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Student Who Took Religious Icon Getting Death Threats


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Student Who Took Religious Icon Getting Death Threats

By Cheryl Getuiza


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) --A UCF student claims he’s getting death threats for messing with something sacred.

Webster Cook says he smuggled a Eucharist, a small bread wafer that to Catholics symbolic of the Body of Christ after a priest blesses it, out of mass, didn’t eat it as he was supposed to do, but instead walked with it.

Catholics worldwide became furious.

Webster’s friend, who didn’t want to show his face, said he took the Eucharist, to show him what it meant to Catholics.

Webster gave the wafer back, but the Catholic League, a national watchdog organization for Catholic rights claims that is not enough.

“We don’t know 100% what Mr. Cooks motivation was,” said Susan Fani a spokesperson with the local Catholic diocese. “However, if anything were to qualify as a hate crime, to us this seems like this might be it.”

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I'm out of my depth here. I don't understand this. Help?

I was all ready to be outraged and said the punk deserves what he gets for stealing a Religious Icon, but if it's a blessed piece of bread that he was supposed to eat...? I realize symbolically it's more than that, but where is the hate, the harm, the foul?

I'm not trying to be beligerant. I just don't understand.

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I read elsewhere that the student had a beef with the college providing funding to religious organizations so there may be more to his motivation. But describing it as a "hate crime" seems to be taking it a little far.

But if you actually believe that the wafer is the body of Christ, is this akin to grave robbing?

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I'm out of my depth here. I don't understand this. Help?

I was all ready to be outraged and said the punk deserves what he gets for stealing a Religious Icon, but if it's a blessed piece of bread that he was supposed to eat...? I realize symbolically it's more than that, but where is the hate, the harm, the foul?

I'm not trying to be beligerant. I just don't understand.

Lets just say that the kid, as well as the people making the threats need some chlorine added to their gene pool.

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Student Who Took Religious Icon Getting Death Threats

By Cheryl Getuiza


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) --A UCF student claims he’s getting death threats for messing with something sacred.

Webster Cook says he smuggled a Eucharist, a small bread wafer that to Catholics symbolic of the Body of Christ after a priest blesses it, out of mass, didn’t eat it as he was supposed to do, but instead walked with it.

Catholics worldwide became furious.

Webster’s friend, who didn’t want to show his face, said he took the Eucharist, to show him what it meant to Catholics.

Webster gave the wafer back, but the Catholic League, a national watchdog organization for Catholic rights claims that is not enough.

“We don’t know 100% what Mr. Cooks motivation was,” said Susan Fani a spokesperson with the local Catholic diocese. “However, if anything were to qualify as a hate crime, to us this seems like this might be it.”

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Wow, its a good thing I didnt hand those things out last halloween like i wanted to.


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See, if they just all became Baptists this wouldn't be a problem. To us its just a cracker we eat in memorium. :D

Come on, did Christ in the Apostles really have crackers and grape juice at the Last Supper :silly: :laugh:

On a serious note, it is a sacrament, and therefore it is a serious thing -- regardless of whether you're using bread, crackers, or cheetos. It is important to believers. What this kid did was wrong, and there probably should be some remediation.

But on the other hand, it sure sounds like a mountain out of a mole hill. Of course, it seems folks seem to have an affinity for "Mole Mountains" these days. Gets good air time, I guess. :whoknows:

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I'm out of my depth here. I don't understand this. Help?

I was all ready to be outraged and said the punk deserves what he gets for stealing a Religious Icon, but if it's a blessed piece of bread that he was supposed to eat...? I realize symbolically it's more than that, but where is the hate, the harm, the foul?

I'm not trying to be beligerant. I just don't understand.

The Eucharist in a Catholic service IS the body of Christ. It isn't symbolic.

As such, it is treated very specially. There are very specific rules about disposal. Essentially, the only acceptable disposal method is eating it. I was once at a service given by a missionary that had been working in the Amazon. I guess people were living in "houses" that had board floors, but with gaps between the boards and the "houses" were elevated over a swamp. He dropped a piece of the Eucharist, it fell between the boards, and under the house. He couldn't just leave it there so he prepared to climb out of the house, through the swamp, and then under the house to go get it. As he was making his way to it, a chicken came and it ate. He figured that was okay. If had retrieved it, he would have eaten it.

The samething with the blood (wine). All the blood must be consumed during the mass. After mass, the cups used to serve the blood that always have some left in them and bowls used to serve the Eucharist that can contain crumbs are rinsed and the rinse is put down a special drain that goes straight down into the ground and not the normal drain that runs into the sewer.

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Student Who Took Religious Icon Getting Death Threats

By Cheryl Getuiza


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) --A UCF student claims he’s getting death threats for messing with something sacred.

Webster Cook says he smuggled a Eucharist, a small bread wafer that to Catholics symbolic of the Body of Christ after a priest blesses it, out of mass, didn’t eat it as he was supposed to do, but instead walked with it.

Catholics worldwide became furious.

Webster’s friend, who didn’t want to show his face, said he took the Eucharist, to show him what it meant to Catholics.

Webster gave the wafer back, but the Catholic League, a national watchdog organization for Catholic rights claims that is not enough.

“We don’t know 100% what Mr. Cooks motivation was,” said Susan Fani a spokesperson with the local Catholic diocese. “However, if anything were to qualify as a hate crime, to us this seems like this might be it.”

Click on the link for the full article

Aren't those wafers just these? :whoknows:


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Interesting. Again, not meaning offense, but wouldn't taking the "body of Christ" out into the world and delivering him to others be considered a good or righteous thing to do? It would seem to me that giving of Christ would be possibly even better than consuming it yourself.

Just trying to figure it out. Apologies if I'm being offensive.

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Interesting. Again, not meaning offense, but wouldn't taking the "body of Christ" out into the world and delivering him to others be considered a good or righteous thing to do? It would seem to me that giving of Christ would be possibly even better than consuming it yourself.

Just trying to figure it out. Apologies if I'm being offensive.

"Webster’s friend, who didn’t want to show his face, said he took the Eucharist, to show him what it meant to Catholics."

The kid stole it just to be a d*ck.

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Agreed. I'm trying to figure out the larger meaning of this practice. If someone with nobler intentions wanted to take the body of Christ (the eucharist) out of the Church to give it to a lost or hurting soul would that be considered an act of out rage or hate?

On the individual act, it seems like a dumb thing to do, although I can't quite wrap my head entirely around why it would be that BIG a deal as it sounds like it is within the Catholic world.

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Interesting. Again, not meaning offense, but wouldn't taking the "body of Christ" out into the world and delivering him to others be considered a good or righteous thing to do? It would seem to me that giving of Christ would be possibly even better than consuming it yourself.

Just trying to figure it out. Apologies if I'm being offensive.

Don't worry about it.

Try considering it on a personal level. Pick somebody close to you that has died.

How would you feel if somebody took their remains w/o telling you they were going to do so or why they were going to do so even if their intentions were good?

Haven't you talked about your grandmother before in glowing terms?

What happened if somebody took her remains to show friends as a method of sharing her ideals and life story w/o telling you?

This is clearly a case of the problem is that he didn't tell anybody what he was doing, and nobody knows what he actually did do once having it out of the Church.

Taking a non-transformed piece of Eucharist to his friends to show. No problem.

His friends coming into the Church to see the Eucharist. No problem.

Depending on the situation and/or his relationships with the Priests he could have maybe even "borrowed" a piece (he probably would have had to take a class that's normally about an hour) or had somebody else bring one for them to see.

Him simply taking it w/ no prior permission and no over sight as to what was actually done gets about the same response as "borrowing" remains of loved ones.


I'm not trying to condone people giving him death threats. Even if I don't think the death threats are good, this is a serious matter to a Catholic, and I'm trying to explain why.

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While I think the people sending death threats are clearly out of line, and the church itself is maybe a bit overboard in their handling of this situation, I believe that folks making fun of the sacrament here is in bad taste.

I don't believe it either. It's stale bread.

But they believe it, and there's plenty of Catholics on this board who do as well. Folks shouldn't make fun of their devotion to it.

Bad form.


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Don't worry about it.

Try considering it on a personal level. Pick somebody close to you that has died.

How would you feel if somebody took their remains w/o telling you they were going to do so or why they were going to do so even if their intentions were good?

Okay, I can see that. Thanks.

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Interesting. Again, not meaning offense, but wouldn't taking the "body of Christ" out into the world and delivering him to others be considered a good or righteous thing to do? It would seem to me that giving of Christ would be possibly even better than consuming it yourself.

Just trying to figure it out. Apologies if I'm being offensive.

The Lord's Supper or Communion is about being part of the Lord's people (the church).

In the New Testament, its very clear that eating it is for Christians only and that it is not to be taken lightly or superficially.

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.

~ 1 Corinthians 11

I believe that folks making fun of the sacrament here is in bad taste.

I don't believe it either. It's stale bread.

But they believe it, and there's plenty of Catholics on this board who do as well. Folks shouldn't make fun of their devotion to it.

Bad form.


My apologies. I wasn't trying to be mean. Baptist's also take communion seriously. We just don't believe in transubstantiation.
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can't you buy those things at christian retail outlets?

I believe in the Catholic version of transubstantiation, once the priest blesses the bread and wine, at that point it is believed to be the real body and blood of Christ.

Prior to that, you could do whatever and it would cause no offense.

The problem is, this kid knew it would cause offense after it was blessed, and did it regardless.

Again, shouldn't be receiving death threats, but it's pretty low.

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