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Giant spiders invade Australian Outback town


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Poor spiders. Everyone hates them. Tarantulas are not dangerous to humans, unless of course you have an allergic reaction, but you can have an allergic reaction to a lot of things. The article makes them sound worse than they are.

Spiders really aren't that bad, they just look creepy.

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Poor spiders. Everyone hates them. Tarantulas are not dangerous to humans, unless of course you have an allergic reaction, but you can have an allergic reaction to a lot of things. The article makes them sound worse than they are.

Spiders really aren't that bad, they just look creepy.

yeah, I know. One of my illogical phobias, but it ain't gonna change.

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If you really want to see something nasty google "brown recluse spider"

They have gotten a bad rap also. Do you want to get bit by one...no. Most of the time it will turn into a big red itchy spot. Sometimes minor pain is involved. Sometimes you have to go to the doctor.

My wife got bit by one on her ankle. It was red and itchy for about three months. The doctors wouldn't do anything about it unless it got worse.

Some people do have to have the dead tissue cut out. However, there is a very small % of people that are affected the way the media portrays. Most of the time, the wounds heal on their own.

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You guys like spiders, right?

Giant spiders invade Australian Outback town

To be honest, I thought that was kinda small for an Australian tarantula. I've heard some really disturbing numbers in size categories that would give my cats a run for their money. Stories about spiders reaching past the foot long body size. :ahhhhh: Yeah, I'm not ever going to Australia. I used to want to. Not anymore.

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Poor spiders. Everyone hates them. Tarantulas are not dangerous to humans, unless of course you have an allergic reaction, but you can have an allergic reaction to a lot of things. The article makes them sound worse than they are.

Spiders really aren't that bad, they just look creepy.

Anything with eight legs that can crawl on the side of my wall or appear suddenly right in front of my face dangling from a web deserves all the hate it can get lol :mad:...I actually had a spider come down from the ceiling last week and land on my forearm while working at my computer. I suddenly felt something on my arm, thought it was the wire from my hedphones, then saw this spider sitting there...freaked the **** out...and swatted it off of me. I lost track of it until it started crawling on my monitor lol :mad:...I feel zero sympathy for those ****ers.

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Poor spiders. Everyone hates them. Tarantulas are not dangerous to humans, unless of course you have an allergic reaction, but you can have an allergic reaction to a lot of things. The article makes them sound worse than they are.

Spiders really aren't that bad, they just look creepy.

I feel the same about snakes. I love snakes, but my grandma was scared to death of them. I think they are downright beautiful. But many people have a phobia of them, even though most of the time, they are harmless to humans.

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Anything with eight legs that can crawl on the side of my wall or appear suddenly right in front of my face dangling from a web deserves all the hate it can get lol :mad:...I actually had a spider come down from the ceiling last week and land on my forearm while working at my computer. I suddenly felt something on my arm, thought it was the wire from my hedphones, then saw this spider sitting there...freaked the **** out...and swatted it off of me. I lost track of it until it started crawling on my monitor lol :mad:...I feel zero sympathy for those ****ers.

I was playing Whiffle ball in my grandparents' backyard. As I was about to pitch the ball, a spider came down right in front of my face hanging from a couple strands of silk. Now this was in the middle of a field, so the damn thing must've had its web attached to two trees at opposite ends of the field so as to drop down on me in the open, middle of the field. Why the hell would a spider do that?

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I feel the same about snakes. I love snakes, but my grandma was scared to death of them. I think they are downright beautiful. But many people have a phobia of them, even though most of the time, they are harmless to humans.

I wouldn't call myself afraid of snake just because, I just don't know which ones are venomous.

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Anything with eight legs that can crawl on the side of my wall or appear suddenly right in front of my face dangling from a web deserves all the hate it can get lol :mad:...I actually had a spider come down from the ceiling last week and land on my forearm while working at my computer. I suddenly felt something on my arm, thought it was the wire from my hedphones, then saw this spider sitting there...freaked the **** out...and swatted it off of me. I lost track of it until it started crawling on my monitor lol :mad:...I feel zero sympathy for those ****ers.

:rotflmao: I used to have a serious phobia of spiders. I mean, I couldn't even look at them in a book. Now...? Meh, they really don't bother me nearly as much. I spent some time working on my phobia of them because I refused to allow something that much smaller then me run/ruin my life. Spiders are now phobic of me & my shoes. And for real, if I see a spider in my house, I'm ok with it, depending on it's size & location. If it's across the room on the wall or ceiling & small, I'm like, "You're ok over there. but don't come over here. You come over here, & it on." Once it becomes a size issue tho, there's no way I let it live. In your situation, life is no longer an option & I would seek it out & kill it too.

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Anything with eight legs that can crawl on the side of my wall or appear suddenly right in front of my face dangling from a web deserves all the hate it can get lol :mad:...I actually had a spider come down from the ceiling last week and land on my forearm while working at my computer. I suddenly felt something on my arm, thought it was the wire from my hedphones, then saw this spider sitting there...freaked the **** out...and swatted it off of me. I lost track of it until it started crawling on my monitor lol :mad:...I feel zero sympathy for those ****ers.

Knew there would be no sympathy from you on this one.

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If you really want to see something nasty google "brown recluse spider"

They are extremely toxic (to humans at least) and their bite can basically cause human flesh to essentially rot away. They aren't scary looking but they are probably one of the worst spiders to be bitten by (from what little I know about them).

story about those things. basic training in Ft Benning, a fellow soldier was droppin' a deuce in a cat hole while in the field, and got bit on the ass from one of those things, ate away almost the entire left cheek, he had to redo basic training cause he spent so many weeks in the hospital and missed so much training. He showed us pics when he was in there, and his cheek was rotting flesh.

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I feel the same about snakes. I love snakes, but my grandma was scared to death of them. I think they are downright beautiful. But many people have a phobia of them, even though most of the time, they are harmless to humans.

My neighbor used to kill all the snakes, even the black snakes. I told him to stop or we would see more posinous snakes around our area. Sure enough, we started having a lot of copperheads around. Then one day he saw a black snake eating the copperhead and he said "I guess you were right."

I like snakes also, 99.99% of the time, they won't bother you.

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story about those things. basic training in Ft Benning, a fellow soldier was droppin' a deuce in a cat hole while in the field, and got bit on the ass from one of those things, ate away almost the entire left cheek, he had to redo basic training cause he spent so many weeks in the hospital and missed so much training. He showed us pics when he was in there, and his cheek was rotting flesh.

Daughter has been bit at least 5 times by brown recluses,three in the military.

Luckily she is too ornery to rot,but slow to heal

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If you really want to see something nasty google "brown recluse spider"

They are extremely toxic (to humans at least) and their bite can basically cause human flesh to essentially rot away. They aren't scary looking but they are probably one of the worst spiders to be bitten by (from what little I know about them).

When I was at Portsmouth Naval Hospital the guy next to me was enduring the doctor with a scalpel cutting open a wound on his shin to drain the infected recluse spider bite area. I couldn't hop away fast enough on my recently repaired ruptured achilles.

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Took care of a guy on the surgical ward of HAFB hospital who had to have surgery because of a recluse bite. 4 days after the surgery,we read in article in the Miami Herald that Brown Recluses weren't in Florida. That was corrected.

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They are that big AND venomous?

****, welcome to the middle of the food chain, human race.

(vincent price speaks)

Leaving lepidoptera...Please, don't touch the display,

little boy, aha cute!

Moving to the next aisle we have

arachnida, the spiders, our...finest collection.

This friendly little devil is the heptothilidi,

unfortunately harmless.

Next to him, the nasty licosa

raptoria, his tiny fangs cause creeping ulcerations of

the skin (laugh).

And here, my prize, the Black

Widow. Isn't she lovely?...And so deadly. Her kiss is

fifteen times as poisonous as that of the rattlesnake.

You see her venom is highly neurotoxic, which is to say

that it attacks the central nervous system causing

intense pain, profuse sweating, difficulty in

breathing, loss of consciousness, violent convulsions

and, finally...Death.

You know what I think I love the

most about her is her inborn need to dominate,

possess. In fact, immediately after the consummation

of her marriage to the smaller and weaker male of the

species she kills and eats him...(laugh) oh, she is

delicious...And I hope he was! Such power and dignity

...unhampered by sentiment.

If I may put forward a

slice of personal philosophy, I feel that man has ruled

this world as a stumbling dimented child-king long

enough! And as his empire crumbles, my precious Black

Widow shall rise as his most fitting successor!

These words he speaks are true

We're all humanary stew if

We don't pledge allegiance to

The Eastern Tarantula

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