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Seattle? Really?


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So it seems like the Seahawks are every media head's darling this year. I just don't get it.

I understand Hasselback is coming back. I understand they picked up TJ Houshmanamana.

That is enough to make them turn it around? An old slightly above avg. QB and one receiver?

They have no running game. None. They have a weak OL. They haven't got a defense to speak of.

Somehow all these media types have convinced themselves they will not only turn it around, but they'll be IN the playoffs.

I don't get it. I just don't get it.

And the worst part is, next year after the Seahawks have turned in their 7-8 win season, these SAME morons will be on my TV or in my paper making more moronic predictions that won't even come close to happening.


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That division is very weak. Hasselbeck is a little more than slightly above average, he's good (when healthy). The defense has the potential to be better. Without much at receiver the past few years they've been making the playoffs pretty handily, now they have Housh.

They have the best home field advantage in the NFL. If they dominate that division, win everything at home, they're a shoe-in. They can get 5 wins (2 road, 3 home) in the division along with an additional 5 wins against other opponents at home and make 10 wins without too much trouble. Assuming their o-line holds up and they don't have a rash of injuries, they win the division.

That will get them a home playoff game. If Arizona does what most SB losers do the following season, there's not much to stand in their way. Along with the Chargers, its a pretty safe bet. Not saying it'll happen that way, but if you're a pundit and you have to say something you're likely to either pick the Cards or the Seahawks.

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Yes, yes it's a weak division. But Arizona is still a dominant team, and is now good on both sides of the ball. They will cruise.

The Seahawks may have gone 4-0 in the pre-season, but they could easily be 2-5 to start the season.

The way I see it, they will be fighting for a wild card with Atlanta, Chicago, Giants, Gayboys and Redskins. It's going to take 10 wins to be a wild card this year.

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Seattle was a perennial 10-12 win team a few years ago. Last year they were absolutely devastated by injuries across the board on offense and defense; according to football outsiders they had the highest injury rate by far.

This year, they are back and reasonably healthy. As far as Hasselbeck being "slightly above average," you are nuts. He is one year removed from 3966 yards and 28TDs. If that's "slightly above average," what is a "good" season?

I don't think they will win the superbowl or anything, but 10 wins and the division is not out of the question for them - they will battle the Cardinals for the West, IMO.

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Weak division and with the super bowl hangover looming against Arizona, 9-7 or 8-8 could win it. If there was a real good team in that division, they would be jockeying for the NFC number one seed due to the powderpuff schedule they get to play (like the 49ers in the 80-90's), as it is, they will unfortunately send someone to the playoffs, and that could be the 'Hawks.

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In all fairness, with their division being as weak as it is, I wouldn't be surprised if they can pull it off. I'm not exactly sold on the Cardinals being a solid team this year.

Every team but the Rams has a shot at that division. There's parity in their mediocrity.

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maybe some sports casters are saying that, but I don't hear much from the fans. Their D should still be pretty good even with the loss of a starter they traded to Detriot. They have some good recievers, and Carlson is an upcoming TE. Their OL is typcially sturdy-that most anyone can run there. Trufant is hurt, which could really affect their entire D.

All in all- I wouldn't be surprised if they went 10-6...but then again I won't be surprised if they go 5-11.

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As far as Hasselbeck being "slightly above average," you are nuts. He is one year removed from 3966 yards and 28TDs. If that's "slightly above average," what is a "good" season?

no doubt.

i just don't understand all the hate that the future (say, 2015) starting quarterback of the washington redskins gets.

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Its all about the competition in the division. St Louis is horrible, San Francisco will be better but probably not much better than 6-10. Arizona and Seattle are the only ones left and when you factor in the amount of injuries Seattle had in 2008, they are still a solid football team.

I can see them winning the division with a 9-7 record

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