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Iraqi Reporter Throws Shoes at Bush


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Perhaps so, but in a secured environment in a host country,they do not maintain close cover w/o good reason(it insults the host).Everyone in the room had already been screened for weapons and W was in no danger. Burgold ,I don't think you understand how guests are treated under ME custom.

Secured environment? I'm not sure I would agree with you there. Perhaps as secure as possible considering the location, but I still think the response from the SS detail was entirely too slow. Had that been a highly intelligent state sponsored assassin with state of the art weaponry we would likely have one very dead U.S. President on our hands.

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Secured environment? I'm not sure I would agree with you there. Perhaps as secure as possible considering the location, but I still think the response from the SS detail was entirely too slow. Had that been a highly intelligent state sponsored assassin with state of the art weaponry we would likely have one very dead U.S. President on our hands.

They are prescreened for weapons and history,besides W waved off his primary shield.

It was no real danger,at least no more than he always exists in.;)

Random idiots are always the greatest risk,but not true threats.

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They are prescreened for weapons and history,besides W waved off his primary shield.

It was no real danger,at least no more than he always exists in.;)

Random idiots are always the greatest risk,but not true threats.

I guess twa. I still think our guy's should have been stepping on this guy's neck before he had a chance to take his second shoe off regardless of how well it might have been received. Not a great moment IMO for the SS detail.

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Hopefully the death sentence. **** that guy, seriously, he tried to harm the leader of our country and he should have been shot in the face by the secret service after the first shoe was thrown.

In the words of the great movie "Friday", "You don't **** with the U.S., You don't **** with the U.S."!!!!!!

Seeing how our country has invaded their country and killed tens of thousands of their civilians, I say he has all the right in the world to throw a ****ing show at him.

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Seeing how our country has invaded their country and killed tens of thousands of their civilians, I say he has all the right in the world to throw a ****ing show at him.

Yes as it was so much better when Saddam was killing thousands of citizens and this action would have made for a public execution of the man his family friends and employers

Take the meds and get better soon

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Seeing how our country has invaded their country and killed tens of thousands of their civilians, I say he has all the right in the world to throw a ****ing show at him.

Oh. I see. The insurgents didn't kill any of those civilians, They didn't coerce children, even mentally handicapped ones, to strap bombs to their chest and walk into crowded markets?

It was American soldiers doing that? Is that what you are saying?

I didn't agree with our troops going into Iraq, but your opinion on this makes me weep to think that you are actually an American.

What are going to do this afternoon, go down to the airport and spit on soldiers as they come home from theaters abroad.

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Actually, Iraqi's were more secure before the invasion.

Were they more secure if somebody from Saddam's tribe or gaurd force disliked them or wanted their sister or wife?

Were the Olympic atheletes more secure?

Was one Saddam's closest friends more secure and protected when Saddam's son shot him?

Was Saddam's sons in laws more secure?

Were the Kurds more secure as chemical weapons rained on them?

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Were they more secure if somebody from Saddam's tribe or gaurd force disliked them or wanted their sister or wife?

Were the Olympic atheletes more secure?

Was one Saddam's closest friends more secure and protected when Saddam's son shot him?

Was Saddam's sons in laws more secure?

Were the Kurds more secure as chemical weapons rained on them?

It makes no difference if Saddam killed them or if Al Qaida killed them or if they die as a result of chemical weapons or an air strike. Dead is dead. Saddam didn't have any chemical weapons at the time of the invasion anyway so let's not pretend getting hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed somehow prevented something the UN had already successfully put an end to.

Besides, in every hypothetical you cite, Saddam is merely replaced by Al Qaida, Al Sadr, or various other factions.

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It makes no difference if Saddam killed them or if Al Qaida killed them or if they die as a result of chemical weapons or an air strike. Dead is dead. Saddam didn't have any chemical weapons at the time of the invasion anyway so let's not pretend getting hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed somehow prevented something the UN had already successfully put an end to.

Besides, in every hypothetical you cite, Saddam is merely replaced by Al Qaida, Al Sadr, or various other factions.

As long as Saddam is there what hope do you have if you are not one of his tribesmen?

The press enjoys what freedom?

The people picked their leaders how?

Saddam did have chemical weapons he did not have nuclear weapons

I believe over 500 weapons were found since 2003

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Whats funny about this is though, He is going to go to jail for however long for this, while, now if he would of done this to Saddam, with one of Saddam's guest, he would be taken in and some time of cruel punishment would be administrated. He probably would get his feet cut off, or be killed.

Also under Saddam, he probably wouldn't even have this job as it was a government controlled media.

So i just find it Ironic, cause without Bush, things would of been worst for his individual circumstance.

He would have probably ended up in the Baath Party Convention Center Pool. That particular pool was never filled with water, it was used for other things. I was there yesterday and there is still a stain from a head shot on the pool wall.

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