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How to stop teenage pregnancy in America


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Everyone is missing the point when it comes to teenage pregnancy, when it comes to teaching abstinence. What good does it do to teach that???

If you don't want young girls to get pregnant just show them a video of a women giving birth. The minute they watch what it "means" to have a baby I would put money that the rate would drop :)

Show them the good and the bad, that my friends is the best teaching tool I think possible. Even teaching them how to use condoms won't mean much unless they see what can happen. Kids today need to know what happens when they do something, and honestly maybe they should see all of it.

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not to be whores? :whoknows:

i think if they see how hard it is to deliver and then take care of a newborn like feeding every 2 hours and breastfeeding they may not want to take a chance

similar to drinking and driving, show kids video of accident scenes from emt's and listen to someone that might be disabled because of an accident

you never hear or see the potential outcomes of our choices

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i think if they see how hard it is to deliver and then take care of a newborn like feeding every 2 hours and breastfeeding they may not want to take a chance

similar to drinking and driving, show kids video of accident scenes from emt's and listen to someone that might be disabled because of an accident

you never hear or see the potential outcomes of our choices

But that assumes that they would have or keep the kid. I agree that teenagers should not be getting pregnant or having kids.

Are you as willing to show them the same video once they are pregnant and still can terminate the pregnancy? If not, then you want them to live by your standards.

If you are advocating that every effort should be made to discourage them from giving birth throughout the process, then you probably care more about their health and ability to succeed as productive members of society than promoting a specific agenda and I applaud you for that.

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Let them only go on dates with guys like SKINSFAN89. They will probably tell the girls they are whores if their dresses aren't 3 inches below their knees and if they wear make-up.

After that, they'll be so uninterested in guys they'll probably just all turn lesbian.

Teen pregnancy problem solved.


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