaking, having spent 4 years in the US Navy, I would be deeply troubled if Obama was my C in C.

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There is a really great conversation in this thread about the ego of humans, elitism, etc that I WISH had it's own thread.

Kinda odd to have such an intelligent topic being discussed in a Palin book thread. LMAO! (that's not a knock on Palin...)

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Well, if you bother to read the part I highlighted, you'll see where it says the Army is concerned that Palin's book tour stop at Fort Bragg will turn into an anti-Obama event.

So who do they think are going to be protesting? Frankly, I'm curious as to why a book signing is being done at Ft. Bragg or any other military base to begin with.

Also, I have no doubt our soldiers will follow all orders given, whether they think their Commander in Chief is a pos or not.

Really? What about the soldier who refused to deploy and then hired O'Rly Tait?

Personally speaking, having spent 4 years in the US Navy, I would be deeply troubled if Obama was my C in C.

See, here is where I don't care, you follow the orders you're given and honestly if you don't trust Obama then you don't trust the Joint Chiefs who are the ones advising the President on military matters. Frankly it sounds pretty stupid.

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Fess up...ya just think she's hot:silly:



1-I cannot even find the video nor the transcript for the O"Reilly - Palin interview. Send me a link and I will give it a go.

2-So, Mrs. Palin has an unplanned baby at 43, and then her child has an unplanned baby as a teenager. To me, that seems like a trend, and not a responsible one at that.

3-Think about this: Maybe the use of birth control could have avoided any unplanned pregnancies? Is it possible that abstinence-only teaching doesn't always work too well?

4- Well, after saying you don't think Palin should be attacked for her educational background, it is a bit of a cheap shot to then attack a 62-year old Hillary Clinton for her weight. Sarah Palin is in her mid-40s; there is quite a bit age difference here.

Answers- 1-The OReilly interview was last night, 2nd part tonight. I'll add the link for the 1st interview, and then later tongiht for the 2nd part.

2-I disagree with the trend. I don't know many people who plan their pregnancies, they happen-married or not. My Aunt got pregnant at 43, unexpected. Unfortunately she lost the baby before birth. I've known several women to get prego later in life, unexpectedly- its vastly different than a teenager. My mom was got knocked up at 17- in 1967, before abortion was legal. She was raised in a very conservative house, in a very conservative period of time- I don't blame my grandparents for that anymore than I blame Palin for Bristol getting knocked up. Do we blame John Kerry for his Daughters recent DUI? Kids do stupid **** all the time, no matter who their parents are, no matter how conservative of a household they are raised in.

My 16 yr old niece being raised by my very religious southern babtist brother/sister in law- is not a virgin. He'd flip his cookies if he found out. I asked her this summer why she would do that, full knowing it was against her religion, let alone the consequences. She replied, "no matter what, kids still have hormones." A very honest answer.

3- I don't necessarily agree with Absitence only education. I've never said I agree with everything Palin believes in. I'm no idiot to know her stance on gay marriage or other "rights" for homosexuals. I am pro life though- but I don't necessarily think abortion should be illegal. I know several other people who feel that same way.

4- you are absolutely right- I took the jab at hilary, but I said that in the post. It wasn't necessarily a slam against her- but a comparison on one simple thing. I gotta be honest- too many women don't take care of themselves- at 40 or at 62. The comparison was giving props to a woman who at 43, and 5 kids later still looks great. That is no easy accomplishment and takes a lot of time/dedication to keep up- add that to her already busy life and I gave her props for it. I'll apologize for throwing Hilary in there.

So now to give my thoughts on Part 1 of the OReilly interview- I think he did the best job so far- and can't wait to watch the 2nd part tonight. He was blunt and honest with her as they talked about the campaing, Couric/Gibson interviews. Tonight will be all policy questions, and that is going to be very interesting.

I did find it interesting that Sarah called Bill to be on his show Last October- the campaign wouldn't allow her to- they talk about that in the interview.

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See, here is where I don't care, you follow the orders you're given and honestly if you don't trust Obama then you don't trust the Joint Chiefs who are the ones advising the President on military matters. Frankly it sounds pretty stupid.

I was in the military when Clinton was pres. I knew of no one that liked the guy, but all were very careful about what they said "against" him. Everyone also was clear that no matter who the CIC is, you do what you are told, you fight for this country and the citizens. I wasn't a big fan of Clinton, more indifferent really. I was just glad about DADT, which is a big reason why I went ahead with joining. I was very nervous before hand, DADT was approved right when I graduated HS- I had wanted to join since I was a kid- so that made the decision easier.

As far as trust based on Obama being advised by JCOS- he isn't making decisions they are advising him on- Afgahnistan anyone? They advised him months ago and he still hasn't made a decision one way or the other. So I don't think trusting Obama is soley tied to the fact he is being advised by the JC's.

From my experience in the military- people are going to follow orders no matter who the CIC is. Someone who doesn't want to be deployed will fight it no matter who the CIC is. If I were still in the military today, I would still do my job, I would still put my life on the line for this country.

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I read 2 posts on this page from you, and am somewhat torn with how I feel. Yes, I agree with you to some degree. When I work later, harder, extend my education, and sacrifice by going overseas and spend months away from home for the better good, I agree (obviously this is a microcosm of which I speak, I have no ideals about being a part of the "elite class"). There should be some compensation for those that both sacrifice and better themselves (whether it be a natural inclination, a natural intelligence, etc).

But is the mentality of those willing to do this the ones that push us into the evil and vile that we witness between nations and each other? Now, I'm speaking solely on ego here. A man's (and I use that it the Latin masculine, meant to include women) ego is a very dangerous entity. Very few carry the intelligence/superiority/determination without the baggage associated with ego.

Ego, arrogance, pride, hubris, whatever you want to call them are all very dangerous, both to one's self and society as a whole. While people with some useful capacities sometimes tend to have some arrogance go along with it, I think in the long run it's more difficult improve yourself if you have an ego weighing you down. Because that sort of vanity makes someone think they are better than they are and it eventually stops them from wanting to continue improving.

When I say best I don't just mean the most skilled, that's why I stress the importance of virtues in addition to innate capacities like intelligence. I think it makes sense to compare intelligence with a knife. The sharpest knife in the drawer isn't useful (and is actually harmful) if you only know how to use it as a spoon. What I mean is that if you are not a good person, all the intelligence in the world can't help you, because you will use it to harm others, and eventually to rationalize the harm that you do to yourself. So any sort of technical expertise, theoretical knowledge, or general intelligence is not useful to society if the person wielding those skills doesn't have wisdom, justice, temperance, honesty, modesty, courage, or amiability.

Our leaders ought to have all of these traits as well some useful capacities.

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So now to give my thoughts on Part 1 of the OReilly interview- I think he did the best job so far- and can't wait to watch the 2nd part tonight. He was blunt and honest with her as they talked about the campaing, Couric/Gibson interviews. Tonight will be all policy questions, and that is going to be very interesting.

I did find it interesting that Sarah called Bill to be on his show Last October- the campaign wouldn't allow her to- they talk about that in the interview.

Thanks for your responses, and I will give he interview a gander when I get a chance.

I think there's a reason why they didn't want Palin to be interviewed. She simply was not prepared. She really needed months more of practice to be in that position. That is not a knock against her: ALL candidates need time to prepare.

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You act like this is something new or surprising. By and large the military is a very conservative group.

Not sure what kind of genius revelation you think you've come up with.

Interestingly, when I was volunteering helping with the wounded at Bethesda Naval and Walter Reed over the years, I found a pretty good mix of beliefs. Soldiers, Marines, and Sailors seem to span the ideological spectrum. Many voiced unhappiness with the Iraq strategy (at least privately... especially, privately)

I think they probably by and large are more conservative, but libs ain't rare.

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Thanks for your responses, and I will give he interview a gander when I get a chance.

I think there's a reason why they didn't want Palin to be interviewed. She simply was not prepared. She really needed months more of practice to be in that position. That is not a knock against her: ALL candidates need time to prepare.

Totally agree with you- she agrees with you and says so to Bill. Bill's reply, "you should have known". lol

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I took that as Bill's veiled msg of "you should have decline the vp nomination."

I've often wondered how many of us could turn it down in a similar situation.

Not sure I would,and I loathe politicians.:laugh:

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comment left on Huffington post site. classy ****ers aren't they?

Oh dear. You don't want to get in a back and forth about evil comments on message boards, do you? Sarah Palin's fervent supporters on FreeRepublic, resistnet and the FoxNews site will not do you proud, I promise you. :silly:

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  • 3 weeks later...

bump- I'm going to get my book signed tomorrow in Coeur D Alene, ID. The book store is allowing people to get in line at 11pm tonight, as they are only giving 700 wrist bands since she is only in town for 3 hours. Considering its only 10 degrees out now, no way I'm waiting outside all night for her...

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