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Palin was actually dumber than I thought

Cooked Crack

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Well, it's not like Palin said "57 states" or "Roosevelt addressed the stock market crash of 1929 on TV", when TV wasn't even invented yet. What was funny about the TV comment was Biden said right before that, "a leader should know what he or she is talking about" lol. I guess people just ignore that and focus on Palin. It's not like Palin told a guy in a wheel chair to stand up.

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holy crap. Cc, did you get the memo that your guy won? No need to continue your palin-bashing campaign.

It takes a real man to kick an opponent when they are down. :thumbsup:

Tsf - classy post...it's a shame that not everyone has that type of character. :)



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You don't believe some of the rumors are a direct result of that bloodsport?

The political animals were prepositioning well before the race was over.

Oh I agree, many are blaming her for the loss and I'm certain that they are exposing her now for this very reason, however that doesn't mean that they aren't true, it just means that they are more willing to expose it to the light.

There is no benefit for her to take the Senator job,that's a foolish notion.

Oh I agree, she won't take the senate seat, because she will lose the exposure to the executive that she will need if she wants to make a run in four years. All of this is completely dependant upon who wins the bloodsport.

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Really, the main reason why McCain lost was the market crash. He was up in the polls until that happened. Then he suspended his campaign and it blew up in his face. From that point, he never recovered. Sure, there are other factors that may have contributed, but the economy crash was what did him in.

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Well, it's not like Palin said "57 states" or "Roosevelt addressed the stock market crash of 1929 on TV", when TV wasn't even invented yet. What was funny about the TV comment was Biden said right before that, "a leader should know what he or she is talking about" lol. I guess people just ignore that and focus on Palin. It's not like Palin told a guy in a wheel chair to stand up.

You don't see the difference between a mispoken phrase or ill considered wording and a fundamental misunderstanding of what Africa IS? Save me the "depends on what the meaning of the word is, is" jokes. I bet if you asked Obama after that mis-speak how many states there are he'd tell you 50, however if you asked Palin she apparently would understand that South Africa is a country on the continent of Africa. I'm sorry, but I want my politicians to know basic geography.

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Palin doesn't know who's in NAFTA and Obama doesn't know the difference between an inhaler and a breathalyzer.......now who's a lil more shallow in the general knowledge pool?

When the President preparing to meet with the leaders of the countries that are involved with NAFTA do you think someone should have to tell him what countries are involved? I mean really, NAFTA is only one of the most important trade policies for our nation I guess its not really important to actually understand who's involved and the political implications of certain decisions that are made regarding NAFTA.

Once again populism is tried and has been found wanting.

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Well, it's not like Palin said "57 states" or "Roosevelt addressed the stock market crash of 1929 on TV", when TV wasn't even invented yet. What was funny about the TV comment was Biden said right before that, "a leader should know what he or she is talking about" lol. I guess people just ignore that and focus on Palin. It's not like Palin told a guy in a wheel chair to stand up.

grasping. seriously.

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I know you are but what am I...

Palin is over. There's no way she takes anything more than a supporting role in national politics. If that. She'll give speeches, but never again will she run for national political office.

Insiders in her own campaign gave accounts and they are being reported on Fox news. How is this even remotely partisan.

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Question to the thread opener.

If Palin was actually dumber than you thought and you are now convinced that she is a Grade A moron what does that say about you? A grade A moron fooled you and had you hoodwinked.

Not a good day.


That has been happening to a lot of us for the last 8 years.

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That has been happening to a lot of us for the last 8 years.

:nod: to far too many. I don't think I can claim being victimized by that in particular, but who knows in eight years I may be branded a fool for lending my hope and vote to an untested neophyte.

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But not all of us. ;)

He did as he pleased and has never been held accountable, so yes, that is on us all.

:nod: to far too many. I don't think I can claim being victimized by that in particular, but who knows in eight years I may be branded a fool for lending my hope and vote to an untested neophyte.

Is that a little buyers regret, backed by decisions made for an against argument I hear? ;)

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I'm a little puzzled by the McCain aides here. They're leaking all this stuff about Palin, trying to make her look even worse, but it just makes McCain look bad too because he picked her to be his VP.

Just take a long vacation and move on. Bashing Palin at this point doesn't help anyone in the GOP.

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I'm a little puzzled by the McCain aides here. They're leaking all this stuff about Palin, trying to make her look even worse, but it just makes McCain look bad too because he picked her to be his VP.

They aren't leaking anything. All this was off the record during the campaign itself. The sources were aides within the McCain/Palin ticket. Now that's it's over, we are getting the information. This isn't new. It's just new to us now that Cameron can report it.

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He did as he pleased and has never been held accountable, so yes, that is on us all.

Is that a little buyers regret, backed by decisions made for an against argument I hear? ;)

Nope. No buyer's regret... (duh duh duh) at least not yet :paranoid:

I hope he is great and the characteristics I perceived work out. You never do know. Those who voted for President Bush (twice) also probably saw something in him that they believed in. I believe Obama is a good, thoughtful, and intelligent man with strong communication skills. My hope is that his skills and demeanor translate well. I won't know for sure for 3 or 20 years.

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They aren't leaking anything. All this was off the record during the campaign itself. The sources were aides within the McCain/Palin ticket. Now that's it's over, we are getting the information. This isn't new. It's just new to us now that Cameron can report it.

This needs to be emphasized.

Carl Cameron did NOT say that McCain aides told him this stuff yesterday.

They told him this stuff DURING THE CAMPAIGN on condition that he not report it until after election day.

I have no interest in piling on now, but I find it very disturbing that so many people here appear utterly unwilling to consider that they may have been sold a bill of goods on Sarah Palin, and still think of her as a legitimate candidate for national office.

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Some of you are eating crow. Lovin' it. So, everything that the op posted was false. A lie. And no video because it never happened.


MSNBC retracts false Palin story; others duped

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer David Bauder, Ap Television Writer – Wed Nov 12, 11:33 pm ET

NEW YORK – MSNBC was the victim of a hoax when it reported that an adviser to John McCain had identified himself as the source of an embarrassing story about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the network said Wednesday.

David Shuster, an anchor for the cable news network, said on air Monday that Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain policy adviser, had come forth and identified himself as the source of a Fox News Channel story saying Palin had mistakenly believed Africa was a country instead of a continent.

Eisenstadt identifies himself on a blog as a senior fellow at the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy. Yet neither he nor the institute exist; each is part of a hoax dreamed up by a filmmaker named Eitan Gorlin and his partner, Dan Mirvish, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

The Eisenstadt claim had mistakenly been delivered to Shuster by a producer and was used in a political discussion Monday afternoon, MSNBC said.

"The story was not properly vetted and should not have made air," said Jeremy Gaines, network spokesman. "We recognized the error almost immediately and ran a correction on air within minutes."

Gaines told the Times that someone in the network's newsroom had presumed the information solid because it was passed along in an e-mail from a colleague.

The hoax was limited to the identity of the source in the story about Palin — not the Fox News story itself. While Palin has denied that she mistook Africa for a country, the veracity of that report was not put in question by the revelation that Eisenstadt is a phony.

Eisenstadt's "work" had been quoted and debunked before. The Huffington Post said it had cited Eisenstadt in July on a story regarding the Hilton family and McCain.

Among the other victims were political blogs for the Los Angeles Times and The New Republic, each of which referenced false material from Eisenstadt's blog.

And in July, Jonathan Stein of Mother Jones magazine blogged an item about Eisenstadt speaking on Iraqi television about a casino in Baghdad's "Green Zone."

Stein later realized he'd been had.

"Kudos to the inventor of this whole thing," Stein wrote. "My only consolation is that if I had as much time on my hands as he clearly does, I probably would have figured this out and saved myself a fair amount of embarrassment."

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