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Stokely saved the Broncos 15 yards...


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Marshall is not a beast. He's soft. He tries to avoid hits as much as he can. He uses his big body to get position, but pop him in the mouth and he wilts. Cutler sent him over the middle and he pulled up because he was going to get smashed. Beast my butt. That phrase gets thrown around WAY too much.

I would take him over any of the clowns we got.

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I agree with you. If he were a beast then he would be the leading reciever on his team and in the league which he is neither. Also he is a bonehead for even thinking that what he was going to do was a symbolic moment in history. He would have gotten a 15 yard penalty and probably a fine for a stupid "look at me" celebration. He might have even made some sports shows "stupid moments in sports" list. It just shows how stupid some people really are.

He is the leading receiver on his team. He is 6th in the league in yardage too. This guy is a beast. He isn't afraid to get physical either, I don't know why someone would try to make it seem like he's a wuss.

This wasn't a look at me celebration. Don't try to characterize it as such. Not all guys who celebrate are "bonehead" punks.

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He is the leading receiver on his team. He is 6th in the league in yardage too. This guy is a beast. He isn't afraid to get physical either, I don't know why someone would try to make it seem like he's a wuss.

This wasn't a look at me celebration. Don't try to characterize it as such. Not all guys who celebrate are "bonehead" punks.

He's actually 5th in yardage, he also shares a lot with Royal.

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Marshall is not a beast. He's soft. He tries to avoid hits as much as he can. He uses his big body to get position, but pop him in the mouth and he wilts. Cutler sent him over the middle and he pulled up because he was going to get smashed. Beast my butt. That phrase gets thrown around WAY too much.

Id take him here in a heartbeat!

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I would take him over any of the clowns we got.
Id take him here in a heartbeat!

I didn't say he sucked or that I wouldn't take him on the Redskins. He shies away from contact. Watch his games. The last game against Cleveland he pulled up like Patrick Crayton looking for ST. He's done it several times. He does use his frame to catch alot of passes, but he also disappears in games and is like TO- he pouts when the ball doesn't come to him.

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He is the leading receiver on his team. He is 6th in the league in yardage too. This guy is a beast. He isn't afraid to get physical either, I don't know why someone would try to make it seem like he's a wuss.

This wasn't a look at me celebration. Don't try to characterize it as such. Not all guys who celebrate are "bonehead" punks.

I just don't think he's that physical. He uses his frame real well, but he doesn't always take the big hit. He catches alot of passes along the sidelines. He's not like Monk, that he likes to go over the middle. I'd say Andre Johnson is more of a "beast" if you want to use that term on someone. He goes short, long, over the middle and on the sidelines. He isn't afraid to get physical either.

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