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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize


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I like to think that the Award stands for some extraordinary effort or achievement. I think Carter with his Camp David Accords was a great example. I think Mother Theresa was a fantastic person.

There are people out there today working against genocides or treating the effects of genocides in Africa. Certainly their efforts are more noteworthy and deserving of publicity. Obama may one day do something that the world should take note of, but to date he hasn't done anything that will have the lasting resonance that I associate with the Nobel.

His anti-proliferation treaty with Russia is great, but at this point Obama is mostly planting seeds and we oughtn't reward him until we sees what the harvest looks like or at least until anything takes root.

Every year there are people who are overlooked for this award, toiling away in obscurity. And planting seeds and changing the tone is half the battle: We can only hope this leads to a fruition of peace in future years.

As I have said before, if you look at past winners, do you recognize every winner as someone who has necessarily done "something that the world should take note of"? Many of these winners were awarded the prize for regional efforts -- noteworthy efforts, but none the less, often unknown outside a specific area.

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Personally, I don't think the man has done anything Nobel Prize worthy and I'm a supporter of his...but I knew this would probably create a Tailgate frenzy.

Disagree, as long has you don't have the combination of moderate to conservative views, are an American or British (maybe Australian too), and have political or military power you are worthy of this award. Which means everyone on this board is worthy of this award.

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He's not a playa, he is the President and this is not a game this is our country and lives.

Yes I know this...a figure of speech to summarize some of the responses that were bashing Obama for winning.

How is him winning the Nobel Peace Prize effecting your life right now?

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You are a man on an island my friend. This award is basically for what Obama did as a Senator and community activist. All good stuff I am sure. But peace prize worthy?

What? Now you guys are just making stuff up. He won it for "initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism."

Nuclear arms is a big issue with the Nobel committee, so you folks should know.

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It did not take long for people in this thread to start bashing Obama for winning an award. I agree 100% that he does not deserve it, but is that really his fault?

:hysterical::hysterical: People are crrraaazzzyyy.

not certain that I've seen anyone here bash him for winning, maybe a bit for accepting it, but mainly the award process as a whole.

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What? Now you guys are just making stuff up. He won it for "initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism."

Nuclear arms is a big issue with the Nobel committee, so you folks should know.

Yup, those Predator dones into Pakistan have really eased tensions with Muslims

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I think obama winning the prize shines the hard light of reality on the world in which we live:

Some people are easily fooled by flowery speeches (speeches written for obama).

The media is totally in the tank for the guy (CNN fact checking SNL skits and inviting youts to come to their studios and sing songs praising obamacare).

Lastly and most importantly, there are some Kool-Aid drinkers who would give the man a pass if he choked a crippled puppy before their very eyes.

The cynicism and vitriol of the Right is justified every day by this empty-suited Socialist moron and his apologists in the media.

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Every year there are people who are overlooked for this award, toiling away in obscurity. And planting seeds and changing the tone is half the battle: We can only hope this leads to a fruition of peace in future years.

As I have said before, if you look at past winners, do you recognize every winner as someone who has necessarily done "something that the world should take note of"? Many of these winners were awarded the prize for regional efforts -- noteworthy efforts, but none the less, often unknown outside a specific area.

Oh sure and I get that. I also get these huge prizes are extemely political, but I feel this award is premature. What if Obama can get the Palestinians and Israelis to declare peace and contentedly settle into two nations with nary a suicide bomb or missile strike? What if he can navigate into the friction of Georgia or Korea or get Iran to surrender it's nuke program? This was a bad decision because at this moment, but more importantly at the moment it was considered Obama hasn't achieved, provoked, or been the catalyst to enough (in my opinion).

There are others who have worked tirelessly and have made it their life's work and who have saved lives and changed a storyline or two for the better. Can I name them? Not enough of them and that's one of the benefits of a Nobel Peace Prize... it can bring attention to a cause and a person that we otherwise don't pay heed to.

Now, in my mind Obama should go to Oslo and it's fine for him to accept the award, but in accepting it he ought to understand that now it is part of his mission to become worthy of this prize.

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What? Now you guys are just making stuff up. He won it for "initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism."

Nuclear arms is a big issue with the Nobel committee, so you folks should know.

He didnt do any of those thing at the time of the nomination, nor at the time when the decison was made to give it to him. He also didnt do anything that the majority of Presidents before him did, when viewed in reality.

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:silly: :silly: :silly:

I could really care less who wins this silly award but pleas substantiate to us heathens as to WHY you think BO won it.

Yeah, you care so little about it you rushed to this thread and posted on it.

Well, as I just posted a second ago, Obama won it for "initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism." That sounds like a solid enough reason for me. These are, BTW, also the same initiatives who earned him the dire of the right-wing, who are, of course, attacking him for winning the award.

Really, with that in mind, why should we listen to ANY right-wingers on this matter? Since when did people like you actually CARE about an international award, especially for a "peace" one?

As I said, it is about "hate, hate, hate." You just won't admit to it.

We have to remember that Obama won the Nobel PEACE prize. There are awards for several areas, including science and literature.

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He didnt do any of those thing at the time of the nomination, nor at the time when the decison was made to give it to him. He also didnt do anything that the majority of Presidents before him did, when viewed in reality.

If he was nominated for it in Feb., then no, he did not deserve it. If he won it for his efforts over the last eight months, then yes, I believe he did deserve it.

Also, I noticed you still avoid my previous post -- why is that? Why do conservatives who could care little about this award making a fuss over it? Why do YOU care?

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Yeah, you care so little about it you rushed to this thread and posted on it.

Well, as I just posted a second ago, Obama won it for "initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism." That sounds like a solid enough reason for me. These are, BTW, also the same initiatives who earned him the dire of the right-wing, who are, of course, attacking him for winning the award.

Really, with that in mind, why should we listen to ANY right-wingers on this matter? Since when did people like you actually CARE about an international award, especially for a "peace" one?

As I said, it is about "hate, hate, hate." You just won't admit to it.

We have to remember that Obama won the Nobel PEACE prize. There are awards for several areas, including science and literature.

You might want to read the thread man.

Until you came in, EVERYONE agreed that he shouldnt have won the award, regardless of their poliyical leanings.

There was literally zero left vs right hackery until you arrived.

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If he was nominated for it in Feb., then no, he did not deserve it. If he won it for his efforts over the last eight months, then yes, I believe he did deserve it.

Also, I noticed you still avoid my previous post -- why is that? Why do conservatives who could care little about this award making a fuss over it? Why do YOU care?

I care because it makes my President look silly, winning an undeserved award.

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