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Cheating Husband tortured by wife, 3 other women

USS Redskins

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This is messed up - the women lured him to a hotel, tied him down and crazy glued his junk to his belly (very Reservoir Dog-ish) and roughed him up. I guess the dude had 3 women he was messing around with... they got the wife involved. It's not right but when you play with fire...

Pics of the women are at the link... dont get your hopes up, though...not hot.

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I would have loved to have been in the ER when they brought that guy in.

Can you imagine trying to separate that guy's junk from his stomach? You know some skin was going to get ripped off and there was going to be blood.

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Agreed, this a-hole deserved worse. It's this kind of crap that reflects poorly on us all.

So you are going to justify violence due to adultery? Come on man, I know from experience that there are other ways to deal with cheaters other than resorting to violence. I chose the correct path by just walking away from my ex-wife.

This guy is definitely a dirt bag, but there is no justification to what these women did. This article just proves women are way more vicious when they are seeking revenge.

The wife of this guy could have taken him to divorce court and could have totally owned him. Instead she decided to be a "see you next tuesday" and seek out personal revenge. Now she is going to be the one paying him in divorce court and he is going to walk away with everything.

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Yup - Cause clearly it shows that he had a very loving wife who gave everything she could to help their marragie.

Indeed. I hear what you are saying and agreed completely. I hate when people pass judgement, and automatically assume the man is at fault. It takes two to tango. All he did was cheat. These women could do the same thing. Instead they decided to torture him, and they are the one with sound moral standing. Unbelievable.

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Yep all he did was cheat. :rolleyes:

Who knows, back in my single sowing my oats phase I could have become the daddy of you open minded dudes because mommy took off her ring and wanted to take a ride on the dark side and then pawned you off on her hubby as his.

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She should absolutely do time for that... But... Uhh... Homedude got what was coming to him too.

Neither one of the people (man or wife) should be defended here. But he was definitely in the wrong for cheating, regardless of what she did. Don't want to be in the relationship? Get the hell out of it.

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Should have kept his penis in his pants.

Cheating on someone is one of the lowest forms of low out there.

Indeed- however, according to the article at least one of the women was married also. So she found out she was being cheated on in her cheating relationship. I love how some people can justify and act w/o a moment's thought.

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Yep all he did was cheat. :rolleyes:

Who knows, back in my single sowing my oats phase I could have become the daddy of you open minded dudes because mommy took off her ring and wanted to take a ride on the dark side and then pawned you off on her hubby as his.

Yup - Cause all people that cheat don't know how Birth Control works....

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Yep all he did was cheat. :rolleyes:

Who knows, back in my single sowing my oats phase I could have become the daddy of you open minded dudes because mommy took off her ring and wanted to take a ride on the dark side and then pawned you off on her hubby as his.

Where did that come from?

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