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In what areas of the body is it acceptable for a man to have a tattoo?

Big Weirdo

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Since my dad passed away Ive been thinking about getting a tattoo as something to honor him and as something personal to me. Where is it okay for me to get this tattoo?

Someone told me the ankle was unacceptable for the male gender. Is this true?

Matt if you get an ankle tattoo I will laugh at you every opportunity I get. Now this won't change the fact that I love you dearly, but you seriously won't hear the end of it.

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You get it where you want. I have two. one on my left deltoid and my upper back. I am looking at my calf and forearm next.

One of the baddest dudes I have ever known in my life had one on the outside of his calf just above his ankle. It was a picture of his dog that passed away.

This is your way of expressing something that means a lot to you. So you put it where you feel is best.

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I'm the one who told him the ankle was a no go. The small of the back is another area that a man shouldn't touch.

Yep, ankle is for chicks. Calf is ok for a guy but it has to be big enough to fill the space. Small of the back...:nono:...you don't want a tramp stamp.

My suggestions have been on the chest over the heart, forearm or bicep.

I wouldn't suggest forearm for everyone especially those looking to move into professional work. Bicep, shoulder blade or heart would be my recommendations; for the reason the OP is getting the tat heart makes the most sense IMO.

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I agree with all the thoughts in this thread somehow:

1. its your tat put it where you want it

2. ankle is a female spot but if it makes you happy go to town. If it was me id do back/shoulder

3. there are better ways to remember your dad then a tattoo but once again if you think that is the way to go. Then just pay for quality work.

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yea I wouldnt recommend having a tattoo that is visible if dressed in "professional" attire, what ever that means but that is just my opinion. I have one on my inner calve that is about 8in long and 4 in wide (covers most of my chicken leg) and its a tribal (I know most tribals are lame but National Geo. went into some caves on my pops land in Puerto Rico and inside they found axes, arrow heads and paintings on the wall and this is one of them. its the Taino Sun which is something that the indians of Puerto Rico drew a lot). Pic below is related.

Go with what you feel is best.


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I have a tattoo on my upper arm and am getting a second on my back. I agree not to go with the ankle but the calf is perfectly acceptable. The best place for a smaller tattoo is the forearm but the calf is not bad either. My brother and I have talked about getting memorial tattoos for my dad as well and we would get them on our forearms.

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The three golden rules for tattoos.

Get exactly what you want.

Get it exactly where you want it.

Find an artist who does work you like the best and have them draw it up.

I've done apprenticeships. Have several best friends who tattoo and have spent loads of time in tattoo shops. I also have several.

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