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Winnipeg 'white pride' mother regrets redrawing swastika on child's arm


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I made the same argument about nooses hanging over the "whites only tree". That it wasn't just political expression, it was a death threat.

(Many people disagreed with me.)

Holy Crap who were these people? I'm very interested in reading what they think the nooses on the tree were for. What more do you need, writing on each noose telling you they're up there saying if you sit under the tree we'll hang you? Sometimes people defend issues for all the wrong reasons.:doh:

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Holy Crap who were these people? I'm very interested in reading what they think the nooses on the tree were for. What more do you need, writing on each noose telling you they're up there saying if you sit under the tree we'll hang you? Sometimes people defend issues for all the wrong reasons.:doh:

Then Kamau Kambon should be jailed, right?

How bout the "the enemy doesn't wear red. The enemy doesn't wear blue. The enemy wears white! Even when he's buck naked!" 'pastor' from the Millions More March.

Are we going to limit all hate speech that can be perceived as threatening? Or just half of it?

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I just don't understand how people can just blindly hate. Maybe I just think differently but I thought we're supposed to judge people on their actions and not skin color. I feel bad but I doubt I can do anything about it though.

edit: ....................FFS I just wikipedia that Kamao K guy.:doh: I'm starting to have second thoughts on raising a kid with all this blind hatred.

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Then Kamau Kambon should be jailed, right?

How bout the "the enemy doesn't wear red. The enemy doesn't wear blue. The enemy wears white! Even when he's buck naked!" 'pastor' from the Millions More March.

Are we going to limit all hate speech that can be perceived as threatening? Or just half of it?

Oh now I see what you're implying. You assuming I think that it's ok if it's blacks hating on whitey but wrong if it's the other way around. Why would you think that H_H? Kind of surprised since your the first one that's ever called me out on that. I tend to hear alot of racist remarks from people I know until they hear my background. Then it's kind of funny where they backpeddle and say "well I didn't mean you"............interesting.

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Oh now I see what you're implying. You assuming I think that it's ok if it's blacks hating on whitey but wrong if it's the other way around. Why would you think that H_H? Kind of surprised since your the first one that's ever called me out on that. I tend to hear alot of racist remarks from people I know until they hear my background. Then it's kind of funny where they backpeddle and say "well I didn't mean you"............interesting.

Easy bud. I can assure you that I've been called a racist more often than anyone on this board. I consider it something of a badge of honor. ;)

I'm just saying that if you censor one group for speech that could be considered threatening, you must inherently censor it all.

Something about equal protection under the law. :)

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Easy bud. I can assure you that I've been called a racist more often than anyone on this board. I consider it something of a badge of honor. ;)

I'm just saying that if you censor one group for speech that could be considered threatening, you must inherently censor it all.

Something about equal protection under the law. :)

It's cool it's just you're the first that's ever said I was defending black people's(sorry if I'm offending anyone) right to bash the whitey.(again sorry) Usually it's the other way around in my everyday life for me. I'm honored really I am.:cheers:

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Easy bud. I can assure you that I've been called a racist more often than anyone on this board. I consider it something of a badge of honor. ;)

Maybe it's because you haven't seen a thread yet that isn't about race, to you. :)

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Oh, nevermind.

Some other overly sensitive white guy beat me to it. :silly:

I don't know weren't you the one who was saying how Jack London's White Fang was a great book, but that you couldn't stand Black Beauty?

:evil: Ninja HH said nothing of the sort

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