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How to stop teenage pregnancy in America


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actually it doesn't, and i am personally against abortions, but feel it is the womans choice

now thanks for derailing this thread lets get back to stopping pregnancies from happening, not having abortions

It's her choice as long as she's properly informed to a level you see fit with parental consent if she is under 18.

It's nice that you claim that the best way to prevent teenagers from giving birth is to scare them into abstinence. So tolerant of you to want the rest of society to live within your standards.

Wouldn't a chastity belt with parental control of it work even better?

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It's her choice as long as she's properly informed to a level you see fit with parental consent if she is under 18.

It's nice that you claim that the best way to prevent teenagers from giving birth is to scare them into abstinence. So tolerant of you to want the rest of society to live within your standards.

Wouldn't a chastity belt with parental control of it work even better?

what on earth are you talking about???? no one is scaring anyone here, all i said was maybe they should know what is happening and going to happen so exactly why is that a bad thing?? Its the truth, and kids need to know what the outcome could be with the decision they choose to make. Maybe all it will do is get a young girl to understand birth control better instead of having unprotected sex? That my friend would help what I am saying :doh:

You are the one that has an agenda here, not me.

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Showing video's of live births will make about as much of an impact on teen pregnancy as crash videos do on drinking and driving.

well the woman who saw it today in the birthing class all said if they saw that video when they were younger they would have waited to have sex (none had a baby while being a teenager but it made them think) :)

when you see about 4 different women giving birth and all that can happen it makes you think

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From your posts, I know you're in the medical field. I'm sure you've witnessed a baby being born (or given birth yourself). Wouldn't you agree that it's much worse than a car accident ;)?

Lol. None of that stuff grosses me out.

As for the videos, high schoolers don't respond to that stuff at all. As far as I'm concerned, "horror" videos don't do squat to scare kids straight...

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Yeah, pretty much :D

Jerry Fallwell can suck my ass

I cant quite put my finger on it...but you seem jealous of me. I'm sorry you feel that way. :silly::evilg:

All the girls I go out with are attractive and fashionable...I just dont like skanky ass hoes...sorry if I offended you with my preferences. :)

No, I pitty you, anyone that labels a whole group of people as whores just because they do something you don't find to be moral, is in serious need of pitty.

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NattyLight: Not for abortion, for dead babies.

Wow... ouch... Still funny though...

Look, in my eyes, NOTHING (except the Robin Hood men in tights chastity belt) will stop teens from having sex... You can preach abstinence/protection as much as you want, but let's face it... Teens are stupid... I was stupid, most of you were stupid, whether or not you'd like to admit it. My first, we used protection EVERY time, yet 4 out of the 6 months we dated, I ended up at Wal-Mart buying pregnancy tests... (She freaked me out one time, she took it and I was outside of my house smoking a cig with my best friend, and she came out I said "How is it", she had a nasty look on her face and said "Go see for yourself".... needless to say she was trying to be funny at the WRONG time...)

If someone can figure out what causes teens to drink in High School, they can figure out what makes people have sex in high school...

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Lol. None of that stuff grosses me out.

As for the videos, high schoolers don't respond to that stuff at all. As far as I'm concerned, "horror" videos don't do squat to scare kids straight...

I agree. Way too much of the mindset, "It won't happen to me" for most kids to be impacted by films obviously intended to scare them.

If the idea of letting young kids know what's in their future, and how to avoid it, were as easy as showing film clips there would be no drug abuse, reckless driving, ill concieved tattoos, or smoking among the nation's youth.

Honestly. How many of you never dabbled in some activity you knew darn well was not a good idea?

The problem with teenage pregnency (and a host of other ills) is not a simple thing. What may help to steer some kids away won't work with others according to hundreds of factors. Home life, family history, school performance, peers groups, geographic location, economics... the list goes on.

Like all serious problems, if there were a simple solution it would have worked.

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I don't mind teenage sex. I do mind teenage pregnancy.

I just can't, for the life of me, understand why people would not use "protection"... for any reason, other than wanting to have a child.

Sex is fun... but raising an unwanted/unplanned child is certainly to huge a risk/responsibility for a just a little bit of fun.

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FDA to allow morning-after pill over the counter for 17-year-olds


U.S. District Judge Edward Korman also asked the agency to consider whether the pill should be available to women of all ages without a prescription

Not mature enough to buy a beer or smoke, but we got ya covered here:silly:

Horny men rejoice...Freedom from responsibility.:saber:

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One way to start is to have children go back to being freaking children. It's the sexualization of these young girls that does it. And come on, these girls know they are doing it...Girls that are 10 and 11 that are putting on makeup like a street walker, wearing the tightest clothes, the shortest shorts...and nobody does anything about it.

I went to church last sunday and watching what came out of the youth group was very telling...it honestly looked like a prostitute convention..These girls made sure that they wore their sluttiest outfits to church. And the funny thing is, is that they know they shouldnt be doing it. I dont understand why we live in a culture that is like; "Okay...she's 12 years old...ready to have 4 kids"

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