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If you could remake a classic movie...


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If you could remake a classic movie today:

What would it be?

Who would you get to play the lead role?

What would you change?

For me, I'd like to see a remake of The Quiet Man.

Russell Crowe could play the part of Sean Thornton (John Wayne). Don't know who I would get to play Maureen O'Hara's part though.

No changes either. It would be set in the same time period and everything.

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Though one of my favorites, I'd have to say MASH.

I read the book recently and I loved every word of it. Though the film was much closer to the book than the T.V. show, I noticed it omitted a lot of plot devices I found to be hysterical. I'd remake MASH, and basically use the book itself as my screen play.

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There's a few come to mind but a quick one just for fun: capture the feel of the old Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes with a really good script and big budget for realism.


Patrick Stewart as Holmes (he's been winning very prestigious awards the last few years for Shakespearean work)

Philip Seymour Hoffman as Watson (a Watson true to Doyle)

No Moriarty on the first two films, but then, Vincent D'onfrio playing that role on the final leg of a trilogy.

Hugh Laurie as Lestrade

Diana Rigg as Mrs Hudson (Holmes' housekeeper)

And actors in various roles in a three film arc as innocents and ne'er do wells

Glenn Close, Colin Farrell, Meryl Streep, Ben Kingsley, Laurence Fisburne, Benecio Del Toro, Scarlett Johansson, Robert De Niro, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Dakota Fanning, Judi Dench, Forrest Whitaker, and Russel Crowe.

Director: Jonathan Demme

Maybe William Monahan or Christopher McQuarrie for screenplay adaptation

Always wanted to see a Holme's movie given serious effort. :)

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I understand that when Terminator was originally cast, Schwartzneger was supposed to play Reese. (Because Reese was the biggest, baddest, toughest dude the resistance could find to send back, naked, to fight a Terminator.)

The Terminator was supposed to be played by Lance Henrikson (because the Terminator was supposed to look like an ordinary Joe.)

I'd like to see it done that way. And the other thing I'd change would be to eliminate all of the scenes from the future. a) The effects were cheesy, and B) I don't want to "tell" the audience that this "future war" thing is true. I want the audience to think that Reese is a nutjob. Until Henrikson takes a 12-gauge to the chest and gets up.


BTW, imdb trivia for Terminator says:

O.J. Simpson was considered for the role of the Terminator, but the producers feared he was "too nice" to be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer.
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Full Metal Jacket


not THAT classic, but i would love to see these movies with a bigger budget and some ingenuity

I'm curious, but why would you want to have those movies remade? To me those two are perfect example of classic movies that have aged gracefully and no matter how many times I see them I can't think of any aspect of the film that bothers me or would prompt me to wish for them to be remade.

When I think of movies I'd like to see remade it's primarily classic movies that didn't necessarily suffer from lack of special effects, but movies that could be made on a much more epic and engrossing scale with todays technology and know how.

Movies like Spartacus for example or some of Fritz Lang's classics like Metropolis or Siegfried: Die Niebelungen. Mobie Dick is another one of those movies that I would put in that category.

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Basic Instinct.

Catherine : I can think of many options.

Detective Whatever his name is: Myself.

The casting calls and screen tests would be sold only to ES members for the first year. After that we are going DVD (with the rest of the cut footage), no cable at all..well maybe a big one time pay-per-view.

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And also not a classic, but one movie I really wanted to change:

Star Trek 6. Enterprise is trying to get a Klingon ambassador to a peace conference, but somebody is trying to kill the ambassador (and they're making it look like Enterprise is doing it.) Turns out that the Traitor is . . . the disposable new character who we just introduced in this movie.

I wanted the saboteur to be Chekhov, for several reasons. The Chekhov character was originally conceived as "a young Kirk". And sabotaging a peace conference with the Klingons is the kind of thing a young Kirk might have done. And I want to see a scene where Kirk has to explain to "a young Kirk" the importance of always following orders, even when you think Headquarters is wrong.

In my version, the attempts to start a war haven't worked. Enterprise sensors detect that someone has beamed over to the Klingon ship. Sensors say an explosive was transported, as well. Kirk beams over (with great difficulty, because he's trying to conceal the transporter from the Klingons.) He materializes to find . . Chekhov, planting a bomb. The Truth comes out. But alarms begin sounding. The Klingons have detected their intrusion. They begin forcing the door, and raise shields. Transport is now going to be very tough.

Enterprise thinks they can beam one back at a time. Kirk orders one to beam back . . . and throws his communicator to Chekhov. Chekhov beams back. Kirk doesn't.

Chekhov is frantic. They have to rescue Kirk. Spock takes him aside, and explains "the logic of the situation".

Kirk can't say that Chekhov was acting on his own. The Klingons won't believe him, not with Kirk's reputation. They'll be convinced that Chekhov was acting under Kirk's orders, and that Kirk is simply trying to sacrifice a subordinate. Spock explains that the reason Kirk sent Chekhov back, is because Kirk is even now doing the only thing he can do, to try to save the possibility of peace with the Klingons: He's "confessing" to Chekhov's crimes.

Further, Spock points out, Chekhov can't even tell the truth to Starfleet. If he does, then Starfleet will try to save Kirk. And Starfleet's actions will be seen by the Klingons as proof that Kirk was acting under Starfleet's orders.

In short, Spock explains, the only way to fix the problem Chekhov has created, is for everybody to go along with Kirk's confession. That that's the price that has to be paid, in order to square the betrayals that have been committed.

(Yeah, OK, I want a lot of melodrama. Sue me.)

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Guest sith lord

I would like to see a better version of Godzilla vs King Kong with alternate endings. One ending would have Godzilla the victor and the other Kong. With todays CGI, it would be worlds better than the original.

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I would like to see a better version of Godzilla vs King Kong with alternate endings. One ending would have Godzilla the victor and the other Kong. With todays CGI, it would be worlds better than the original.

That would be very cool. The King Kong in the original is awful looking.

A lot of those monster movies could be redone,, Creature from the Black Lagoon, the Wolf Man, Them! ..they would be really cool.

The Day The Earth Stood Still ..Fantastic Voyage.

How about Sgt. York?


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I don't know why some of you would want to remake great movies. For me, movies that should be remade are the ones that had potential but missed.

One movie I always thought had a ton of potential was "Pi". Great plot. Really crappy production. (even though it won some independent film awards... it was still crappy.)

Here's the trailer

It's about a mathemetician who discovers numeric patterns in different systems like the stock market/etc... and in doing so, discovers the Jewish name for God (which is forbidden to say out loud according to Jewish law and has a lot of religious implications)

Awesome plot imho

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