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Going Rogue- Sarah Palin's book tour


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so no one wants to discuss the interviews? They just want to make stupid jokes about her intelligence.

So b/c someone goes to more than one college to get their degree and/or gets a communications degree they are dumb? Ok, just checking. I'll make sure to mark down that only those who go to one college and those who get law degrees are the only smart people in the world.

Personally, I don't think anyone should make any cheap shots towards her educational background. That being said, it doesn't help her case to discuss the content of the interviews, since she appears to have trouble with some of her statement's accuracy.

As far as the Hannity interview, I was hoping for more policy/belif questions, but I'm sure those are on OReilly's. Hannity went over things in her book, let Palin explain in more detail. There was a vast difference in how Hannity treated her as opposed to Oprah and Barbara Walters. They looked stern and almost mad when talking to her, while Hannity smiled and laughed. Obvious reasons why, but also obvious behavior differences.

Well, Hannity

For the record, I really don't care if Palin runs or not. My admiration for her is more as who she is as a person, not if she is a politician.

I don't think any of us expect Hannity, O'Reilly, or Limbaugh to have tough interviews with Palin. As far as the "behavioral differences" are concerned, that may be over-analyzing the whole thing. But I don't watch Oprah at all (I could barely watch a few minutes of this interview), so I really cannot say either way.

As far as a person is concerned, I am a bit curious: What do you admire about her?

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Has anyone bothered to look up all of her interviews from the summer before she was announced as VP candidate? Prob not. Just want to keep replaying the Couric interview over and over, repeat repeat the same thing. But those who are liberal leaning politically won't do that, they don't care.

Sorry ljs, but that doesn't float, during the campaign quite a bit was made of not only her speeches, but TV appearances and political affiliations that she had and maintained LONG before she botched the Katie Couric interview.

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. . .

Oh please, I did plenty of research on the woman when she first came into the national spotlight. It was more than enough for me to form an opinion on her and she hasn't done anything worthy of me changing my opinion to this point.

From what I can tell - you are far more biased than almost anyone on the subject due to your unique situation of knowing someone who knows her. The whole victim act that Palin and her supporters like to play isn't going to work forever.

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so no one wants to discuss the interviews? They just want to make stupid jokes about her intelligence.

So b/c someone goes to more than one college to get their degree and/or gets a communications degree they are dumb?

Not at all. I make my judgement based on her words and actions.

Ok, just checking.

"just checking" = flinging poo? allrighty.

I'll make sure to mark down that only those who go to one college and those who get law degrees are the only smart people in the world.

What in the heck are you talking about?

So if I say I think Stephen Hawking is a pretty intelligent guy, I guess you'd come back with "well gee, I guess I'll mark it down that unless the only smart people are Nobel Prize winners at Cambridge!"

Love that chain of logic. Let's do a few more examples.

"I don't really care for lamb chops"

-"Well gee, I guess the only food that tastes good is taffy. I'll be sure to mark that down."

"I don't like DC for all the traffic"

-"Well gee, I guess the only place you'd like to live is in the middle of Kansas where there are no cars!"

"I don't like taffy"

-"Well gee, I guess the only food that tastes good to you then is Lamb Chops... errr... wait... now I'm confused"

Can we please stay on topic? We're talking about how Sara Palin is a great big dummy, and a quitter. We're not implying anything about anyone else.

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Personally, I don't think anyone should make any cheap shots towards her educational background. That being said, it doesn't help her case to discuss the content of the interviews, since she appears to have trouble with some of her statement's accuracy.

Well, Hannity

For the record, I really don't care if Palin runs or not. My admiration for her is more as who she is as a person, not if she is a politician.

I don't think any of us expect Hannity, O'Reilly, or Limbaugh to have tough interviews with Palin. As far as the "behavioral differences" are concerned, that may be over-analyzing the whole thing. But I don't watch Oprah at all (I could barely watch a few minutes of this interview), so I really cannot say either way.

As far as a person is concerned, I am a bit curious: What do you admire about her?

One of the better posts I've ever read from you. I'm really glad about your comment about her education. I challenge you to watch the OReilly interviews. I really want to hear from somone who typically doesn't like them or her- to get that view. OReilly is hard on everyone, and I don't see him giving a pass to Palin, but I did see that from Hannity.

Why do I admire Palin? Again, its not about her being a politician, but who she is as a woman. She is a strong woman who has worked hard for what she has. I admire her for her pro life views, standing up for her religious beliefs (yes, even if some I don't agree with like her view on homosexuality). A working woman with 5 kids and a husband who works out of town. Having a kid at 43 when most would abort it (personal experience b/c my aunt did). That is dangerous to have a baby at 43. I also admire that through it all, she still takes care of her self physically-is in shape and still looks good. Sorry to take a cheap shot, but Hilary could use a few hours in the gym.

That's a nutshell.

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fair point, her courting of neo-con principles in the campaign is another reason she turned me off. before she was a candidate, i had heard bits and pieces of positivity about her, but really not much.

Agreed, her courtship of the Neo-Cons really turned my stomach, but then McCain needed someone to because he couldn't be seen as pandering to them as he was trying to claim the middle.

all that aside, I still feel pretty certain that in a hypothetical 2012 win, there is no way she would be spending like a drunken Dem congressman like we see proposed and done right now.

But you're admittedly basing that off something other than her track record.

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I bet she wouldnt be proposing massive spending on pet projects like health reform and cap & trade now though. maybe I'm wrong and I could be since I dont know a ton about her beyond the last year's press. But I still feel comfortable that she would simply spend much less that the current regime.

She did propose massive spending on pet projects when she was both mayor and governor. It's like her ice-skating rink "pet project," as mayor of Wasilla, which become a financial albatross for the town.


Health care reform isn't a "pet project," my friend: It is serious business. To call it a mere "pet project" is the understatement of the year. Same thing for Cap and Trade.

Remember the Bridge to Nowhere? "Pet project."


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What in the heck are you talking about?

So if I say I think Stephen Hawking is a pretty intelligent guy, I guess you'd come back with "well gee, I guess I'll mark it down that unless the only smart people are Nobel Prize winners at Cambridge!"

Love that chain of logic. Let's do a few more examples.

"I don't really care for lamb chops"

-"Well gee, I guess the only food that tastes good is taffy. I'll be sure to mark that down."

"I don't like DC for all the traffic"

-"Well gee, I guess the only place you'd like to live is in the middle of Kansas where there are no cars!"

"I don't like taffy"

-"Well gee, I guess the only food that tastes good to you then is Lamb Chops... errr... wait... now I'm confused"

Can we please stay on topic? We're talking about how Sara Palin is a great big dummy, and a quitter. We're not implying anything about anyone else.

No one can be perfect like you and attend just one college. Then again, most people like lambchops. It's better with taffy. I heard Hawking making this claim while setting my GPS in Kansas.

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Personally, I don't think anyone should make any cheap shots towards her educational background. That being said, it doesn't help her case to discuss the content of the interviews, since she appears to have trouble with some of her statement's accuracy.

it's not a cheap shot. We are talking about political office here. We aren't talking about average citizens. Our politicians are supposed to be the creme of the crop, outstanding citizens all around. Taking six years to graduate with a comm degree doesn't mean someone is stupid, but it's fairly good evidence that they aren't exactly bright.

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it's not a cheap shot. We are talking about political office here. We aren't talking about average citizens. Our politicians are supposed to be the creme of the crop, outstanding citizens all around. Taking six years to graduate with a comm degree doesn't mean someone is stupid, but it's fairly good evidence that they aren't exactly bright.


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Agreed, her courtship of the Neo-Cons really turned my stomach, but then McCain needed someone to because he couldn't be seen as pandering to them as he was trying to claim the middle.

But you're admittedly basing that off something other than her track record.

Yeah, probably more my gut feeling than anything else. Still feel confident in it though.

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One of the better posts I've ever read from you. I'm really glad about your comment about her education. I challenge you to watch the OReilly interviews. I really want to hear from somone who typically doesn't like them or her- to get that view. OReilly is hard on everyone, and I don't see him giving a pass to Palin, but I did see that from Hannity.

I cannot even find the video nor the transcript for the O"Reilly - Palin interview. Send me a link and I will give it a go.

Why do I admire Palin? Again, its not about her being a politician, but who she is as a woman. She is a strong woman who has worked hard for what she has.

For me, this is a bit of a debatable point since she 1) quit her governorship job and 2) didn't write her recent book. Raising a family is not an easy task -- I will say that much -- but I guess I don't feel like she has worked any harder than anyone else.

I admire her for her pro life views, standing up for her religious beliefs (yes, even if some I don't agree with like her view on homosexuality).

I guess this is definitely where we differ. I don't think she has been completely truthful about her religious beliefs, since her church is a bit on the wacky side. But I suppose if you are anti-choice and aCreationist, like Mrs. Palin, then I can see why you would be in agreement with her views.

A working woman with 5 kids and a husband who works out of town. Having a kid at 43 when most would abort it (personal experience b/c my aunt did). That is dangerous to have a baby at 43.

So, Mrs. Palin has an unplanned baby at 43, and then her child has an unplanned baby as a teenager. To me, that seems like a trend, and not a responsible one at that.

Think about this: Maybe the use of birth control could have avoided any unplanned pregnancies? Is it possible that abstinence-only teaching doesn't always work too well?

I also admire that through it all, she still takes care of her self physically-is in shape and still looks good. Sorry to take a cheap shot, but Hilary could use a few hours in the gym.

That's a nutshell.

Well, after saying you don't think Palin should be attacked for her educational background, it is a bit of a cheap shot to then attack a 62-year old Hillary Clinton for her weight. Sarah Palin is in her mid-40s; there is quite a bit age difference here.

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Actually I am. Not in the sense that I want the rich or high status folks ruling us (and certainly not based on our college educations). But I do think that only the most virtuous among us should even try to wear the mantle of leadership. Anything else is injustice.

Part of the reason the Palin phenomenon irks me is the blatant identity politics involved. Here's someone who from what I gather has no merit but who not only feels like she should seek political office (an injustice on her part) but who is popular for one reason only: a large segment of the population who identifies with her. They think that on the mere fact that she is "one of them" that she ought to be policy maker for the whole country. It's nothing but vanity.

Of course, few if any politicians meet my ideal, but I've seen very few fall as far below it.

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Actually I am. Not in the sense that I want the rich or high status folks ruling us (and certainly not based on our college educations). But I do think that only the most virtuous among us should even try to wear the mantle of leadership. Anything else is injustice.

Part of the reason the Palin phenomenon irks me is the blatant identity politics involved. Here's someone who from what I gather has no merit but who not only feels like she should seek political office (an injustice on her part) but who is popular for one reason only: a large segment of the population who identifies with her. They think that on the mere fact that she is "one of them" that she ought to be policy maker for the whole country. It's nothing but vanity.

Of course, few if any politicians meet my ideal, but I've seen very few fall as far below it.

I agree wholeheartedly. I used to want to shrug off the "elitist" label because it was uncomfortable, but then I saw the face of populism in the McCain/Palin campaign (Joe the plumber anyone) and I immediately realized that if I was going to make one mistake or the other then I'll choose the smart one.

That's why I like ya!;)

You are in a very small group. ;)

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I agree wholeheartedly. I used to want to shrug off the "elitist" label because it was uncomfortable, but then I saw the face of populism in the McCain/Palin campaign (Joe the plumber anyone) and I immediately realized that if I was going to make one mistake or the other then I'll choose the smart one.

As for the word itself,

In principle it makes sense but the connotations are too negative for me to use. I wish there was another word for it... like meritist maybe. I certainly wouldn't include people who like to look down on others to feel better about themselves (in my insecure moments I sometimes shamefully do this) because of some innate capacities. When we say elitist people think of the ivy educated arrogant snob who treats others as peasants. When I think of an elite I think of a hard working, intelligent, honest, wise (aka virtuous) person who also has a good deal of charisma and emotional intelligence (and also preferably someone who is also relatively old). These are the people who I want to be our leaders.

Just to clear it up for others

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As for the word itself,

In principle it makes sense but the connotations are too negative for me to use. I wish there was another word for it... like meritist maybe. I certainly wouldn't include people who like to look down on others to feel better about themselves (in my insecure moments I sometimes shamefully do this) because of some innate capacities. When we say elitist people think of the ivy educated arrogant snob who treats others as peasants. When I think of an elite I think of a hard working, intelligent, honest, wise (aka virtuous) person who also has a good deal of charisma and emotional intelligence (and also preferably someone who is also relatively old). These are the people who I want to be our leaders.

Just to clear it up for others

I hear ya, some groups have attached a lot of baggage to the term "elitist" so that for many it has more to do with eating caviar than it does about being the best and brightest in our society. But, then the populist move appeals to the masses where many still believe that there aren't real differences between people and their abilities and capacities for sound decision making. The interesting thing to me is that those same populists would immediately dismiss many who they feel that they are smarter than as not being worthy of leadership.

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As for the word itself,

In principle it makes sense but the connotations are too negative for me to use. I wish there was another word for it... like meritist maybe. I certainly wouldn't include people who like to look down on others to feel better about themselves (in my insecure moments I sometimes shamefully do this) because of some innate capacities. When we say elitist people think of the ivy educated arrogant snob who treats others as peasants. When I think of an elite I think of a hard working, intelligent, honest, wise (aka virtuous) person who also has a good deal of charisma and emotional intelligence (and also preferably someone who is also relatively old). These are the people who I want to be our leaders.

Just to clear it up for others

I read 2 posts on this page from you, and am somewhat torn with how I feel. Yes, I agree with you to some degree. When I work later, harder, extend my education, and sacrifice by going overseas and spend months away from home for the better good, I agree (obviously this is a microcosm of which I speak, I have no ideals about being a part of the "elite class"). There should be some compensation for those that both sacrifice and better themselves (whether it be a natural inclination, a natural intelligence, etc).

But is the mentality of those willing to do this the ones that push us into the evil and vile that we witness between nations and each other? Now, I'm speaking solely on ego here. A man's (and I use that it the Latin masculine, meant to include women) ego is a very dangerous entity. Very few carry the intelligence/superiority/determination without the baggage associated with ego.

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