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DB: Michael Moore Goes to Wall Street


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I know Michael More is very controversial. I also know he doesn't produce documentaries, he's a very talented movie editorialist.

I didn't start out as a big fan, but what turned me into one was how smart and well researched his editorials are. He makes these crazy acusations which nobody would possible believe, and invarable they turn out to be true. Like Bush Sr. sitting across the table from Bin Laudin's brother on the morning of 911. Who would believe that? Like the Saudi's backing Bush W. in several failed businesses prior to his sucessful run for the Presidency. His facts are amaizingly researched, it's the conclusions he draws from those facts which really should host the critism.

Anyway, I always learn a bunch of stuff when I see a Michael Moore movie, I can't wait for his movie on the global meltdown.


Michael Moore Goes to Wall Street

Controversy-loving filmmaker Michael Moore will turn his camera to the global economic meltdown in a film due out this October. Moore is staying secretive about the project, but a statement he released suggests the film will target the men and women behind the economic crisis with the same fiery outrage as his former projects attacked President Bush or the health care industry. "The wealthy, at some point, decided they didn't have enough wealth," he said in the statement." They wanted more—a lot more. So they systematically set about to fleece the American people out of their hard-earned money. Now, why would they do this? That is what I seek to discover in this movie."

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I actually like some of his stuff. And I count myself as a republican.

Obviously some of his stuff has a clear agenda, but a lot is also pretty thought provoking. You don't have to agree with what he says, but at least it makes people stop and think for a minute.

If you cut through some of the B.S. he includes, a good amount of his stuff is worth watching, in my opinion.

I will wait to see more on this, but there os a good chance I will see this at some point. I did not get to see Sicko yet, but it is definitely on my list of things to watch.

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I love the fact that this fat **** is still trying to capitalize off the mistakes made by the very same country that feeds his disgusting ass.

He is top 5 of people I want to fight.

edit: I really hate sounding like "love this country or leave it" but when your sole source of income is dogging the same country that allows you to do this then I have to go there.

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edit: I really hate sounding like "love this country or leave it" but when your sole source of income is dogging the same country that allows you to do this then I have to go there.

I would agree here, definitely

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I think it would be awesome to see unbiased movies like this done...but since Moore is so extreme you have to take the info from his movies with a grain of salt.

If anyone did a movie like this, I would say Morgan Spurlock could make a good one.

edit: I really hate sounding like "love this country or leave it" but when your sole source of income is dogging the same country that allows you to do this then I have to go there.

I agree as well. My question would be if his documentaries were unbiased and truthful, would you feel the same way?

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If you read ES you'd think no one has ever gone to see a Michael Moore movie.
Wait, is this a good or bad thing in your opinion?

You don't have to watch a Michael Moore movie to know he's a horse's ass who unfortunately has access to a video camera and a gullible audience.

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I agree as well. My question would be if his documentaries were unbiased and truthful, would you feel the same way?

if he said "bush did ______ wrong but he did ______ right" of course I could view his works. but he has clearly made it a point to do nothing but try to tear down and discredit everything he goes after. thats not unbiased in the least.

and when he went after charlton heston like he did I got pissed. if that would have been back in Charlton's prime he wouldnt have gotten 2 sentences out before picking up his teeth and apologizing. But I guess he thought it was OK to attack an old man who is losing his mind.

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Michael Moore is a sensationalist and a provocateur. As with any propagandist there needs to be enough truth in it to get the fish on the hook, but after that misdirections and exagerations in the name of his agenda are the name of the game.

He's only two steps above Rush imo

Edit: You can get some interesting info out of Moore, but you definately need to do your homework and sift what he says.

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