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What's Your ES Legacy?

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What about your time spent here at ES do you think will continue to live on long after your departure (for whatever reasons)?...For instance, the guy who accidentally coined the term "paloffs" lol...that will live long after he's stopped coming here. Or the ES member who first came up with the idea for a Babe Draft...they will continue here on ES even if he decides to leave for good. What about TLC's obsession with Jessica Alba? lol...Did he help solidify her visual presence on Extremeskins for years to come, whether he's here or not?

So, if you had to pick your ES legacy, what would it be (if anything)?

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The only one that is vaguely close for me is I was the threadbomber on the Malcomb Kelley thread. I can't claim that as a legacy however, as the title was comedy gold and it was getting threadbombed by somebody, I was just in the right place at the right time.

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Major chat personality during Caps playoff games and Redskins football games. Usually I'm the first to announce the events on the field during the Redskins game, and type them with superfast ability to other chat members :)

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The only one that is vaguely close for me is I was the threadbomber on the Malcomb Kelley thread. I can't claim that as a legacy however, as the title was comedy gold and it was getting threadbombed by somebody, I was just in the right place at the right time.

Who came up with the idea of derailing asinine threads with talk of sandwiches? lol :laugh:

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Its always tough to tell for what others know you. I dunno if I'm more known for being a backwards Packers fan or for being a big-time Caps fan. Maybe I'm more known as being an outspoken ambassador for civil liberties. I think y'all have a better idea of what legacy, if any, I have.

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The pictures I guess. The wildlife especially,(not including spider pics of course ;) ). Pretty sure that will be one that will be around for awhile. Well,maybe that and maybe my use of smileys from time to time.

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I'd like to say I will be remembered for creating the ES Hijack Army, but it will probably end up being my drunk keeastman thread or the fact that I passed out at the ES Draft Day Party. :doh:

Dude. I originally brought up the army. You just put it to work. You know all the people. Don't try and claim my idea as your own. ;)

My legacy... the "Ask a Mechanic" thread. I can honestly say that if I left today and never came back that it would be carried on. Twa already does a good job when I'm not around.

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I'm guessing Reic's legacy will be that towel pic? lol

You just had to go there didn't you? :mad:

:mad: :mad: :mad:

My legacy is being known for my hatred and fear of spiders lol...:D

Well at least I didn't post one here. :)

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Once upon a time I made a cartoon about Michael Vick taking a dump. It was my first cartoon that attracted national media, and it blew up my bandwidth and shut my (then) little site down the first day I put it out.

So I put out the word to any and all that I needed a home, and Eric (Blade) from ES stepped up to the plate and offered to be the exclusive host of Bang Cartoons. ES hosted me for two years or so,, and the cartoons became a very big draw of new members. At one time I was far and away listed as the number one referrer of new members.

So, my legacy is I helped stamp ES indelibly on the map.


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