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Winnipeg 'white pride' mother regrets redrawing swastika on child's arm


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I think it's ridiculous folks would defend nazi symbolism. Seriously, are these the same voices complaining PC has run amok?

well that takes the cake.

Nazi Germany hijacked that symbol forever. No matter what meanings it ever had before, it only has one now among the people of the west, which is what we are, and common sense tells you that.

It should not be forgotten that the swastika was not only a symbol racism and hate, but above all a symbol of racial and ethnic superiority in the lunatic minds of the Nazis.

And quite frankly, arguing otherwise is simply being contrary for no other sake of it than to do so.

Never let it be forgotten that the tolerance of such hatred under the guise of being good for the people led to the single greatest cataclysm in the history of humanity.

Those ****s started World War II under that flag, and more people died worldwide as a result than any other event ever.

And never let it be forgotten that we humbled those ****ers in 5 years when they fully expected that flag to fly for a thousand.

And as a people we need to have learned from that and not tolerate this kind of bull**** again. Don't make excuses for this pig. Sure, she has the right to be one of those animals, so exercise YOUR right to point her out, call her out, denounce her and to never let her kind hide anywhere ever again.


PS- She shouldn't lose her kids over it, though. She didn't actually harm anyone. But I wouldn't complain if they sterilized her so she can't have any more.

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I dont get why people get so worked up about someone's view on something that they totally come around and insult their points of view and their opinions. Yet they go on and on about how they are offended. What about the people you are insulting because you have issue with what they think?

I would think being a bit more rational and respectful would be how you would wanna come across so that people would actually take you seriously.

And just so we're clear I am NOT directing this towards Bang

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I'm not sure how this will be taken on here but how is what she did different than these idiots over at the Westboro Baptist 'Church' teaching their kids to be anti-gays or whatever they claim to be? The Westboro Baptist 'Church' can keep their kids but this lady can't? They are both essentially teaching their kids to be prejudice.

But I could be asking some moronic questions as well.

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I dont get why people get so worked up about someone's view on something that they totally come around and insult their points of view and their opinions. Yet they go on and on about how they are offended. What about the people you are insulting because you have issue with what they think?
You mean the people who send their 7 year old daughters to school with swastikas drawn on their arm? Yea, I really don't think anyone gives 2 ****s about insulting those kind of people. :silly:

I don't know if she did anything illegal, but that's pretty damn stupid. Someone could easily beat her daughter up, if they understood what was going on.

I'm not sure how this will be taken on here but how is what she did different than these idiots over at the Westboro Baptist 'Church' teaching their kids to be anti-gays or whatever they claim to be? The Westboro Baptist 'Church' can keep their kids but this lady can't? They are both essentially teaching their kids to be prejudice.
I don't think they send their kids to school with God Hates Fags t-shirts.
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You mean the people who send their 7 year old daughters to school with swastikas drawn on their arm? Yea, I really don't think anyone gives 2 ****s about insulting those kind of people. :silly:

oh so I get it. It depends on if you care about that person's opinion or not that you show them respect. GOT IT!!

Hell man, I like that attitude but you arent going to make many friends on here with it.

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You mean the people who send their 7 year old daughters to school with swastikas drawn on their arm? Yea, I really don't think anyone gives 2 ****s about insulting those kind of people. :silly:

I don't know if she did anything illegal, but that's pretty damn stupid. Someone could easily beat her daughter up, if they understood what was going on.

I don't think they send their kids to school with God Hates Fags t-shirts.

Don't they have their kids go out and protest with them? Again, I don't know, Do not blast me for it.

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I dont get why people get so worked up about someone's view on something that they totally come around and insult their points of view and their opinions. Yet they go on and on about how they are offended. What about the people you are insulting because you have issue with what they think?

The problem is that a nazi symbol is an insult. It's like wearing "I hope you ****ing die!" on your arm. It's not a pride symbol saying something positive about themselves. It's a threatening symbol standing for hatred.

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I'm not sure how this will be taken on here but how is what she did different than these idiots over at the Westboro Baptist 'Church' teaching their kids to be anti-gays or whatever they claim to be? They are both essentially teaching their kids to be prejudice.

To me, it really is very close to the same issue. Those people ought to be ashamed of themselves for teaching hate. Actually, any Church that preaches hate ought to be excommunicated. You teach love, you teach the way of God, you criticize injustices and you can teach the "proper" way to live life, but you don't teach hate.

People who bend, twist, and torture the language of God to suit their hate-filled agenda are not (in my opinion) students or servants of God.

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I dont get why people get so worked up about someone's view on something that they totally come around and insult their points of view and their opinions. Yet they go on and on about how they are offended. What about the people you are insulting because you have issue with what they think?

I would think being a bit more rational and respectful would be how you would wanna come across so that people would actually take you seriously.

And just so we're clear I am NOT directing this towards Bang

I gotcha, and I wasn't directing mine straight at you either. Respect is there. I think you're playing a bit of Devil's Advocate, and there's nothing wrong with that. But in this case, it really IS the Devil you're advocating for :laugh:

I just think that as decent folks we can look at history and we can decide to collectively think that folks who do follow these symbols and what they stand for CAN be ostracized, CAN be denounced. It makes perfect sense to do so.

In other words, some beliefs deserve no respect based on the actions of those with like beliefs in the past. We know what Nazism stands for. We know what it did. We know.

We can't take her out and hang her, but we damn sure can disrespect her.


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She should have her children taken away.

Single parents that have an illness should also..

Anyone with a religion not of Abraham should also..

Any parent with a BMI of over 45 is harming their children.

Any parent with a child with over 40% fat should have them removed.

A child is caught smoking or a parent smokes at home, remove them.

The Gov't can raise them so much better in giant warehouse dorm rooms with the proper government education..



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I just think that as decent folks we can look at history and we can decide to collectively think that folks who do follow these symbols and what they stand for CAN be ostracized, CAN be denounced. It makes perfect sense to do so.


Very strongly agree with this.

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oh so I get it. It depends on if you care about that person's opinion or not that you show them respect. GOT IT!!

Hell man, I like that attitude but you arent going to make many friends on here with it.

Jokes buddy. ;)
Don't they have their kids go out and protest with them? Again, I don't know, Do not blast me for it.
Oh they do, but this lady sent her kid back to school with the swastika after they made her remove it.
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To me, it really is very close to the same issue. Those people ought to be ashamed of themselves for teaching hate. Actually, any Church that preaches hate ought to be excommunicated. You teach love, you teach the way of God, you criticize injustices and you can teach the "proper" way to live life, but you don't teach hate.

People who bend, twist, and torture the language of God to suit their hate-filled agenda are not (in my opinion) students or servants of God.

I completely agree.

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I think it's ridiculous folks would defend nazi symbolism. Seriously, are these the same voices complaining PC has run amok?

well that takes the cake.

1) Uh, I don't think the Nazis were really into political correctness. Unless you mean "Ve haf ways of making you agree vit ze Party!"

This is more a case of freedom run amok.

2) I'll also point out: I don't think a single person has endorsed her political views. All they've said is that they think that having the government take away her children because of her political views is excessive.

(The same thing you've said.)

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The problem is that a nazi symbol is an insult. It's like wearing "I hope you ****ing die!" on your arm. It's not a pride symbol saying something positive about themselves. It's a threatening symbol standing for hatred.

I made the same argument about nooses hanging over the "whites only tree". That it wasn't just political expression, it was a death threat.

(Many people disagreed with me.)

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I assume this wouldn't happen in the USA right? Mom's either EXTREMELY stupid or a racist, or both (I think the last).

Having said that the fan favorite WBC and the plagiarist who give away their teenage daughters to older men, get to keep their children and procrate.

The parents are definitely effed up people. I wish they did not have children. But as bad as I feel for these children I do not want us to go down the road of the state determining fit parents unless there is a crime committed.

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I'm no fan of the White Supremacy movement, but unless there is an actual crime being committed by them or the parents, I have a hard time seeing this denial of parental rights being appropriate. So far as I know its not illegal to teach your kids something that is unpopular, so long as they're not using it to act in an illegal manner.

it was canada, I don't know what kind of laws they have up there.

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