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Has ES ever changed your opinions about something?


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Everyone comes to the board pretty much with set opinions on any given issue. Either that, or they don't give a **** about certain issues and just avoid them and/or make jokes about them. With all the headbutting that goes on around here, I wonder if anyone has ever genuinely changed their opinion on an issue because of what someone else said on here?

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Sometimes Tailgate conversations have made me question or soften my own views on a subject. Gun control, immigration and education issues jump to mind.

Of course, in other areas, Tailgate conversations have only made me more dogmatic - as people have exposed their ignorance in opposing my brilliant views. :laugh:

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Actually,yes. Not all the time,but there have been times when my opinion on one thing or another has changed due to more information about whatever subject I had an opinion on. I have noticed over the years though,that there seems to be less and less tolerance of any opinion other than our own.

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Sometimes Tailgate conversations have made me question or soften my own views on a subject.
in the stadium, yes. there are some very informed/knolwedgable football types on ES.
Believe it or not, yes.
...there have been times when my opinion on one thing or another has changed due to more information about whatever subject I had an opinion on.

I agree with the above. :)

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I dunno.

I think my opinions have changed over the last few years. (Although the only one I can think of right now is that I do think I could go along with some restrictions on late term abortions.)

And ES has really been my primary source of information and discussion for years.

I can't point at one particulat thing and say "There, right there. That's the post that changed my mind."

But if my mind has changed, and ES is by far my primary venue . . . .


I will say that I've learned a lot, about a lot of subjects.

(IMO, the number of subjects where we have at least one ES poster who's very knowledgeable is really amazing.)

You may have to wade through a mountain of :pooh: to find it . . .

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i used to think extremeskins posters were an intelligent and respectful lot.

i kid, i kid ....

i never thought that.

Let's say that out all the people in "ES land", there are a few hundred who are regularly seen in the two biggest suburbs of Stadium and Tailgate, with varying commuting habits (from never-to-often) between the two suburbs.

Now let's say that you randomly selected a few hundred folk from your current geographical community.

Ponder how many might fall into the various categories of how you might view humans.

How many (or what percentage) would you think are probably "fine people" from what you can tell (usually the less you know the better :silly:)

How many would seem "stupid" to you after enough exposure?

How many would you call "really bright, well-informed, well-adjusted people?" :D

How familiar are you with actual statistics/demographics for the national population or your regional population on things like IQ, criminal record, voting patterns, educational levels acheived, etc.?

They're likely about the same with the added negative-weighting all interent habituating organisms must be awarded. :silly:

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Sure, sometimes there was an array of information that I didn't know or a perspective that I hadn't considered which made a profound difference.

I've also been told sometimes confidentially and other times on the open board that I have changed others' minds.

Most of the time though, it is rather like being Gus and seeing a good solid wall. You just get the hankering to head butt the damn thing.

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I don't think I've ever done a complete 180 on something... at least something important. But I do understand much better opposing viewpoints, and where they come from. So I guess 'softening' might be a good word to use.

I also think I'm better able to sniff out BS and Bias than I was before. Much to the chagrin of my father, who wonders why I have to argue with him on everything nowadays, lol.

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ok, for serious answer now-

Not totally changed my mind, but maybe help see ones point of view on something (if its posted well). There is sort of a social education that can go on around here-meeting so many people from so many walks of life.

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I think it has also helped to fortify and strengthen certain positions because I just never realized quite how stupid and malignant the other side often is.

So, sometimes it has changed my opinions by making them more unyielding and less flexible than they once were.

(For example, the downloading/copyright thread of this weekend)

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Yes, lots of stuff. Its not often i do a 180, but that has happened. Most of the time my opinions evolve as i get more info and different points of view.

Bingo! I love discussing issues. The more controversial the better. Its an exercise for your mind and hopefully at the end, everyone has learned something whether opinions have been changed or not. I take in every bit of information and my opinions have flip flopped as I read a thread quite often. There are some really intelligent people on here with a lot of knowledge that we can all learn from.

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yes, I went from a Hannity/Limbaugh Koolaid drinking liberal hating ninny to a more open-minded libertarian type conservative. I actually atributed this message board to my change in world-view in an English essay this year. I helped challenge the assumption that people never alter their worldview past age 16.

specifically, homosexuality is a huge 180 issue for me. I used to hate homosexuals and refused to even acknowledge that they didn't choose their identity. Discussion in the tailgate eventually led me to recognize that most likely it is genetic and therefore can't be helped. I currently support civil unions, and its all thanks to a little debating here :)

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yes, I went from a Hannity/Limbaugh Koolaid drinking liberal hating ninny to a more open-minded libertarian type conservative. I actually atributed this message board to my change in world-view in an English essay this year. I helped challenge the assumption that people never alter their worldview past age 16.

specifically, homosexuality is a huge 180 issue for me. I used to hate homosexuals and refused to even acknowledge that they didn't choose their identity. Discussion in the tailgate eventually led me to recognize that most likely it is genetic and therefore can't be helped. I currently support civil unions, and its all thanks to a little debating here :)

That's pretty cool. Those are some big cultural hurdles you cleared or are attempting too :cheers:

Now, if we can just get you to hate Hannity/Limbaugh :silly: Seriously though, anytime hate in the world is lessened it's a day to celebrate.

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I think it has also helped to fortify and strengthen certain positions because I just never realized quite how stupid and malignant the other side often is.

Yeah, yeah, speak for yaself! :silly:

Interestingly, while there is a lot of crap to wade through, there are some opinions of the "other side" that I really value and definitely take into consideration when I think about certain issues. Predicto and Burgold are certainly good examples of people that are definitely "left" of me on political issues, but I look forward to their perspectives on issues because they are well-thought out and rational...usually :silly: j/k. Bang's another one who's posts I appreciate. Lots of other posters on here too, just forget their names right now, sorry.

I don't think my opinion really ever changes, but I think I take a softer stance on a lot of issues after listening to other experiences and perspectives on here...

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I haven't been on ES long, but I have learned a lot about football and other global/life issues (political and pleasure) that has broadened my view points. ES has been a learning experience.


1. I have learned to temper my expectations

2. I have learned to not take others too seriously, or myself for that matter

3. I have learned that I am a homer to some degree...and thats OK.

4. I have learned that most fans are just as bad as Dan Snyder when it comes to the FA.


I can only say that I understand other peoples viewpoints more. I haven't really changed my stance, but I am more open to listen to others and accept their ideas and thoughts.

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