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Cheating Husband tortured by wife, 3 other women

USS Redskins

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Which is all well and good... but would you also kidnap the guy, imprison him, and sexually assault him? That's what these people did. They should be looking at 15 years in prison and they got off with nothing.

I wouldn't need to come up with some elaborate scheme to render him defenseless so that I could hurt him without him hurting me back. I'd just hurt him and he'd run away. :)

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Which is all well and good... but would you also kidnap the guy, imprison him, and sexually assault him? That's what these people did. They should be looking at 15 years in prison.

Indeed. Wow, they got off? Christ. There really is a pathetic double standard there, if they didn't get 10+ years in prison (and honestly, if three men had done this to a woman, wouldn't we be OK with 20 years?)

As for the guy having the 12 year old's cell phone. I don't know, it seems to me that women who planned this level of barbaric revenge would be fully capable of saying to this man: Oh hey, can you pick my daughter up from school today, here's her cell phone number so you can make sure you find her in front of the school.

Or hell, even before they hatched this plan that could have happened. If he had real involvement with any of these women, it's totally possible he had taken on some of the childcare or transportation responsibilities and would have every right to have the phone number (if the kid is going to have a cell phone.)

It would be nice if we didn't convict a man of child sexual abuse or statutory rape without any evidence. :) (Henry, your case would be totally different because he'd have no reason to have your daughter's number, thus you'd be more justified in harboring strong suspicions.)

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It would be nice if we didn't convict a man of child sexual abuse or statutory rape without any evidence. :) (Henry, your case would be totally different because he'd have no reason to have your daughter's number, thus you'd be more justified in harboring strong suspicions.)

Oh I'm just going by what they said. If they were going to confront him and found that number, I could see someone snapping. That's all.

Otherwise, I agree with everyone else in this thread.

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Well, I was on board with the double-standard brigade until I read the part about him calling up one of his girlfriend's 12-year-old daughter. If I found out some skeezy 37 year-old guy had my daughter's number on his cell I'd probably beat the crap out of him too.

Observing that there's a difference between "him calling up one of his girlfriend's 12-year-old daughter" and "one of his torturers attempts to defend her actions by claiming . . . "

Although I also observe the part about "while the man was in prison on an unrelated child abuse charge".

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I am curious about the fitful outrage about double standard in cases like this...

do you (not aimed at any poster in particular) think that men are treated too harshly by the courts in sexual abuse cases? or that these women were treated too lightly?

Speaking for myself: I believe that all citizens are supposed to receive "equal protection nuder the law". I seem to remember reading that, somewhere.

Now as to the "which punishment needs to be adjusted" question: I suspect that Justice lies somewhere in the middle.

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Although I also observe the part about "while the man was in prison on an unrelated child abuse charge".

Did not see that, though that does not necessarily indicate sex abuse (which is what was previously implied.) And I know that you're not making any particular claim.

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Child abuse charges? Just consider the situation. This is the same guy that got his johnson glued to his stomach by the girlfriend and 3 other women. That's pretty messed up. Allegations of abuse and whatever else from THIS situation need to be taken with a whole shakerfull of salt.

And why wouldn't you have your girlfriend's kid's cell number in your phone? That's weak. Unless you just met the woman a week ago, it would be perfectly normal, even wise to have the children's cell numbers with you in your phone. It's not like she caught him sending dirty texts or something.

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so much for your moral compass, I pity your hubby :pfft:.

what kills me is that these women committed felony kidnapping, false imprisionment, robbery, felony theft auto, and sexual assault and were let go on $200 bail. If it were a man the bail would be $50k. I doubt that they will receive half the jail time that a man would under the same circumstances.

"Criminal complaints filed Friday allege the man agreed to be bound with "sheer sheets" and blindfolded with a pillowcase for a "rub down" by Ziemann. She instead cut off his underwear with a scissors and summoned the others to the room with a text message.Ziemann struck the man in the face, and used Krazy Glue to attach his penis to his stomach when the other women arrived, according to the complaints. The man told investigators he also was threatened with a gun. Ziemann told investigators she didn't have a gun but may have told the victim, "Do you know how much I want to shoot you?"

He started screaming and the women rushed off fearful that he could get loose and hurt them but allegedly took his wallet, vehicle and cell phone."

Wah wah.

My husband has nothing to fear from me...nor does anyone, I wouldn't do something like that. This whole group sounds like a bunch of looooozers.

Considering this dudes history, I'm more inclined to laugh my ass off at what happened to him than pity the jerk.

And I am also inclined to believe the women's version of the story (that things spiraled out of hand...which tends to happen when you do stupid crap like this).

If they had no priors, probation is fine with me...its not like they are hardcore felons,lol

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He got what he deserved. Anyone who cheats deserves whatever

they get.

Anything, huh? You need some perspective. I don't feel real bad for him, what happened to him is not that bad and he brought it on himself. How would you feel if they had really tortured him, like with waterboarding or cut him up or something like that? Cool with you? How about murder? He deserves it, right?

I'd also add that numerous studies have shown that around 50% of men and 25% of women have cheated on their spouses. How many of those condemning this guy are among that group? I agree that cheating is despicable and cheating with multiple partners is worse - I'm just providing food for thought...

Below is from: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/02/AR2010020201899_2.html

After the sentencing the victim and his wife walked out of the courtroom together. The man directed obscene gestures with each hand toward the handful of television cameras.

Classy. Have these folks been on Jerry Springer? I bet he'd wet his pants if he got all 5 of them on there together.

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Don't cheat and there is no sniveling of double standards, I can't see any justification for a man to have the other woman's 12 year old daughter's number.
So you don't have your kid's number? Yeah, that's what I thought.
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"The felony charge against the wife was initially dismissed after the man told police she was in the motel room but didn't actively participate. But Kratz said he obtained jail telephone recordings made when the man was in custody on unrelated child-abuse charges. In the tapes, the man and wife collaborated on "concocting" her story, he said.

So Kratz charged the 31-year-old wife with disorderly conduct. She pleaded no contest Tuesday and was also sentenced to probation and community service. She declined to comment before sentencing.

The judge acknowledged a possible double-standard with the sentencing. If the incident involved a man who committed similar acts against an unwilling woman, that man would doubtless face prison time, Judge Donald Poppy said."

Un****ing believable! The judge admits to his unfair double standard sentencing. :doh:

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"The felony charge against the wife was initially dismissed after the man told police she was in the motel room but didn't actively participate. But Kratz said he obtained jail telephone recordings made when the man was in custody on unrelated child-abuse charges. In the tapes, the man and wife collaborated on "concocting" her story, he said.

So Kratz charged the 31-year-old wife with disorderly conduct. She pleaded no contest Tuesday and was also sentenced to probation and community service. She declined to comment before sentencing.

The judge acknowledged a possible double-standard with the sentencing. If the incident involved a man who committed similar acts against an unwilling woman, that man would doubtless face prison time, Judge Donald Poppy said."

Un****ing believable! The judge admits to his unfair double standard sentencing. :doh:

Happens ALL the time in court. Men & women are treated very differently for committing or being charged with the exact same crime. Our "legal" system is politicized and pathetic imo.

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Can't believe some people here are defending these ****es.

If a group of men did something like this to a cheating woman, it'd be OK, right? :doh:

ACW, I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at with this post...and the one before that...and the one before that....could you please clarify your thoughts on this topic for me?

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ACW, I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at with this post...and the one before that...and the one before that....could you please clarify your thoughts on this topic for me?

In other words, you want him to hang the entire thing out there before you chop his balls off :ols:


(There is a double standard because there should be. Men and women are physically different. Is it right what these women did? Of course not. Is it the same as if men did it? NO. Deal with it folks.)


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(There is a double standard because there should be. Men and women are physically different. Is it right what these women did? Of course not. Is it the same as if men did it? NO. Deal with it folks.)


Let me pick three women to meet you in the octagon, zoon. All three might not walk out, but I can promise you, you won't either.

The fact that anyone would even attempt to justify this, or the double standard that runs rampant through our legal system makes me hope I'm dead before our country goes much further down the path we're on. Sincerely.

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Let me pick three women to meet you in the octagon, zoon. All three might not walk out, but I can promise you, you won't either.

The fact that anyone would even attempt to justify this, or the double standard that runs rampant through our legal system makes me hope I'm dead before our country goes much further down the path we're on. Sincerely.

I'm not concerned with exceptions. Take a truly random statistical sample of 100,000 women I doubt you find your three.

That is, if I get to wear a cup :silly:


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The judge acknowledged a possible double-standard with the sentencing. If the incident involved a man who committed similar acts against an unwilling woman, that man would doubtless face prison time, Judge Donald Poppy said."

Isn't that a violation of the 14th Amendment. If you're acknowledging that you treated someone differently standing before the law and not based on the facts of the case outside of what the person is, that's definitely fodder for something. I just don't know who would have standing to sue, though, the DA?

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I'm not concerned with exceptions. Take a truly random statistical sample of 100,000 women I doubt you find your three.

That is, if I get to wear a cup :silly:


So, if a woman ties you up, how does your physical strength factor in if she uses guile to get you into that position.

Or shoots you in your back in your sleep and murders you and then makes up lies about you to cover for her failings (the reverend's wife in tennessee, Winkler was her name, right?)

Physical strength is negated by deception, weapons, numbers, drugs, or altered physical states (sleep, intense fatigue, etc.)

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