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Giant spiders invade Australian Outback town


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You guys like spiders, right?

Giant spiders invade Australian Outback town

Australia is known around the world for its large and deadly creepy crawlies, but even locals have been shocked by the size of the giant venomous spiders that have invaded an Outback town in Queensland.


The giant tarantula caught in Queensland this week. The spiders have been pushed out of their natural habitat by heavy rain.

Scores of eastern tarantulas, which are known as “bird-eating spiders” and can grow larger than the palm of a man’s hand, have begun crawling out from gardens and venturing into public spaces in Bowen, a coastal town about 700 miles northwest of Brisbane.

Earlier this week locals spotted an Australian tarantula wandering towards a public garden in the centre of town where people often sit for lunch. They called in a pest controller, but not before using a can of insect spray to paralyse the spider.

Audy Geiszler, who runs Amalgamated Pest Control in Bowen, said that the spider was a large male with powerful long fangs and was so big that when he placed it – dead – in the palm of his hand its legs hung over his fingers.

Mr Geiszler said that he had been inundated with calls from worried locals reporting sightings of the giant tarantulas, which have been pushed out of their natural habitat over the past month by heavy, unseasonal rain.

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Australia is known around the world for its large and deadly creepy crawlies, but even locals have been shocked by the size of the giant venomous spiders that have invaded an Outback town in Queensland.

They are that big AND venomous?

****, welcome to the middle of the food chain, human race.

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Worst. Thread. Ever.

:rotflmao: Places that Hubbs probably won't be going on vacation for $100 Alex.

The words Spider,Scores,and Invasion used together are enough to give me a case of the creeping whim whams.

Asked what he would do with the giant spider he caught this week, Mr Geiszler said: “I think I’m going to mount this one in acrylic to show people how big it is. It’ll make a great paperweight.”

This guy must live alone. And if this is at the office,betting he won't get a lot of visits. :silly:

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If you really want to see something nasty google "brown recluse spider"

They are extremely toxic (to humans at least) and their bite can basically cause human flesh to essentially rot away. They aren't scary looking but they are probably one of the worst spiders to be bitten by (from what little I know about them).

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I went ahead and clicked on this thread anyway lol...I couldn't even read the first post.

Now with that title,I figured you would walk away from the computer,much less click on the thread. :silly:

Whatever you do,don't read the article. :paranoid: ;)

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Now with that title,I figured you would walk away from the computer,much less click on the thread. :silly:

Whatever you do,don't read the article. :paranoid: ;)

Yeah, I'm not gonna bother lol...the thing is, I've BEEN to Australia...twice lol. Took hikes and everything. And yeah, they have monstrous spiders in webs hanging in the trees :paranoid:...not pleasant to look at.

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They are that big AND venomous?

****, welcome to the middle of the food chain, human race.

They friggin hiss too.

"They are also known as whistling or barking spiders for the hissing noise they emit when they are disturbed or aggravated at close range. "

Spawn of Satan.

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If you really want to see something nasty google "brown recluse spider"

They are extremely toxic (to humans at least) and their bite can basically cause human flesh to essentially rot away. They aren't scary looking but they are probably one of the worst spiders to be bitten by (from what little I know about them).

As a kid I read all those "Amazing" books. Here is the snakes one


I read the spider one and if you wanna really see some scary spiders (and probably the most deadly) google brazilian wondering spider and funnel web spider

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