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People You Can Do Without


Pick the best song from each pairing  

174 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick the best song from each pairing

    • Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name
    • Metalica - Enter Sandman
    • Weezer - Say it ain't so
    • Smashing Pumpkins – Today
    • No Doubt - Just a Girl
    • Pearl Jam - Black
    • Fiona Apple - Criminal
    • Beastie Boys - Sabotage

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And DC natives who are cowboy fans. Some instances I understand I guess, but for the most part if you are born and raised in DC, you should not be a cowboys fan. I personally believe you should be Redskin fan, no questions asked. But if you hate the Skins that much, at least go for a team that is not our rival. Cowgirl fans in DC SUCK.......A good majority of these pricks havent even left the DMV area, let alone been to Texas.

NE DC is CRAWLING with idiot Cowboy fans who rock their flags and stickers when they are winning games and hide like ****roaches when things go south.

It just reeks of a pathetic cry for attention. Wow, you are such a cool, edgy, contrarian sports fan.

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NE DC is CRAWLING with idiot Cowboy fans who rock their flags and stickers when they are winning games and hide like ****roaches when things go south.

It just reeks of a pathetic cry for attention. Wow, you are such a cool, edgy, contrarian sports fan.

Every day during football season I walked past this dumpy car on 14th St with two cowboys flags and a star on the back windshield. :doh:

I just don't understand how if you were in DC in the 80s-90s you would become a cowboys fan.

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I can do without people who chew their food or their gum unnecessarily loud, usually because they are chewing with their mouth open. It is by far the most annoying thing in the world, and the majority of people who do it are huge douchebags.

Man, im with ya on this one. Annoys the living crap out of me. Sadly, 9 out of every 10 people I encounter seem to have this problem. Its all how you're raised, bro. These douchebags' parents should have corrected this at an early age.

People that can't get a point across without cussing. I'm not offended by cussing, a well timed cuss word makes a lot of statements that much more funny.

But if you are trying to prove something to me or explain your side of things I don't need to be hit with 10 F-Bombs in the process.

I see it a lot on here, you would think some of these posters who have 1,000's of post would realize at some point that cuss words show up as ***** and using them doesn't get your point across any better or make you some sort of tough guy.

Also, the all caps responses are annoying, we get it, you're yelling, and were all impressed.

My co-worker at work does this every day. He drops a cuss word in nearly every sentence he utters. I bet I hear him say "GD" at least 10-20 times a day over the course of the 8 hours. I feel sorry for the guy, really. I seriously think people like this suffer from 'little man's disease'.

I guess I just see bandwagon fans differently. If you know all about the team you're rooting for and watch their games and don't jump ship after a couple bad seasons, then you aren't a bandwagon fan. To me a bandwagon fan is someone who only roots for their team when they are winning and changes teams because the team they liked before sucks now.

There are plenty of people that don't like teams from the state they are from. I have one friend who is from MD and his favorite teams are the Dolphins, Blue Jays, Grizzlies, and WVU. He's been a fan of those teams since I've known him and its not like any of those teams have been successful as of late.

I think you are the only one that thinks I'm a bandwagon fan.

Dude, im not saying you'r'e a bandwagon fan "now". I'm saying how you BECAME ONE is questionable. You can't sit here and tell me that if the Heels were terrible that you would have become a fan. Again, you started liking them because they were good. Just stop denying that. That's all im saying. Again, like who you want. I'm not telling you who to root for. I was just trying to get you to realize that some people would think you're probably a wagoner for how you became to like the Heels.

I think I've clearly made my point on this. And I don't think we should continue on about this. You're right. Let's just agree to disagree.

People who overuse the term "douche."

You carry a messenger bag, huh. ;)

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Automated telephone systems. I just want to talk with someone. I guess I don't mind having to press 1 or MAYBE 2 buttons. Anything more than that is overkill and the person who set it up should be flogged.

i usually just keep pressing zero.

or if it's a voice response system, I sing a song, it goes like this:

"Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator"

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i usually just keep pressing zero.

or if it's a voice response system, I sing a song, it goes like this:

"Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator"

Thats a good tune. I like to add some Representative to it though, and a couple of eff you's.

"Operator, Operator, Representative, Operator, eff you, Representative, Operator, Representative,Operator,Operator,Representative,Operator, eff you, Representative,Operator"

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Why does everyone have to start sentences about gay people with "I'm not gay, but..."?

Well just speaking for myself, it is because I was making a statement against people who are anti gay.

I didn't say, "I'm not gay, but I like French Fries."

I can do without all Home Depot employees!

Where are they? At our local Home Depot I defy anyone to locate one.

Earth Day founders that murder and run away

One of the founders of Earth Day, Ira Einhorn was a leading light of counter-culture in the '60s. But his arrest in 1977 for the murder of his girlfriend transformed the hippie activist into a fugitive from justice. After powerful allies including current Senator Arlen Spector secured his release from prison before his trial Einhorn fled the country. For twenty years he eluded the authorities. Finally, in 1997, he was arrested but not jailed in France. Despite extradition arrangements between France and the U.S. and the fact that he was convicted of the crime in absentia, he remained a free man. It is a story that fascinates as it enrages, an undeniable and monstrous miscarriage of justice accomplished only through the direct help of those in power. It is a case that asks if justice is truly possible in the world we live in Written by Joe Woodward


In a related story, I could do without Roman Polanski.

My co-worker at work does this every day. He drops a cuss word in nearly every sentence he utters. I bet I hear him say "GD" at least 10-20 times a day over the course of the 8 hours. I feel sorry for the guy, really. I seriously think people like this suffer from 'little man's disease'.

GD? What's that?

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Well just speaking for myself, it is because I was making a statement against people who are anti gay.

I didn't say, "I'm not gay, but I like French Fries."

I just don't get why people get automatically defensive about it, like "I'm not gay, but I support gay marriage." It's as if 1) we are going to assume you're gay bc you support gay marriage, and 2) it would be absolutely horrible if someone incorrectly assumed you were gay :rolleyes:

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Automated telephone systems. I just want to talk with someone. I guess I don't mind having to press 1 or MAYBE 2 buttons. Anything more than that is overkill and the person who set it up should be flogged.
i usually just keep pressing zero.

or if it's a voice response system, I sing a song, it goes like this:

"Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator,Operator"

i can do without people that skip past the automated message that tells you where we are and what our hours are so that i have to stop what im doing to answer the question.

i dont mind if someone has a legitimate question for me but it is really annoying when you skip past "press one for our hours" and "press two for directions" just to ask me "where area you located?" and "what time do you close?"

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people who walk on the road...if theres a walking path right next to the road, why do they have to walk on the road??

Agreed. I was thinking the other day how much I HATE it when people walk in the road with strollers. I mean............. if you get hit by a car and your baby goes flying... it's kinda your fault. There's a sidewalk for a reason, *****es.

And today, I was driving down the street and saw an oncoming car in my lane. He was pretty far away, so I was just like "wtf is he doing?" - then I realized that he was driving around a girl walking on the side of the road. There was a shoulder she could have walked in - why was she on the road???

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I just don't get why people get automatically defensive about it, like "I'm not gay, but I support gay marriage." It's as if 1) we are going to assume you're gay bc you support gay marriage, and 2) it would be absolutely horrible if someone incorrectly assumed you were gay :rolleyes:

I was going with 1).

Not that it would be bad if someone assumed it, but I just trying to minimize some of the usual, juvenile responses that would likely follow. I don't preface that in real life, but this board has it's share of bigots.

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I just don't get why people get automatically defensive about it, like "I'm not gay, but I support gay marriage." It's as if 1) we are going to assume you're gay bc you support gay marriage, and 2) it would be absolutely horrible if someone incorrectly assumed you were gay :rolleyes:

Some of my friends always say "No Homo" before they say something that could be considered gay. Cause really, you make one gay comment and you are immediately gay :doh:

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Some of my friends always say "No Homo" before they say something that could be considered gay. Cause really, you make one gay comment and you are immediately gay :doh:

But even the internet term of "ghey" would be offensive to some people.

My question to you is what qualifies as a "gay" statement ?

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