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If you were starting college today, what would be your major?


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One things for sure, I would not be getting a liberal arts degree.

Probably Nursing, number one job in demand in MD right now and my friend is making 60k a year working at hopkins fresh out of college... Meanwhile with my same four years of schooling I can't make 30k in an office somewhere because my degree is useless.

Oh the things they don't tell you during freshman advising..

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One things for sure, I would not be getting a liberal arts degree.

Probably Nursing, number one job in demand in MD right now and my friend is making 60k a year working at hopkins fresh out of college... Meanwhile with my same four years of schooling I can't make 30k in an office somewhere because my degree is useless.

Oh the things they don't tell you during freshman advising..

I have a liberal arts degree and am making well over 30k ;) Just give it a year or so struggling and you should be able to move up pretty fast.

Anyway, if I went back I'd prolly major in poli sci and sociology again...Unless I went back to a school that had a public policy/administration program. The one thing I would do differently: I'd take more business/econ/management classes.

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I went into college as a history major and came out with a recreation, parks, & tourism degree with a minor in management. I had a professor who really just ruined my love of history and at the time I was volunteering/working part time with a parks department I kinda just stumbled into that major. If I where starting today or all over I would have probably gone into either a hard science or just a business degree. If I actually talked to an adviser before hand I would have probably gone into Sports Education with a concentration in sports management. Oh well at least I have a degree.

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