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Stokely saved the Broncos 15 yards...


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Marshall scores the go ahead TD with a minute and some change left. He reaches into his pants and pulls out what appeared to be a pack of popcorn (in reference to the Joey Porter "popcorn muscles" statement). But as he is doing it, Brandon Stokely runs over and gets right in his face and you can see he is warning Marshall not to do it, which he then sneaks it under his jersey/pants.

1) What a heads up move by Stokely, in all likely hood he saved the Broncos a 15 yard celebration penalty for the use of props.

2) How much of a moron is Brandon Marshall? You just score the go ahead TD with very little time left, and you are going to cost your team 15 yards just so you can have another "look at me" moment.

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What a ****ing idiot. We need more players like Stokely in the league.

You see how this influences young kids. One of the previous posters who was 18 was all about it. That **** is corny and stupid. He caught a pass...big whoop. Go back and do it again.

You're pretty young too. Parents influence kids more than athletes ever will.

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Marshall is not a beast. He's soft. He tries to avoid hits as much as he can. He uses his big body to get position, but pop him in the mouth and he wilts. Cutler sent him over the middle and he pulled up because he was going to get smashed. Beast my butt. That phrase gets thrown around WAY too much.

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You're pretty young too. Parents influence kids more than athletes ever will.

True, but where people are at 18 and 25 are light years apart.

Athletes influence the way kid carry themselves on the field...not parens.

If you go watch a high school football game now adays, you got kids doing crazy antics they see players do on TV no a days.

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In the Denver Post today they were trying to tie it together to 2 white guys stopping him as racist instead of letting him do his thing.

That's not a fair characterization of that article.

Certainly no part of the story suggested that Stokley or the other dude were "racist".

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Marshall is not a beast. He's soft. He tries to avoid hits as much as he can. He uses his big body to get position, but pop him in the mouth and he wilts. Cutler sent him over the middle and he pulled up because he was going to get smashed. Beast my butt. That phrase gets thrown around WAY too much.

I agree with you. If he were a beast then he would be the leading reciever on his team and in the league which he is neither. Also he is a bonehead for even thinking that what he was going to do was a symbolic moment in history. He would have gotten a 15 yard penalty and probably a fine for a stupid "look at me" celebration. He might have even made some sports shows "stupid moments in sports" list. It just shows how stupid some people really are.

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