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Which network will you be watching on Tuesday night?

Toe Jam

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I think I'll go with Comedy Central.

I forgot about them. Colbert and Stewart are doing it together, right? As long as they are also bringing in the "news" then I'll probably just watch them.

I voted for a combo, though I won;t go near Fox News unless it is to see them squirm.

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Regardless of who I end up watching -- probably a conglomeration -- I'll be lamenting the fact that Tim Russert is no longer with us.



"Florida, Florida, Florida...."

Most likely I'll watch MSNBC. I miss Tim Russert's commentaries during the election season. RIP TR. I wonder if his son Luke will make any appearances on MSNBC on election day?:whoknows:

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Regardless of who I end up watching -- probably a conglomeration -- I'll be lamenting the fact that Tim Russert is no longer with us.


My God yes. I've been thinking about him quite a bit lately and it just feels wrong for Brokov to 'guest host'.

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It will be over by then.

I think you have said the exact same thing 500 times in the past 2 weeks, just in a different way. I GET it already! You think the election will be decided in like 20 minutes. How many times do you have to say it? How many different ways do you have to say it? You've started 10 threads saying it. Are you trying to win the "I predicted it!" reward???

No real animosity, but seriously, dude... we get your point.

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I think you have said the exact same thing 500 times in the past 2 weeks, just in a different way. I GET it already! You think the election will be decided in like 20 minutes. How many times do you have to say it? How many different ways do you have to say it? You've started 10 threads saying it. Are you trying to win the "I predicted it!" reward???

No real animosity, but seriously, dude... we get your point.

I will be over by then! :nana:


To answer the question, I'm def. going to check out Fox just to see how Hannity reacts.

He is either going to have a nervous break down, call the country a bunch of communist loving, anti-American, Muslims, or burst into flames.

Either way, it will be entertaining.

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I'm going with CNN.

Though many of you will disagree, I'd rather watch them than the extreme bias that is Fox News or MSNBC. Not sure what CBS or ABC bring to the table.

I'd rather not watch a ton of bias on election night. I've had enough of that.

Then you might as well watch Fox news because all the MSM is Biased

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The Playboy Channel.

At least the thought of getting ****ed by someone on that channel, is more pleasurable than the ****ing we'll get from whomever the winner of this, way too long, way too annoying presidential race is.

Sad part is, the reelection campaign starts in January.

If we're lucky enough to get that much of a break from it.

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(Have to get Blondie to start a GameDay thread. (Although I prefer the chat. (Except for that annoying as Dallas timeout thing.)))

(Yes, I just used three sets of nested parenthesis. Live with it.)

Yeah, but no underlines. Although I noticed you fixed that in your following post.
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Is there an election drinking game?

drink [insert number of delegates] of beer from the state that just went to your political party

drink [insert number of delegates] times 2 of beer from the state that just went to your rival political party

At least if you lose you'll have drank 540 drinks of beer and you won't be too pissed off... Plus you'll be pulling hard for California to go your way at that point...

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