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People You Can Do Without


Pick the best song from each pairing  

174 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick the best song from each pairing

    • Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name
    • Metalica - Enter Sandman
    • Weezer - Say it ain't so
    • Smashing Pumpkins – Today
    • No Doubt - Just a Girl
    • Pearl Jam - Black
    • Fiona Apple - Criminal
    • Beastie Boys - Sabotage

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The guy who pulls 2 AM fire alarms in college. We all know that guy / girl who thinks it's funny to call the fire department over and wake everyone up at 2 AM. **** you guy. We're trying to sleep.

Except it's funny when some one pulls it in an all male dorm to watch all the chicks come out....as long as it's not your dorm it's pretty funny :silly:

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I don't think you understand the problem with my friend. He was a die-hard Oriole fan when Ripken was there. He even has a Cal Ripken HoF license plate. Then when Ripken left and the O's went down the toilet he decided to root for the Yankees.

Like I've said before, I have been a UNC fan since Wallace and Stackhouse and really started to follow them in the late '90s early '00s. The 1st college bball I watched was a UNC-UMD game. Both my parents went to UMD so to be a bratty kid and root for UNC. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just see it differently cuz he switched teams and talks all this crap about the O's being horrible when a few years ago he was a huge O's fan. I never switched teams, I've always rooted for UNC and I always will. I don't change teams because they are bad. I would've given up on the Skins and O's a long time ago.

I get what you're saying about your friend. Yeah, he's def a bandwagoner. But im saying alot of people think you're one, too, for how you became a fan of the Heels. Again, if you're born and raised in MD and started becoming a UNC fan, you did so for ONE reason. They were "good". There are different levels of bandwagonism. I do give you credit for at least sticking with that team.

Again, I only brought this up with you to get you to realize that you might want to lay off others for the teams they like. If not, you're just opening yourself up for criticism, yourself.

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People that can't get a point across without cussing. I'm not offended by cussing, a well timed cuss word makes a lot of statements that much more funny.

But if you are trying to prove something to me or explain your side of things I don't need to be hit with 10 F-Bombs in the process.

I see it a lot on here, you would think some of these posters who have 1,000's of post would realize at some point that cuss words show up as ***** and using them doesn't get your point across any better or make you some sort of tough guy.

Also, the all caps responses are annoying, we get it, you're yelling, and were all impressed.

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I can do without the following people:

- People who drive in the passing lane, especially those who drive the speed limit in the passing lane (route 4).

- The vast majority of Cowboys fans. The ones that are not from Texas, but chose to be a Cowboys fan because "everyone in their family" are Redskins fans. Just say the real reason why you are a Cowboys fan, because your an ass****! Plain and Simple.

- One-Uppers. Everyone has delt with one or ten in their lives. They are the type of people that no matter what you have done they have done it, but better. So, you went to the club this weekend and got wasted. The One-Upper went bar hopping was wasted by the second bar, got into a fight at the third bar (in which he beat up Brock Lesnar), by the last bar he could barely stand but mustered enough courage to punch a cop in the face after such punch the cop's partner proceeds to tase him mutiple times until he passed out. The cops let him off because he was friends with them and they laughed about it the next day.

- Libtards and Conservitards. These two polar opposites could go the way of the dodo in my book. You have free will and your own mind right? Use it. Don't fall in line with the agenda driven crap, think for yourself and formulate your own opinions.

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I get what you're saying about your friend. Yeah, he's def a bandwagoner. But im saying alot of people think you're one, too, for how you became a fan of the Heels. Again, if you're born and raised in MD and started becoming a UNC fan, you did so for ONE reason. They were "good". There are different levels of bandwagonism. I do give you credit for at least sticking with that team.

Again, I only brought this up with you to get you to realize that you might want to lay off others for the teams they like. If not, you're just opening yourself up for criticism, yourself.

I guess I just see bandwagon fans differently. If you know all about the team you're rooting for and watch their games and don't jump ship after a couple bad seasons, then you aren't a bandwagon fan. To me a bandwagon fan is someone who only roots for their team when they are winning and changes teams because the team they liked before sucks now.

There are plenty of people that don't like teams from the state they are from. I have one friend who is from MD and his favorite teams are the Dolphins, Blue Jays, Grizzlies, and WVU. He's been a fan of those teams since I've known him and its not like any of those teams have been successful as of late.

I think you are the only one that thinks I'm a bandwagon fan.

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Earth Day founders that murder and run away

One of the founders of Earth Day, Ira Einhorn was a leading light of counter-culture in the '60s. But his arrest in 1977 for the murder of his girlfriend transformed the hippie activist into a fugitive from justice. After powerful allies including current Senator Arlen Spector secured his release from prison before his trial Einhorn fled the country. For twenty years he eluded the authorities. Finally, in 1997, he was arrested but not jailed in France. Despite extradition arrangements between France and the U.S. and the fact that he was convicted of the crime in absentia, he remained a free man. It is a story that fascinates as it enrages, an undeniable and monstrous miscarriage of justice accomplished only through the direct help of those in power. It is a case that asks if justice is truly possible in the world we live in Written by Joe Woodward


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-People who I let into traffic and don't give me a "thank you wave" of any kind.

-People who get into elevators before letting the people already on them get out.

These two are spot on, you can even extend the elevator one to the metro as well.

I also can do without people that give me the courtesy wave BEFORE I let them in. As if they are saying, "HEY! I'm cuttin your ass off, but as long as I wave you can't get mad."

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