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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


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Bad thing, IMO. It just gives the opposition more ammunition that he's all hype. Which to this point, he has been.....

Agreed, and builds on the narcissism theme.

Wouldn't it be cool if he turned it down as premature?

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Congrats to the President.

I don't think it is a reach -- he has reached out across the globe for better cooperation, nuclear disarmament, etc. Who else would be a better candidate for this year? I am sure there are a few names, but I cannot think of any from the top of my head.

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Congrats to the President.

I don't think it is a reach -- he has reached out across the globe for better cooperation, nuclear disarmament, etc. Who else would be a better candidate for this year? I am sure there are a few names, but I cannot think of any from the top of my head.

Tell me you are joking, please!:doh:

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I am befuddled by the responses here and across the word. Do any of us even know the winner of last year's prize? How about past years? Here is a list:


For his efforts, the President fits right into this list. The same cooperative efforts that earned him the dire of the right-wing. And now, winning the Nobel peace price has earned him more ire, with folks such as Erickson from Redstate suggestion that Obama won it due to "affirmative action."

Obama has no reason to offer excuses for his efforts this year, nor for winning the prize.

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For what? He has done jack since he's been in office except raise my taxes, raise the national debt, and worry about how his face looks in the media. He is just like the last 4 presidents.....A JOKE. Wish Reagan could be back and fix this crapchute of a country.

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Congrats to the President.

I don't think it is a reach -- he has reached out across the globe for better cooperation, nuclear disarmament, etc. Who else would be a better candidate for this year? I am sure there are a few names, but I cannot think of any from the top of my head.

Are you kidding me? What President hasn't said the same things? I mean, I'm not gonna act like the award hasn't been given to unworthy people before but still...

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I am befuddled by the responses here and across the word. Do any of us even know the winner of last year's prize? How about past years? Here is a list:


For his efforts, the President fits right into this list. The same cooperative efforts that earned him the dire of the right-wing. And now, winning the Nobel peace price has earned him more ire, with folks such as Erickson from Redstate suggestion that Obama won it due to "affirmative action."

Obama has no reason to offer excuses for his efforts this year, nor for winning the prize.

I think most folks are befuddled by your befuddledness.:)

There were 205 other nominees, and I suspect that the other 204 did more for actual peace rather than hypothetical. (I cant say for certain because the nominees are kept secret)

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This really is a reach. It diminishes the prize for others in the past who've deserved it and, you know, actually done something.

Explain to me, in the context of other winners, why this is a reach?

This award was awarded to Obama for his "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." It is the SAME reason why other winners have won this award.

I don't think a lot of us know much about the Nobel Peace prize.

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Gosh Bac, even the most ardent Obama supporters have called this one out as a farce. You normally use more honestly in your stance than this.

Why didn't you respond to my post? Why do you think I am being dishonest?

I will post this list AGAIN:


In the context of these past winners, WHY is it surprising that Obama won a prize for his outreach efforts? Do we really think Obama has to stop several wars across the globe before he receives the prize?

Really, the responses here are silly.

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Exzplain to me, in the context of other winners, why this is a reach?

This award was awarded to Obama for his "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." It is the SAME reason why other winners have won this award.

I don't think a lot of us know much about the Nobel Peace prize.

I like to think that the Award stands for some extraordinary effort or achievement. I think Carter with his Camp David Accords was a great example. I think Mother Theresa was a fantastic person.

There are people out there today working against genocides or treating the effects of genocides in Africa. Certainly their efforts are more noteworthy and deserving of publicity. Obama may one day do something that the world should take note of, but to date he hasn't done anything that will have the lasting resonance that I associate with the Nobel.

His anti-proliferation treaty with Russia is great, but at this point Obama is mostly planting seeds and we oughtn't reward him until we sees what the harvest looks like or at least until anything takes root.

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That sort of move would make me respect him so much. I doubt it would happen, but it would be the very best PR move he ever could do.

And adding fuel to the fire of the Narcissistic predispositions of BO and his sycophants he's going to Norway to accept his award!!!



SOURCE: Obama will accept award on 'behalf of Americans and America's values'... Developing...

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I think its funny how many haters are using this to bash Obama, even while completely ignoring why in the committee awarded him the Nobel.

Would he have been my choice? No, but then I'm not a Nobel winner.


Unanimous vote by the committee.

Who else would you have awarded the prize for this year?

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And adding fuel to the fire of the Narcissistic predispositions of BO and his sycophants he's going to Norway to accept his award!!!

Oh sheesh. Like I would have expected a rational response from you.

It is funny how conservatives are up in arms about an international award that they usually do not care one whit about.

Hate, hate, hate.

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