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If you could remake a classic movie...


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Taxi Driver

Director: David Lynch. Lynch would make it a TRUE psychological thriller. And intense. This version would be more of an internal mental struggle.

Travis, the Cabbie: Michael Keaton (even though he's kinda old now..he'd be insane with Lynch directing him, omg). With his track record of roles, he could pull off a more schizophrenic approach.

Betsy, campaign worker: Carrie Anne Moss. The "you better freakin impress me to go on a date" attitude that wasn't pulled off before.

Iris, teen prostitute: Maybe Imogen Poots, the young girl from 28 Weeks Later. Otherwise anyone really, has to be a young girl willing to do such a controversial role. I chose her because she looks to have a lot of potential.

Sport, the pimp: Willem Dafoe. He's worked with Lynch, and created the sleeziest, nastiest character I'ver ever seen.

Wizard, the street-smart cabbie: Peter Boyle, still. He's old, wise, and is kinda creepy lookin now...which would fit Lynch's dark styles.

I thought the original by Scorcese was severly lacking, and was only respected because it was simply in your face, like the porn, teen prostitutes, and shooting pimps. I would cut out the war thing, leave more of an enigma into Travis' past. I'd also take out the whole senator connection and replace it with Travis witnessing crimes right on the street without justice intervening.

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I'm not sure which one, but I'd take a whack at one of the Abbot and Costello Movies or maybe Coconauts by the Marx Bros. Love the patter and cleverness and outright ridiculousness of some of those old time comedy teams.

Bud and Lou were really funny.

Casting them would actually be really hard.

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Godzilla, Star Trek, Terminator-maybe. As for the real classics, Casablanca, GWTW, Citizen Kane, Kubrick's films, and the like, that stuff should remain untouched. Remaking them is sacriligious. Seriously.

Hey, I've got an idea. How about instead of trying to remake perfectly good films, the folks in Hollywood bring together good actors, directors, scripts and production crews? Then, VIOLA! A good film. Amazing concept. But I suppose radical ideas like that will never take hold.

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