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Palin was actually dumber than I thought

Cooked Crack

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So, who is this souce? There is only one according to Cameron. That source has been outed. Unless you know who the "other" source is, then it is a massive fail by Cameron and "his source".

Let's break this down to the bare facts, that should be simple enough for you to follow on this one.

The source that Cameron reported was in fact 3 people who actual heard these statements by Palin.

MSNBC in their attempt to follow up on this news, thought they had uncovered Cameron's source. They were misled and duped into thinking they knew what Cameron's sources were. They did not find the actual source.

Two, completely unrelated sources. One(MSNBC's) is in fact- nonexistant, and the other (Cameron's) is three people who were IN THE ****ING ROOM when Palin made these comments.

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Can you read? That story is about someone making up a fake person and a blog saying they said it. Carl Cameron and his sources still exist.

Who are Carl Cameron's sources CC? You haven't been able to explain this since creating this pile on thread. Go figure. :rolleyes:

I know all the liberal posters on here now like Carl Cameron and think he is a legit Fox News guy now that he has reported negative "facts" about Palin with no sources to back up his "facts." Good Lord, do you people know what happens in a losing campaign? People are pissed. People want to point fingers and lay blame. Palin was the easy scapegoat as she made some rookie interview mistakes from which many in the media decided to characterize her as "stupid" as well as some in the American public. There's a big difference between being stupid and simply not quite having enough experience to be ready for the national stage.

It just astounds me that people can actually believe this crap about her not knowing Africa was a continent so easily, with no one naming themself as the source. If conservatives were saying this BS about Biden and using one reporter who had a "secret" source, you'd be shredding us to pieces for basing part of our belief about his intelligence on some anonymous source.

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Let's break this down to the bare facts, that should be simple enough for you to follow on this one.

The source that Cameron reported was in fact 3 people who actual heard these statements by Palin.

MSNBC in their attempt to follow up on this news, thought they had uncovered Cameron's source. They were misled and duped into thinking they knew what Cameron's sources were. They did not find the actual source.

Two, completely unrelated sources. One(MSNBC's) is in fact- nonexistant, and the other (Cameron's) is three people who were IN THE ****ING ROOM when Palin made these comments.

It was one source, not three or many or several. It was one. So who is lying? With so much lying going on, we don't have the truth from Cameron or this source. If someone is willing to make up a source, then how reliable is Cameron's information? Bottom line is that it is very tainted and unreliable.

Van Susteren is the only one who has the truth due to the access she possessed. I'm not a fan of Van Susteren (she's way too liberal for me), but at least she is being honest here.

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For what it's worth, I interviewed her a little while ago for NPR and I forgot how we got there, but she was totally convinced that cheese was not made from milk. And that cheeseburgers were a totally safe school lunch for kids. She went on to say that cheese was very healthy for you and you could tell because orange vegetables are very high in vitamins.

I didn't have the heart to include it in the piece I was working on.

Okay, how many will believe this bull?

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No- you read it thoroughly and completely. We're talking about two completely different sources. The source of the Fox News report has not been outed. MSNBC got duped into thinking that they uncovered the source, but that person was actually made up. Cameron's source(s) told him these things during the campaign, he knows who the sources are- and my guess is they would be actual people. Van Susteren came up from under Governor Palin's skirt for some air and said that her source had never heard these stories.

I'll clarify- Van Susteren's source is a 3rd party not affiliated with Cameron's source, or MSNBCs fake-out source.

So, basically, still no one knows who the "source" is. Yet everyone is so eager to jump on this story as true. Classic.

Using a little common sense about human emotions and vindictive behavior that can often manifest in the midst of a stressful, losing situation, especially among people who don't get along.........I'd say that judging by the "inside information" that was revealed, this "source" was clearly someone who was pissed at Palin and felt like being a jackass and talking crap about her behind a veil of anonymity.

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For what it's worth, I interviewed her a little while ago for NPR and I forgot how we got there, but she was totally convinced that cheese was not made from milk. And that cheeseburgers were a totally safe school lunch for kids. She went on to say that cheese was very healthy for you and you could tell because orange vegetables are very high in vitamins.

I didn't have the heart to include it in the piece I was working on.

Okay, how many will believe this bull?

Well, that's a bummer. It would've made for some interesting reading on NPR's website.

I belive ya! <Big Grin>

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for what it's worth, i interviewed her a little while ago for npr and i forgot how we got there, but she was totally convinced that cheese was not made from milk. And that cheeseburgers were a totally safe school lunch for kids. She went on to say that cheese was very healthy for you and you could tell because orange vegetables are very high in vitamins.

I didn't have the heart to include it in the piece i was working on.

okay, how many will believe this bull?

BURGOLD!!! Seriously, you are such a dork.

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I think Keeastman's probably right. I think that the FOX guy probably did have a source inside McCain's camp that said these things about Palin, but that it was a CYA, lie, or highly exaggerated bit of dung. Mind you, we've all said brain dead things or misspoke and if those moments represented the truth, then less than 5% of us would be able to tie our own shoes.

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So, basically, still no one knows who the "source" is. Yet everyone is so eager to jump on this story as true. Classic.

Using a little common sense about human emotions and vindictive behavior that can often manifest in the midst of a stressful, losing situation, especially among people who don't get along.........I'd say that judging by the "inside information" that was revealed, this "source" was clearly someone who was pissed at Palin and felt like being a jackass and talking crap about her behind a veil of anonymity.

Look, if MSNBC broke this story instead of Faux News' Cameron then I'd scoff at it, but as it is we all know that Faux News is soft on the GOP and they were the ones to break the story against her, even though they've spent 2 months in her lap that in itself adds a degree of credibilty to the story that it wouldn't have had if it came from MSNBC or CNN.

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It was one source, not three or many or several. It was one.

Well according to Greta and O'Reilly, Cameron had three sources who heard these statements by Palin directly.

It was three sources, not one or singular. It was three.

Here's the link which you obviously neglected to click on earlier in the thread.

See you in hell.

From Heaven.

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So, basically, still no one knows who the "source" is. Yet everyone is so eager to jump on this story as true. Classic.

Using a little common sense about human emotions and vindictive behavior that can often manifest in the midst of a stressful, losing situation, especially among people who don't get along.........I'd say that judging by the "inside information" that was revealed, this "source" was clearly someone who was pissed at Palin and felt like being a jackass and talking crap about her behind a veil of anonymity.

Ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Let's take this logic a bit further...McCain on Leno Tuesday night. He dismissed the report and said that when you have many advisors, one person can get mad or upset when you lose - and a finger or two is pointed. He simply dismissed it as one rogue person and that things like this will happen. He had nothing but praise for Gov. Palin. Sen. McCain as a source - kind of unique, eh?

Anyone who actually believes this "source" and this Africa, NAFTA, and Harry Potter crap is, well...I have a bay bridge tunnel system that links Virginia Beach to Virginia's Eastern Shore. I can sell it to you for a very attractive price.

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Mods, I'd like to take this opportunity to request a new smiley which I think ES sorely needs.

What I'm visualizing is a group of 3-5 smileys watching a tennis match.

(I also often feel the need for one where his head simply spins around several times.)

Thank you.

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I think Keeastman's probably right. I think that the FOX guy probably did have a source inside McCain's camp that said these things about Palin, but that it was a CYA, lie, or highly exaggerated bit of dung. Mind you, we've all said brain dead things or misspoke and if those moments represented the truth, then less than 5% of us would be able to tie our own shoes.

Thank-you...Common sense prevails! (I was never worried with you however).

If a source is talking about something substantial within a campaign, sure, maybe I would believe it a little more. However, when an inside "source" gives information that amounts to talking **** about a candidate, and the team that source is working on is losing big, and there are rumors about friction between Palin and the McCain campaign staff, my BS-meter starts dinging.

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Yeah, and Jesus Obama said there were 57 states.

That's an actual quote; there is audio of him saying it.

It has already been reported that the Palin Africa thing was not true. But, much like the wardrobe that she did not accept, the liberal media will run with any negative story they can find no matter what.

I can't wait until 2012 to say I told you sooooooooo!

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So this is equal to the Michelle Obama Whitey story.

Neither can be really authenticated and depending on your "SIDE" you want it to be real?nice.....

moving on.

pretty much

Look, if MSNBC broke this story instead of Faux News' Cameron then I'd scoff at it, but as it is we all know that Faux News is soft on the GOP and they were the ones to break the story against her, even though they've spent 2 months in her lap that in itself adds a degree of credibilty to the story that it wouldn't have had if it came from MSNBC or CNN.

So if Fox News reports something negative about a democrat candidate, they're FAUX news. But if they report something negative about a republican candidate, then they are the real deal. Must be nice to throw common sense to the wayside and just pick and choose which story is legit depending on who it hits on.

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pretty much

So if Fox News reports something negative about a democrat candidate, they're FAUX news. But if they report something negative about a republican candidate, then they are the real deal. Must be nice to throw common sense to the wayside and just pick and choose which story is legit depending on who it hits on.

keeastman with the pwnage!!

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That's an actual quote; there is audio of him saying it.

It has already been reported that the Palin Africa thing was not true. But, much like the wardrobe that she did not accept, the liberal media will run with any negative story they can find no matter what.

I can't wait until 2012 to say I told you sooooooooo!

Now, the wardrobe thing I have more difficulty dismissing. After all, she wore the clothes, hubby wore the clothes, the kiddies wore the clothes, and the thought that they would be donated afterwards is just a wee bit lame to me.

That I think was badly spun and showed poor judgement on the campaign and Palin's part.

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