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Winnipeg 'white pride' mother regrets redrawing swastika on child's arm


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Winnipeg 'white pride' mother regrets redrawing swastika on child's arm

A Winnipeg mother whose children were seized by authorities after she sent her daughter to school with a swastika on her arm says she regrets redrawing the Nazi symbol after a teacher scrubbed it off.

The mother, who considers herself a white nationalist, is fighting the child welfare system to regain custody of her daughter, 7, and son, 2. They were taken away after the girl was sent to school with the swastika drawn on her arm.

Four months ago, her daughter drew a swastika on her arm and went to school, where her teacher scrubbed it off. The mother helped her daughter draw it on her arm again, an act she regrets.

"It was one of the stupidest things I've done in my life but it's no reason to take my kids," the mother told CBC News.

Child and Family Services case workers were alerted and went to the family's apartment, where they found neo-Nazi symbols and flags, and took custody of her son. Her daughter was taken from school.

In court documents, social workers say they're worried the parents' conduct and associations might harm the emotional well-being of the children and put them at risk.

Although she proudly wears a silver necklace that includes a swastika and has "white pride" flags in her home, the mother, who can't be named to avoid identifying her children, denies she's a neo-Nazi or white supremacist.

"A black person has a right to say black power or black pride and yet they're turning around on us and saying we're racists and bigots and neo-Nazis because we say white pride. It's hypocrisy at its finest."

The mother has been fighting in court for four months to get back her children, who are living with extended family. The mother can see her children for two hours a week.

"It's been gut-wrenching. I didn't get off the couch for the first eight days; I just cried. I laid in their bed and held their stuffed animals and just cried. Last few nights, I've been sleeping in my daughter's bed."

She's outraged that the police and child welfare authorities could take her children away because of her beliefs.

"I'm willing to jump through their hoops," she said. "If they want me to deny my beliefs, I'll tell them that, but at the same time, I'm not a traitor to my politics, my beliefs. I just want my kids back."

Case sparks debate

The case has sparked questions about whether the state has the right to protect children from their parents' beliefs.

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Child and Family Services case workers were alerted and went to the family's apartment, where they found neo-Nazi symbols and flags.

Although she proudly wears a silver necklace that includes a swastika and has "white pride" flags in her home, ... the mother denies she's a neo-Nazi or white supremacist.

What, they were on sale in Wal-Mart last month and the colors matched the furniture? :laugh:

The case has sparked questions about whether the state has the right to protect children from their parents' beliefs.

I agree that this is very dangerous territory.

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I'm no fan of the White Supremacy movement, but unless there is an actual crime being committed by them or the parents, I have a hard time seeing this denial of parental rights being appropriate. So far as I know its not illegal to teach your kids something that is unpopular, so long as they're not using it to act in an illegal manner.

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What, they were on sale in Wal-Mart last month and the colors matched the furniture? :laugh:

Hey, she didn't say she wasn't a Nazi. She just doesn't get along with them neo-Nazis. She's really mad about what them neo types have done to the party.

I agree that this is very dangerous territory.

Agreed. This may be one of those cases where the ACLU's gonna have to do something unpopular, or something.

It's a tough call. How far "out there" can a parent go? And is this lady further out there than that?

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It's a tough call. How far "out there" can a parent go? And is this lady further out there than that?

So far as I'm concerned the limit is when the physical and mental health of the child is at risk or the "out there" philosophy is actively pushing the children to break the law currently or in the future.

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Agreed. This may be one of those cases where the ACLU's gonna have to do something unpopular, or something.

It's a tough call. How far "out there" can a parent go? And is this lady further out there than that?

Shouldnt it be the CCLU? Canadien Civil Liberties Union?

or do they cover all of North America?

I dont know if it would be that unpopular - I kind of cringed when I read they took her kids over this. She is an idiot but when has that stopped people from being parents?

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I don't know how I feel about this. I definitely don't agree with this ladies beliefs but she hasn't done anything really wrong to have her children taken away. One side of my is thinking good, I'm glad her kids were taken away from her. The other side is calling me a hypocrite for judging someone who has a different belief then my own. Hate to be the person that has to make a ruling on this case. You're screwed no matter what you do.

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They probably should not have taken her children away. Then again, you have to be taught to hate and that certainly is what she wants to do and hate at the worst end of that spectrum. But still I think that the Gov. is wrong in this case. Freedom of thought and expression is not a crime. Possession of that evil crap is not a crime... Unless it is in Canada. Still, while she is likely a terrible mother, I don't know that she did anything to lose the right to be a mother.

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Hmmm, can't take the kid away IMO.

Unless there's physical harm/laws being broken, government can't just take a kid away for having a jerk as a parent...as much as I hate that Neo-Nazi crap.

x2. being a racist isnt a crime. she has the same right to draw that stupid symbol on her kids arm that black parents have to dress their kid in red, black, and green. that jews have to send their kids to school with the star of david around their neck.

is it annoying and stupid? hell yes!

is it illegal? nope.

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she has the same right to draw that stupid symbol on her kids arm that black parents have to dress their kid in red, black, and green. that jews have to send their kids to school with the star of david around their neck.

I don't think the latter two examples are comparable to the former.

But I agree with you that she has the right to be a racist.

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Fine. I guess the swastika is a form of expression. I just happen to associate it with racism.


oh of course!! but it is her way of expressing her white pride.

just like when people see the crucifix tat on my forearm that is my way of expressing my christian faith.

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oh of course!! but it is her way of expressing her white pride.

just like when people see the crucifix tat on my forearm that is my way of expressing my christian faith.

I understand where you are coming from. :)

But the bottom line is she shouldn't have had her kid taken from her.

No matter how repugnant her beliefs.

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White supremacy in Canada? I thought all of Canada was white. You can't help but turn white when it's 40 below.

Well, you know how it is up there,, one darkie moves within 900 miles of you and there goes the neighborhood.

I did a cartoon once about Ricky Williams going to Canada , and I looked up the statistics as part of the joke, if I remember right they're something like 88% white, with Asians making up the majority of the rest.

People got mad at me for making fun of Michael J Fox in that cartoon, but because I put Geddy Lee in it, a link showed up on Rush's main website :laugh:


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oh of course!! but it is her way of expressing her white pride.

just like when people see the crucifix tat on my forearm that is my way of expressing my christian faith.

A Nazi swastika is only a legitimate symbol of 'white pride' if 'white pride' means that everyone else is inferior. The Nazi swastika is a hate symbol and is used to intimidate others.

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