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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


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Is this seriously true? WTF? He hasn't done **** but waste taxpayer money to ship Oprah to Copenhagen and try to turn private medicine into socialized healthcare. World peace? I think I'm going to puke.

The award is about WORLD PEACE.

And all those things you mentioned are bringing world peace, because as he dwindles down our economy and go from being a world Super-power, to a poverty nation, every other nation in the world will be at peace, knowing we're not the most powerful, anymore

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Granted, this is pretty ridiculous.

Granted, I am not a fan of Obama.

However, to try and find the silver lining (which in this case seems pretty obvious): It is nice that our sitting President won this award. It has no doubt become a popularity contest; but from my perspective as an American, I'd say that's a good thing (to have a President that's popular not only here, but also abroad). Even if he does nothing else positive in his presidency, being a popular US President should be a good thing for America. We definitely have need for it.

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Haven't read the thread yet, but it's a goof that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. It diminishes the Prize's credibility. Not because Obama is a bad man, or a poor leader, but because he hasn't done enough yet in his early presidency to warrant it. He hasn't done anything exceptional or world changing. This is a mistake.

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It's been a joke for years. Carter won solely as a political statement against Bush. Arafat won for murdering fewer people than he had the year before....

Carter's Camp David Accords and helping to create a lasting peace between Egypt and Israel is/was a huge deal. It was a great moment for peace and the potential of hope.

On Arafat, I can't argue too much with you. The guy's evil exponentially outweighs any good he may have done.

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I voted for the man and other than a few disagreements, I generally think he's done a good job so far. But this is insane.

He hasn't accomplished anything so far other than to become president. :doh:

I agree.

How do you award a Peace Prize to a guy who steps up a war?

I mean, I support the war, but it seems mutually exclusive.

Oh well. A little star power in our corner can't hurt, I suppose.


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Who would've thought that Obama not deserving winning the Nobel Peace Prize is one of the only things that all sides could agree on?


And through this wide span of agreement and unity, thanks to Obama, he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, for bringing peace to all of us Politic-Mongers :silly:

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Who would've thought that Obama not deserving winning the Nobel Peace Prize is one of the only things that all sides could agree on?


That's the difference between Conservatives and Liberals. Libs are honest. :)

Admit it, if Cheney had won one you guys would be doing backflips to rationalize and defend it.

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The award is about WORLD PEACE.

And all those things you mentioned are bringing world peace, because as he dwindles down our economy and go from being a world Super-power, to a poverty nation, every other nation in the world will be at peace, knowing we're not the most powerful, anymore

He was nominated less than two weeks into his term...at that point it was all "what he plans to do". I can say that I am going to end world hunger, but I don't think that will give me a peace prize.

I am all for a president to get this prize and if half the stuff he claims he will do, remotely comes true then yes, he deserves it...but not two weeks into his term. The man has not done anything to deserve this particular award yet.

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That's the difference between Conservatives and Liberals. Libs are honest. :)

Admit it, if Cheney had won one you guys would be doing backflips to rationalize and defend it.

Cheney is VP..

Biden is VP..

apples/oranges but nice try.

If BUSH won it at least you could point to 15billion in Aids help in Africa that is going to save 10's of thousands+ lives...

(note: Someone in the article brought up Africa as one of the reasons for Obama)...

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Cheney is VP..

Biden is VP..

apples/oranges but nice try.

If BUSH won it at least you could point to 15billion in Aids help in Africa that is going to save 10's of thousands+ lives...

I picked Cheney just to get away from Bush bashing.... BUT see you have found away to bend over backwards, rationalize, and defend even a mythical Nobel Prize awarding to President Bush.

Point proven.

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That's the difference between Conservatives and Liberals. Libs are honest. :)

Admit it, if Cheney had won one you guys would be doing backflips to rationalize and defend it.

You couldn't be more wrong.

However, I guess obama winning the prize DOES make sense. I mean, after all, they DID give one to that whacky peace-loving Yasser Arafat, and he's SUCH a mainstream, reasonable guy.

I think it's funny, actually.

Nobel needed to do something that made sense this time around after blowing it with Al Gore, and they did exactly the opposite....

The Nobel Peace Prize has officially jumped the shark and is now as prestigious as an MTV Movie award....

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