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Cheating Husband tortured by wife, 3 other women

USS Redskins

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I'm simply saying that there is a double standard of violence towards men and towards women because women are physically different from men. Period, end of subject.

I'm not justifying behaviors. I'm not saying anything is right here. I'm simply saying that one is worse than the other, for good reason. If you don't believe me go wrestle your girlfriend / significant other and report back in this thread.

We all get to laugh at the guy that loses. Again, for good reason. :)


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Isn't that a violation of the 14th Amendment. If you're acknowledging that you treated someone differently standing before the law and not based on the facts of the case outside of what the person is, that's definitely fodder for something. I just don't know who would have standing to sue, though, the DA?
Dude should be removed from the bench. And the husband should sue all 4 of these ****es :mad:
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Wah wah.

Considering this dudes history, I'm more inclined to laugh my ass off at what happened to him than pity the jerk.

Indeed. Major crimes are OK if committed by a woman because, as you've demonstrated time and again on this board (regardless of other political views,) you are a misandrist of the first order and you desire feminine supremacy in our legal system and society---with equal or superior access to all areas of life but with none of the attendant obligations or penalties that might accrue to violators with full citizenship and full accountability.

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Indeed. Major crimes are OK if committed by a woman because, as you've demonstrated time and again on this board (regardless of other political views,) you are a misandrist of the first order and you desire feminine supremacy in our legal system and society---with equal or superior access to all areas of life but with none of the attendant obligations or penalties that might accrue to violators with full citizenship and full accountability.
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I'm simply saying that there is a double standard of violence towards men and towards women because women are physically different from men. Period, end of subject.

No, sir, it's not.

Say chick ***** slaps her man. What's his natural, human male reaction? What if I slap you? What are you gonna do? If you're like the rest of us, I'm taking an ass whooping, or you're getting one for trying.

So, her "minor" violence leads to major violence. You nip one in the bud, you solved a small part of a MAJOR problem.

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No, sir, it's not.

Say chick ***** slaps her man. What's his natural, human male reaction? What if I slap you? What are you gonna do? If you're like the rest of us, I'm taking an ass whooping, or you're getting one for trying.

So, her "minor" violence leads to major violence. You nip one in the bud, you solved a small part of a MAJOR problem.

This is exactly correct and zoony, you're naive buddy. Maybe you've always had perfect women for gf's and a wife. It can happen in the bible belt. :ols:

But in the real world, a lot a abuse, women on men, happens and we, as men, know that because of this double standard, there will be no justice.

You put your hands on a women to defend yourself and not only is it assault but most likely a sex crime will be attached.

Here's and example. Wife #1 was halfway hammered and reading me the riot act, not long after I'd gotten home, about some dumb ****. I had worked 13 hours outside that winter day and just wanted to be left alone. So when I told her that I was leaving if she didn't calm down, she dialed 911 and just before they answered she smacked me on top of the head with the telephone receiver (split my scalp open blood everywhere). I'm screaming in agony while she's telling the cops that I'm drunk, abusive, and assaulting her. So now I'm fleeing my own home on foot to keep from going to jail, because I've had like 3 beers and didn't want risk a DUI, and walking around for several hours on a winter night just trying not to go to jail. And you know that they cops wouldn't have been interested in what I had to say. But I was lucky compared to the similar circumstances that other friends of mine have endured due to pathological lying and double standards.

Same x-wife, broke into my home (almost a year after a legal separation) at 3 am, drunk, and starts fighting with my girlfriend. I kicked her out and told her to leave before I call the cops. 10 minutes later she's in the house again (I didn't know how she got in the first time). I go to call the cops and she rips the phone cord out of the wall (cell phones were rare in '90). The cops finally come and Arlington send two female cops, who threatened to take me to jail. She was obviously drunk and the cops not only let her go, they let her drive off drunk. Told me that If I wanted to press charges I'd have to go down to the station and do it myself.

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In other words, you want him to hang the entire thing out there before you chop his balls off :ols:

I would never!.......

(There is a double standard because there should be. Men and women are physically different. Is it right what these women did? Of course not. Is it the same as if men did it? NO. Deal with it folks.)


And there we go. End of thread...unless guys in here want to start arguing the women are physically equal and even superior than them when it comes to strength.

So, if a woman ties you up, how does your physical strength factor in if she uses guile to get you into that position.

Or shoots you in your back in your sleep and murders you and then makes up lies about you to cover for her failings (the reverend's wife in tennessee, Winkler was her name, right?)

Physical strength is negated by deception, weapons, numbers, drugs, or altered physical states (sleep, intense fatigue, etc.)

We are talking about the double standard in society in general.

Indeed. Major crimes are OK if committed by a woman because, as you've demonstrated time and again on this board (regardless of other political views,) you are a misandrist of the first order and you desire feminine supremacy in our legal system and society---with equal or superior access to all areas of life but with none of the attendant obligations or penalties that might accrue to violators with full citizenship and full accountability.

Lol, nice prose. Completely off base, but superbly written.

No, I am just saying that physically, men are different from women, that is why the double standard is still prevalent in our society. No matter how much women progress in our society in terms of "equality," there will always be a biological, physical strength difference on the average. I mean, for hells's sake, have you TRIED watching the WNBA?!?!

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No, I am just saying that physically, men are different from women, that is why the double standard is still prevalent in our society. No matter how much women progress in our society in terms of "equality," there will always be a biological, physical strength difference on the average. I mean, for hells's sake, have you TRIED watching the WNBA?!?!

But in this case, that physical difference is one billion percent irrelevant.

These 4 women didn't simply start slapping and punching the guy in the arm...in that situation you could look at the physical differences between 4 women committing that act against one man and 4 men committing that same act against one woman.

No, what they did rendered the perceived physical differences moot...tying someone up and gluing their private parts is the same whether it's being done to a man or a woman...whether it's being done by 4 men or 4 women. Where the double standard comes into play is when we let the images in our mind shock our emotions: the idea of seeing in our minds' eye 4 men super gluing a woman's private parts together packs a much more emotional wallop than seeing 4 women doing the same to a man.

It's the same reason we all laugh at seeing a guy get hit in the privates on "America's Funniest Home Videos" but wouldn't begin to laugh if some little kid accidentally took a bat to their mom's crotch. It effects us differently emotionally...but the act itself is no different--and actually it would probably be far worse for the man getting hit than for the woman, to be honest...yet when it's a man we laugh and smile and applaud for the entertainment value it brings us. Double standard.

As for what these 4 women did, anyone anywhere wanting to cheer on their act or claim that cheating makes this act of violence acceptable in their eyes needs to either pull back on the hyperbole or do a serious inner questioning of themselves. It was wrong on a million different levels, period.

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"The felony charge against the wife was initially dismissed after the man told police she was in the motel room but didn't actively participate. But Kratz said he obtained jail telephone recordings made when the man was in custody on unrelated child-abuse charges. In the tapes, the man and wife collaborated on "concocting" her story, he said.

So Kratz charged the 31-year-old wife with disorderly conduct. She pleaded no contest Tuesday and was also sentenced to probation and community service. She declined to comment before sentencing.

The judge acknowledged a possible double-standard with the sentencing. If the incident involved a man who committed similar acts against an unwilling woman, that man would doubtless face prison time, Judge Donald Poppy said."

Un****ing believable! The judge admits to his unfair double standard sentencing. :doh:

The thing is the guy was willing to do go through this

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Anyone want to post violence statistics for men on woman -vs- woman on man?

Or maybe rape statistics of similar?

Just to put these arguments everyone is making in context. :)


So the argument you and keeast seem to be making is that since there's one double standard, it's OK for there to be another?


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So the argument you and keeast seem to be making is that since there's one double standard, it's OK for there to be another?


uhhh, no. The argument I'm making is that saying when a man slaps a woman -vs- when a woman slaps a man are the same thing is ****ing retar... err... dumb.


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In other words, you want him to hang the entire thing out there before you chop his balls off :ols:


(There is a double standard because there should be. Men and women are physically different. Is it right what these women did? Of course not. Is it the same as if men did it? NO. Deal with it folks.)


this is incorrect

there is a double standard... and for the most part that double standard makes sense. A woman slapping a man isn't the exact same thing... but when you get to crimes that are outside of the strength paradigm it doesn't much matter anymore.

Is torture less bad if women do it? Murder? Theft? Of course not.

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this is incorrect

there is a double standard... and for the most part that double standard makes sense. A woman slapping a man isn't the exact same thing... but when you get to crimes that are outside of the strength paradigm it doesn't much matter anymore.

Is torture less bad if women do it? Murder? Theft? Of course not.

not what I was talking about necessarily- overall I agree

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But in this case, that physical difference is one billion percent irrelevant.

You are right, and I'm not arguing otherwise. I'm primarily refering to the general double standard of violence between sexes and the physical/strength differences between men and women...a topic that has come up in this and other recent threads in the TG.

Of course what these women did was wrong, but I think putting this crime into the context of all the other violent crimes out there as well as what the testimonies were, I'd say their punishment was appropriate, particularly if they had no priors.

So the argument you and keeast seem to be making is that since there's one double standard, it's OK for there to be another?


As usual, you completely miss the point.

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Anyone want to post violence statistics for men on woman -vs- woman on man?

Or maybe rape statistics of similar?

Just to put these arguments everyone is making in context. :)


That's like comparing certain crime stats, like between whites and blacks, and rationalizing that because a certain segment had such a small percentage of commissions, that group should get a pass or a reduced sentence. You're suggesting class discrimination, and I have no idea why other than you have sisters and daughters? If you break the law you should pay the same price as anyone else, no matter who you are. I seem recall you being a hard ass on one or more people asking for help with a DUI charge and saying "man up, plead guilty, and bend over for the punishment." Apologies if my memory is incorrect here. ;)

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That's like comparing certain crime stats, like between whites and blacks, and rationalizing that because a certain segment had such a small percentage of commissions, that group should get a pass or a reduced sentence.

First off- I'm not talking about relaxing sentences for violent crime. I'm talking about why we think a story like this is funny on some level -vs- if men had done it, how outraged we'd all be.

Second- your point above would be relevant if the differences between men and women were the same as the difference between whites and blacks. They're not.

Any man who calls the police because his woman slapped him for cheating is a *****.


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First off- I'm not talking about relaxing sentences for violent crime. I'm talking about why we think a story like this is funny on some level -vs- if men had done it, how outraged we'd all be.

Second- your point above would be relevant if the differences between men and women were the same as the difference between whites and blacks. They're not.

Any man who calls the police because his woman slapped him for cheating is a *****.


Well if one looks at "all crimes" committed by men & women IMO you'll still see a very vast difference in "preferential treatment" of women compared to men. It's ludicrous to justify lenient punishment because gender for the same committed offense. I can think of no jurisprudence that supports this.

For example just look at the female teacher thread to see how the court handles these types of cases and how society( ES tailgate members) views them. This is but one example.

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First off- I'm not talking about relaxing sentences for violent crime. I'm talking about why we think a story like this is funny on some level -vs- if men had done it, how outraged we'd all be.

Ok, sure i think that what happened was funny. But having zero consequences for the women because they're women is outrageous.

Second- your point above would be relevant if the differences between men and women were the same as the difference between whites and blacks. They're not.

There's no difference, in discrimination laws, between these two protected classes (sex, and race).

"What is a "protected class"?

Protected classes are groups that lawmakers specifically protect from discrimination. Today, they include anyone who suffers discrimination because of their age, sex, race, national origin, disability, creed or religion."

Any man who calls the police because his woman slapped him for cheating is a *****.

Do you have a comprehension problem? The women super glued the guy's genitals.

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