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How to stop teenage pregnancy in America


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Let them only go on dates with guys like SKINSFAN89. They will probably tell the girls they are whores if their dresses aren't 3 inches below their knees and if they wear make-up.

After that, they'll be so uninterested in guys they'll probably just all turn lesbian.

Teen pregnancy problem solved.


But if he actually calls them whores to their face, they'll probably hook up with him.

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For young women with absolutely no prospects or hope or control over their lives, pregnancy is one of the few things that gives them some form of control. To bring a life into this world is an amazing thing. This, they can do.

Teen pregnancy rates will ebb and flow in direct correlation to the social & economic state of our cities.

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In my sex ed class we watched a video of an actual birth. I remember it very clearly.

I don't think it stopped anyone from having sex, though. After all, when you're a teenager, accidental pregnancy is something that only happens to other people.

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For young women with absolutely no prospects or hope or control over their lives, pregnancy is one of the few things that gives them some form of control. To bring a life into this world is an amazing thing. This, they can do.

Teen pregnancy rates will ebb and flow in direct correlation to the social & economic state of our cities.

wow an intelligent and accurate answer...Zoony you know that doesn't belong in the tailgate ;)

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you've just labeled every teenaged girl that has ever had sex as a whore.

Yeah, pretty much :D

Jerry Fallwell can suck my ass

Let them only go on dates with guys like SKINSFAN89. They will probably tell the girls they are whores if their dresses aren't 3 inches below their knees and if they wear make-up.

After that, they'll be so uninterested in guys they'll probably just all turn lesbian.

Teen pregnancy problem solved.


I cant quite put my finger on it...but you seem jealous of me. I'm sorry you feel that way. :silly::evilg:

All the girls I go out with are attractive and fashionable...I just dont like skanky ass hoes...sorry if I offended you with my preferences. :)

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But that assumes that they would have or keep the kid. I agree that teenagers should not be getting pregnant or having kids.

Are you as willing to show them the same video once they are pregnant and still can terminate the pregnancy? If not, then you want them to live by your standards.

If you are advocating that every effort should be made to discourage them from giving birth throughout the process, then you probably care more about their health and ability to succeed as productive members of society than promoting a specific agenda and I applaud you for that.

If they decided to terminate the pregnancy then instead of having it I would just make sure they are educated on all of that and their parents would have to involved. This decision I think has to be made by the female. Even though guys scream that they should have say in the matter they need to understand the woman can have the baby WITHOUT them. Because you are a father does not mean you should have rights for a baby where you do not go into labor for, or are the one who is the one that needs to feed the baby, and their life is altered forever.

When it comes to terminating then I would also suggest it has to be done early. After the first trimester all organs are developed so the baby is pretty much formed, the main difference later is the rest of the pregnancy is the baby actual growing. I am not fan of it it but I have no right to tell someone they can't. They just need to understand what is happening. If someone who is pregnant they should be reading what is happening from week 1 then I think many women would not want to terminate.

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put birth control pills in their school lunches, also we need to develop some sort of male birth control pill

More like a male IUD. If guys are too lazy to put a condom on, they'll be too lazy to take a pill every day. If you could make a Flinstone's vitamin type birth control pill, that might work.

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If they decided to terminate the pregnancy then instead of having it I would just make sure they are educated on all of that and their parents would have to involved. This decision I think has to be made by the female. Even though guys scream that they should have say in the matter they need to understand the woman can have the baby WITHOUT them. Because you are a father does not mean you should have rights for a baby where you do not go into labor for, or are the one who is the one that needs to feed the baby, and their life is altered forever.

When it comes to terminating then I would also suggest it has to be done early. After the first trimester all organs are developed so the baby is pretty much formed, the main difference later is the rest of the pregnancy is the baby actual growing. I am not fan of it it but I have no right to tell someone they can't. They just need to understand what is happening. If someone who is pregnant they should be reading what is happening from week 1 then I think many women would not want to terminate.

I didn't want to turn have abortion discussion, but why would the girl's parents have to be involved? Having an abortion poses fall less risk to a teenage girl's health than giving birth. Why require their participation if the girl doesn't want it?

Also, why should the girl be informed about any specifics regarding the development of the fetus if the goal is to reduce the number of teenage girls giving birth unless she requests specific facts?

I also think that if a physician informed patients about the nervous system of parasites in their bodies and their ability to survive and grow prior to prescribing antibiotics, many would choose not to terminate them. Doesn't mean it is the best choice for their health.

Seems to me that the gist of your original post was that abstinence doesn't work by having a rational discussion about it, so it is better to promote abstinence through graphic fear tactics instead under the guise of reducing the numbers of teenagers giving births. The second post expands on that by adding once pregnancy takes place, barriers should be placed to prevent a girl from having an abortion.

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I didn't want to turn have abortion discussion, but why would the girl's parents have to be involved? Having an abortion poses fall less risk to a teenage girl's health than giving birth. Why require their participation if the girl doesn't want it?


Most likely the parent is paying the girls healthcare costs and if a young girl had an abortion and there was a complication how would you not get them involved when they most likely are paying their healthcare?

If the girl is 18 that is a different story.

Look lets say if I had a daughter (will know in a month) and she was under 18 I would want to know about ANYTHING that could impact her health because I am responsible. Parents should also support their children if this happens, not scold them. We all make mistakes. If young girls saw what "labor" is all about then I bet many would think twice of having sex when young, my wife even said that.

The other point about educating people what is happening with the pregnancy is not any scare tactic just showing them the truth about all of it. Who knows maybe if someone understood all of this they may choose to adopt insted of giving birth.

They need to know all the facts, so then they can make an educated decision on what they will do if pregnant. That decision should not be looked down in any way, it is their decision.

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More like a male IUD. If guys are too lazy to put a condom on, they'll be too lazy to take a pill every day. If you could make a Flinstone's vitamin type birth control pill, that might work.

condoms fail/slip off, and they do make sex less enjoyable so I don't think it's laziness. Pills are like 99%+ over a year condoms are more like 90%+ over a year. now if both males and females had access to 99+% prevention then teenage pregnancies would be way down.

Grind the pills up and put it in their food, and there aren't going to be too many teen pregnancies

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i think if they see how hard it is to deliver and then take care of a newborn like feeding every 2 hours and breastfeeding they may not want to take a chance

similar to drinking and driving, show kids video of accident scenes from emt's and listen to someone that might be disabled because of an accident

you never hear or see the potential outcomes of our choices

I don't know. I saw many teenagers get pregnant, actively seeking to be impregnated only after one of their friends gave birth. They saw what their friends went through, saw the pains but still do it. It's often the clique thing to do. Sad I know, but reality.

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I don't know. I saw many teenagers get pregnant, actively seeking to be impregnated only after one of their friends gave birth. They saw what their friends went through, saw the pains but still do it. It's often the clique thing to do. Sad I know, but reality.

that is sad

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Most likely the parent is paying the girls healthcare costs and if a young girl had an abortion and there was a complication how would you not get them involved when they most likely are paying their healthcare?

If the girl is 18 that is a different story.

Look lets say if I had a daughter (will know in a month) and she was under 18 I would want to know about ANYTHING that could impact her health because I am responsible. Parents should also support their children if this happens, not scold them. We all make mistakes. If young girls saw what "labor" is all about then I bet many would think twice of having sex when young, my wife even said that.

The other point about educating people what is happening with the pregnancy is not any scare tactic just showing them the truth about all of it. Who knows maybe if someone understood all of this they may choose to adopt insted of giving birth.

They need to know all the facts, so then they can make an educated decision on what they will do if pregnant. That decision should not be looked down in any way, it is their decision.

Most insurance doesn't cover abortion. What complications can arise from abortion that puts a teenager at greater risk than going through 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth?

As far as your situation, that is great that your kid is going to grow up in a healthy environment with involved parents. Many teenagers who get pregnant don't come from those environments. Requiring them to get parental approval doesn't make sense to me.

Why do they need to know anything about the fetus to make an educated decision about abortion as it relates to their health? Other than morality issues, no one can argue that it is better for a teenager to give birth except in rare circumstances where the kid would actually be useful in treating a disease the mother has.

I think if you showed everyone how a cow is slaughtered including describing specifics about the pain they are capable of feeling, neural activity and organ development, far fewer people would eat beef. My wife even told me the same thing. Who knows if everyone knew about it, more people would eat vegetables and protein powder. We can even mandate a clip showing a cow slaughter to be played at the McDonald's drive-thru before they can take your order.

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Most insurance doesn't cover abortion. What complications can arise from abortion that puts a teenager at greater risk than going through 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth?

it is still a medical procedure (there can be complications from any medical prodcedure) and there could be complications, and why can't kids be honest with their parents?? Why is that such a bad thing? I hope when I do have a child they feel they will be able to tell me everything. Now I know that is not the case for all situations but it should be.

Are you trying to compare eating meat to having a baby, pretty bad statement there.

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I was comparing having an abortion to slaughtering a cow. That should make you happy.

actually it doesn't, and i am personally against abortions, but feel it is the womans choice

now thanks for derailing this thread lets get back to stopping pregnancies from happening, not having abortions

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