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Was Jesus conceived during the rape of Mary by a Roman soldier?


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This is absolutely insulting. I dont understand why people feel the need or are allowed to come in here and insult something that is held so high by others.

Who in the hell are you to post something like this? This is nothing but an attack on my religious beliefs and you are ONLY doing it to cause problems.

Your affront to the right of free speech in unAmerican, unPatriotic and it offends me. Love it or leave it.

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thats true, I can see that. But then I will say that I dont limit myself to one strict belief when it comes to Christianity. I have my beliefs but I am not going to say anyone else's are wrong as long as they follow the Bible.

So you are saying Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Et al are wrong?

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You see this is why this country and this world is in such a sad shape. Any retarded fool that can actually come to any conclusion that differs in anyway from the bible is destined to play with Satan. So I can and at first get real upset at this fool who wrote the book, along with the asses that print it or put it online to be viewed.

Remember fellow Christians all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed. Just think of the day we shall all be with our father and be able to have such pity and remorse for all these lost souls!

Remember we can't get the the father without first going through the son!

So all I can say is pray for these fools, they surely need it now and later.

Oneday we might be able to actually see Jesus ask this fool what in the world were you thinking?

Oh that's right you weren't.................

I rebuke you Satan and all that believe in his lies!

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You see this is why this country and this world is in such a sad shape. Any retarded fool that can actually come to any conclusion that differs in anyway from the bible is destined to play with Satan. So I can and at first get real upset at this fool who wrote the book, along with the asses that print it or put it online to be viewed.

Remember fellow Christians all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed. Just think of the day we shall all be with our father and be able to have such pity and remorse for all these lost souls!

Remember we can't get the the father without first going through the son!

So all I can say is pray for these fools, they surely need it now and later.

Oneday we might be able to actually see Jesus ask this fool what in the world were you thinking?

Oh that's right you weren't.................

I rebuke you Satan and all that believe in his lies!

I don't know whether or not this post is a joke, but either way, it's fantastic!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I don't buy it...if Jesus was conceived as a result of Mary being raped by a Roman soldier, then He really could not have been God's son. but, there are just too many passages in the New Testament where God himself speaks and refers to Jesus as His son.

Logic dictates that Her Direktor is wrong.

If you take the Bible literally, you don't even have to go that far to conclude that the guy's off base.

If you don't take the Bible literally, or if you've ever seen an interview with Verhoeven, you still probably think he's at least a bit of an idiot.

With all due respect, faith and logic don't get along very consistently, since you have already abandoned cold logic to get to the faith. (And cold logic requires abandoning faith, so please don't construe that as an attack. It goes both ways.)

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I don't know which is better.

BigMike's 23rd thread where he has gotten livid thinking that he is being personally attacked (when of course he wasn't at all).


BigMike's 23rd thread where he has mocked someone else for having thin skin.

The best part is that they are all the same threads. :applause:

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If you follow the faith, your answer must be yes.

Just as it must be for the Muslim, Hindu, etc.

So then the question I ask next is, does mike truly follow his faith, does he attend service on sundays, or does he fly off the handle when he feels he should be offended.

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You see this is why this country and this world is in such a sad shape. Any retarded fool that can actually come to any conclusion that differs in anyway from the bible is destined to play with Satan.

May I suggest some changes for improved accuracy:

You see this is why this country and this world is in such a sad shape:

"Any retarded fool that can actually come to any conclusion that differs in anyway from the bible is destined to play with Satan."

Amazing what a little change in punctuation and formatting can accomplish.

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I don't know whether or not this post is a joke, but either way, it's fantastic!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

No it wasn't meant to be a joke, that post is for the spiritual that actually understand what believing in God and Jesus is about. Not some ill informed public figure that wants to spread even more doubt and lies about Jesus and God. However the reference of faith the size of a mustard seed is very relevant and to all the followers out there that believe in God and Jesus and what it takes to make it the promised land:

God has seen you struggling,

God says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God please share this with others who are struggling, so they may be encouraged also~! Please don't ignore, you are being tested.

So to all who believe I hope you enjoy, for those who don't ow well I guess free will is a real humdinger! Especially when Satan is bending you all over with no grease for all of eternity.......I guess you all will be with the guys that killed Sean Taylor. See Ya and WOULD NEVER WANT TO BE YA!


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I rebuke you Satan and all that believe in his lies!

Made me think of the Godfather:

Priest: Michael, do you believe in God, the Father Almighty -- Creator of Heaven and Earth?

Michael: I do.

Priest: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord?

Michael: I do.

Priest: Do you believe in the Holy Ghost -- the Holy Catholic Church?

Michael: I do.

Priest: Michael Francis Rizzi -- do you renounce Satan?

Michael: I do renounce him.

Meanwhile he's having Barzini, Tattaglia, Moe Greene, Strachi, and Cuneo killed.

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May I suggest some changes for improved accuracy:

Amazing what a little change in punctuation and formatting can accomplish.

Sorry I don't worry about all the perfect punctuation and formatting. There is a thing called speaking with passion and that is what I do especially on threads like this.

I trust you picked up what my meaning and words were saying. :D

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Sorry I don't worry about all the perfect punctuation and formatting. There is a thing called speaking with passion and that is what I do especially on threads like this.

I trust you picked up what my meaning and words were saying. :D

Those changes were not at all about the punctuation and formatting!

Go back and read the new version closely, to see what actually changed.

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this IS wrong and done for no other reason but to attack Christians and their beliefs. I take that as a personal attack. He is basically posting a thread that states my savior that I have spent my whole life worshipping was conceived by rape. That the Virgin Mary was raped by roman soldiers.

You cant see how that is insulting and out of line?

I don't view it as insulting at all. It's just a theory. If you disagree, then do so. The Bible obviously isn't able to prove much, so it's natural for people to question it.

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I have said nothing of the sort.


thats true, I can see that. But then I will say that I dont limit myself to one strict belief when it comes to Christianity. I have my beliefs but I am not going to say anyone else's are wrong as long as they follow the Bible.
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If you follow the faith, your answer must be yes.

Just as it must be for the Muslim, Hindu, etc.

The problem I always find with this viewpoint is the fact that your religion is almost always dictated by your parents, and where you're born.

I can guarantee that if you were born in Saudi Arabia you wouldn't come to the same conclusions about Christianity.

So I never understand that part of religion.

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So all I can say is pray for these fools, they surely need it now and later.
So to all who believe I hope you enjoy, for those who don't ow well I guess free will is a real humdinger! Especially when Satan is bending you all over with no grease for all of eternity.......I guess you all will be with the guys that killed Sean Taylor. See Ya and WOULD NEVER WANT TO BE YA!

That's one heck of a prayer.

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No it wasn't meant to be a joke, that post is for the spiritual that actually understand what believing in God and Jesus is about. Not some ill informed public figure that wants to spread even more doubt and lies about Jesus and God. However the reference of faith the size of a mustard seed is very relevant and to all the followers out there that believe in God and Jesus and what it takes to make it the promised land:

God has seen you struggling,

God says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God please share this with others who are struggling, so they may be encouraged also~! Please don't ignore, you are being tested.

So to all who believe I hope you enjoy, for those who don't ow well I guess free will is a real humdinger! Especially when Satan is bending you all over with no grease for all of eternity.......I guess you all will be with the guys that killed Sean Taylor. See Ya and WOULD NEVER WANT TO BE YA!


Right back at ya...:rolleyes:

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