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Most irritating vernacular on ES (and other boards)


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People who start threads with anything along the lines of "Mods, sorry if this has already been posted" or "Please merge if already posted, I checked but didn't see it posted yet."

Pretty much means no, you did not search. Maybe the first page. That doesn't count.

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Claiming players you like have "heart" and players you dislike don't have "heart"...knowing that "heart" can't be proven or dis-proven.

Core Redskin. (until he's released/traded, then he's not a core Redskin)

He's a Joe Gibbs type player. (see above)

He brings his lunch pail to work everyday.

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One thing that I fail at. :silly:

And so I actually contribute something to this conversation... I hate "Caption this pic". Hate it.

Caption fun is happy good times for me! Almost as killer as Look-a-likes during the season.

I also agree with the "It is what it is" sentiment. Let's throw the corrupted word "azz" in there, too.

EDIT: Just saw another one I hate in a different thread: haters. I truly wish I had a time machine so I could find the person who came up with that and hit him in the head with a baseball bat right before he uttered his creation and then time machine the heck outta there before his friends/family **** my **** up. So I guess I need a time machine that would beam me in and out like the transporters on Star Trek, that way I can retain the element of surprise...Anyway - stop saying "haters", it's dumb and cliche.

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Wouldn't a thesaurus give you variations ?

Maybe I drank too much today.

LOL. Good point. Let me be clear. Variations of the word "class." ---- Like classy, have no class, no class, classless, class this, class that, class with any adjective.

What is class anyway? It is mighty subjective. Define it please. It is like the word I mentioned earlier "Intangibles." WTF?

I for one am guilty of half the thing already mentioned, and I for one am going to amend my attitude and posting vernacular accordingly. This is great list folks..... keep it coming.

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