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Which network will you be watching on Tuesday night?

Toe Jam

What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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I'm going with CNN.

Though many of you will disagree, I'd rather watch them than the extreme bias that is Fox News or MSNBC. Not sure what CBS or ABC bring to the table.

I'd rather not watch a ton of bias on election night. I've had enough of that.

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CNN. They have the magic maps that grow and shrink and stuff.

And I want to hear Wolf Blitzer say "we'll be watching that very closely" at least 100 times an hour. :silly:

He does do that alot.

But that magic wall is dope. You can get alot of information.

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Are you folks serious? Is Comedy Central covering it? I might watch it.


Comedy Central is trying to keep it hushed, so thank God you came to Indecision 2008 today.

The low budget, art-house special will reunite the giants of fake news at The Daily Show studio and will be broadcast to a limited audience including anyone who has cable or is standing in view of MTV's 44 1/2 foot JumboTron in the heart of Times Square at 10p EDT on Election Night.

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I'll be drunk and talking trash on some web site I go on. It's full of those Obamabots, so that might get annoying, but oh well. If it's close, it'll be fun to watch them squirm and cry foul.

See you guys Tuesday night. :D

I look forward to it.


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(Have to get Blondie to start a GameDay thread. (Although I prefer the chat. (Except for that annoying as Dallas timeout thing.)))

(Yes, I just used three sets of nested parenthesis. Live with it.)

Hey. Good idea.

We can get the chat up and running for election night.

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I'll be drunk and talking trash on some web site I go on. It's full of those Obamabots, so that might get annoying, but oh well. If it's close, it'll be fun to watch them squirm and cry foul.

See you guys Tuesday night. :D

And here's hoping that that web site you go to is full of happy Obamabots who are still glowing in the aftereffects of their victory, less than a day previous.

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