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How do you deal with your girlfriend or wife PMSing?


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Just ask her if she's it's her time so you know to be careful. She'll really appreciate that. :) Seriously, though. Deal with it. I'd much rather deall with irritability than go through it. And when you've been together long enough, you know what turns her screws so avoid doing so. They really don't have a lot of control over it.

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(Enters thread cautiously). 2180_hiding_behind_a_couch.gif

In my relationships, I've pretty much,(except way early in my youth),dealt with my girlfriends going through this particular monthly hell with a subtle,(and cautious),mix of sympathy,patience, and understanding,(well,in as much as a man can possibly do). In other words.


Done with that 1000 mile stare of course.


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This is probably the best definition I have ever read.

A powerful spell that women are put under about once every month, which gives them the strength of an ox, the stability of a Window's OS, and the scream of a banshee. Basically, man's worst nightmare.

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Try the following, it always works for me.

Roll your eyes. :rolleyes:

Then say ":wtf: is wrong with you? Are you PMSing again?" Why can't you just buck up and stop all yer whining, beyotching and generally making my life a living hell?

You'll wake up sometime in the middle of next week and by that time all the PMS/period issues will be behind both of you. The bump on your head takes about another week to go down though.

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What did you learn?

"The main symptom of pregnancy is............. A FETUS IS GROWING INSIDE OF A GIRL...."

symptoms of PMS

# Breast tenderness: Many woman experience swelling and soreness around their nipples or breasts.

# Food cravings: Some women crave particular foods, such as sweets or salt. Others find their appetite for almost any food increases.

Fatigue: This is the most common symptom of PMS. Women with PMS may feel so tired they can barely get through the day. Some women also may have trouble sleeping at night.

Headaches: Duration and severity of headaches vary from woman to woman, but are common during PMS.

# Bloating in the abdomen, hands, and legs: Some women with PMS gain weight. Others have fluid shifts to the abdomen, hands, and legs that make them feel uncomfortably swollen or puffy.

Anger: During PMS, normal feelings of anger are often exaggerated. A woman may be more argumentative and lash out at those around her.

symptoms of pregnancy

Swollen/Tender Breasts:

Swollen or tender breasts is a pregnancy symptom which may begin as early as 1-2 weeks after conception. Women may notice changes in their breasts; they may be tender to the touch, sore, or swollen.

Food Cravings:

While you may not have a strong desire to eat pickles and ice cream, many women will feel cravings for certain foods when they are pregnant. This can last throughout your entire pregnancy.


Feeling fatigued or more tired is a pregnancy symptom which can also start as early as the first week after conception.


The sudden rise of hormones in your body can cause you to have headaches early in pregnancy.

I wish they had fewer overlapping symptoms

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Nothing you can do really. I suggest you stop doing stupid stuff then no worries..:hysterical:

True,but doing stupid stuff is kinda our nature as males.

I'll stick with the man-cave and the eternal wisdom of This Too Shall Pass;)

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It varies. My ex girlfriend, who was already naturally ****y and irritable, would turn into an absolute monster when she was ragging. Couldn't be around her for a sec.

I can't tell the difference with my now fiance unless she tells me she is on it. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I know what its like to be with someone on the dark side.

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