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I Like the Lavar Show

method man

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i actually think their personalities are fine. lavar has a certain unexpected intelligence and laid back highroad zen to him, but in the end he still is a bit of a flakey self-deluded excuse-maker, albeit a likable one.

what bugs me is how much skins bashing they do. they go way beyond "calling a spade a spade" and seem to just hammer the skins on every hater cliche they can think of. it gets old. i'd rather hear actual sports talk of some kind than more tired dan snyder talk.

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Lavar and Chad are flat going off on the sign ban. Good stuffs.

yeah, I'm listening today. The guy with the B-I-N-Go F yourself Snyder sign that got kicked out(was on WAPOST), called in. A couple other people who got kicked out called in. They are hilarious with the sign issue.

No he keeps saying "neuter!" when they talk about Zorn.

:hysterical: It took me a couple times before I realized what he was doing.

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I like him better than Doc doing the JT show this past week, but that's not saying a lot.

This is a joke, right?

Doc Walker is the MAN in this town when it comes to Skins. You get all the stuff we as fans feel from him. Anybody who says different doesn't get it.

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This is a joke, right?

Doc Walker is the MAN in this town when it comes to Skins. You get all the stuff we as fans feel from him. Anybody who says different doesn't get it.

I would love to see Doc and BMitch or Riggo take Wise's spot in the midday.

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I don't listen to Lavar's show, but I did love him when he was playing for the Redskins. Last thing I remember Lavar ranting about was how Gregg Williams was worthless and how G.Williams' career was pretty much over last season. Somebody order Lavar another round of sour grapes because it looks like G.Williams and the Saints have a good chance at making it to the Super Bowl(and winning it?).


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This is a joke, right?

Doc Walker is the MAN in this town when it comes to Skins. You get all the stuff we as fans feel from him. Anybody who says different doesn't get it.

Doc is fine. But the problem is he's on John Thompson's show. JT must be the most boring man on radio. I can't handle listening to him for more than five minutes.

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Doc is fine. But the problem is he's on John Thompson's show. JT must be the most boring man on radio. I can't handle listening to him for more than five minutes.

I agree, love the coach especially when he was a G'town but I can't listen to him on the radio. Not even one s-lo-w l-o-n-g minute

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  • 1 month later...

basically saying Zorn should be fired NOW! (Chad is screaming). They are pissed about being the laughing stock of the NFL- said we even embarrassed all of humanity (that may have been UnWise Mike who was on the first few minutes).

Lavar said he thinks people already packed their bags, players and coaches. They are going off on AH- saying he has no reason to talk bad about not being "let loose".

They are pissed as all hell about the OL letting JC get killed last night.

They are really mad that Zorn won't apologize, and that he should be refunding ticket costs.

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