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In what areas of the body is it acceptable for a man to have a tattoo?

Big Weirdo

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The three golden rules for tattoos.

Get exactly what you want.

Get it exactly where you want it.

Find an artist who does work you like the best and have them draw it up.

I've done apprenticeships. Have several best friends who tattoo and have spent loads of time in tattoo shops. I also have several.

KB wins....if I remember correctly he does have quite a few.

I have 'em on my calf, above my ankle, bicep, and forearm for now. Do what you want and get it where you want it.

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Someone told me the ankle was unacceptable for the male gender. Is this true?

No. Not true at all. The point of tattoos is largely one of expression and therefore up to the person getting the thing in the first place.

I'd advise against the face, neck, hands, and other very exposed areas, but it's really none of my business (or anyone else).

If some ink "purest" tries to tell you different, chalk it up to a personal problem on their part.

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Since my dad passed away Ive been thinking about getting a tattoo as something to honor him and as something personal to me. Where is it okay for me to get this tattoo?

Someone told me the ankle was unacceptable for the male gender. Is this true?

Matt if you get an ankle tattoo I will laugh at you every opportunity I get. Now this won't change the fact that I love you dearly, but you seriously won't hear the end of it.
You get it where you want. I have two. one on my left deltoid and my upper back. I am looking at my calf and forearm next.

One of the baddest dudes I have ever known in my life had one on the outside of his calf just above his ankle. It was a picture of his dog that passed away.

This is your way of expressing something that means a lot to you. So you put it where you feel is best.

The only place I know of is the small of the back, but as gimpy said, get it where you want. I have an ankle tat, but it's large and on it's way to becoming more of a ankle, foot, lower calf tattoo.

If you are going to get one on your ankle, just make it big. From what I have seen, girls typically get small mickey mouses or the Eagle logo on their ankle.

I thought this was pretty cool, and not girly.


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